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Preview of Evolve up on Jambase (link)


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Yeah they printed the actual (p)review I wrote without touch ups. Wondering if the Nero fans would agree with how I summed up the band- only listened to tapes but have emailed the guys and have a sense of where they're coming from. Threw in a bit of a dig about them covering something actually cool like Tube and not just First Tube.JambaseNorthern Heads

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Thats a great article! Good introduction for USA heads to alot of great Canadian bands. I know you gave us the link , but how to get to it from the home page?

Is that Gin&Juice really covered by Phish, I downloaded that off Napster too, but didnt think it was Phish?

Who are the friends, does you comment mean that perhaps some BNBs, GTBs, or neros will play with the Slip? Or maybe an allstar jam. If so wow.

I first heard about GTB from a review or something like that on the jambase.com. Was that you who wrote that also?

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Thanks so much all. Really nice to hear the words of support. I guess I was worried that I wouldn't do the Nero horde justice as I haven't seen them live.

To answer a few comments. Yes the Slip and Friends is an All-Star Jam. I just heard strictly hush hush and on the QT that the Slip manager is driving up and may bring along a couple of the Miracle Orchestra horn players (Slippery Miracle has been playing North American/North African trance groove music as of late). Definitely not confirmed but if it happened it would just stratosperize the whole thing. I'm really hoping for the big covers during that set as a shared repertoire would be one of the few things the players would have in common.

What else? Oh the Jerry thing. I should have changed that awhile ago. The really weird thing is that I was looking at a bunch of Jerry pics on the anniversary that this guy had taken and posted online and chose that one not cause of the date but cause of the knowing look and smile.

Then later that night it dawned on me, actually my buddy Abe pointed it out- maybe I blanked and thought he died in '96- but then I realized that the images were all saved as names and dates i.e. jerry103185, jerry8995. And when I optimized the image for the web I carried over that naming convention- which is something I rarely do incidentally- so it was still called jerry8995 or whatever. Then when Abe explained it I couldn't for the life of me figure out the fluke. Best I can figure is that amongst all these accurately labelled shots this guy had taken he chose that one as the memorial shot and then named it jerry8995 as in trey420. Anyways if you can figure that out let that stew your noodle. So that's probably why I haven't changed the date yet, even though it bothers me and would be piddly to fix.

And the Gin and Juice thing you're right about that too. Piss me right off, I was prob'ly thinking Getting Jiggy which is prob'ly the comment that was made to me about the 'Nish. I hate those kind of blips piss me right off.

Hope to see any of you if you make it out. We're just confirming our RV tonight so should be smooth sailings. Pop by for a beer or if you're game we're going to have an informal Ultimate Frisbee tournament Saturday and Sunday morning.Northern Heads

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I thought the Northern Heads recommended not drinking beer for the festival. Which is a excellent recommendation because, it just tires you out. Best thing to do is water all day, then hit the hard stuff at night.

If you want some nero you can download it at Indikas ftp. They are in mp3s, but if you a serious collector we can set you up with the Shns or audio.

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Kung, I think the first thing you have to do right after reading my post is remove the date under the picture of Garcia...

It is so very wrong, that is Jerry sometime in 90/91...........

But nice inclusion on the site, we all should reflect on Jerry 08/09, even if you dont listen to the Dead or havent seen a show....

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