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Question of the day: 9/11


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Things I've learned:

Live life to it's fullest, cause you never know what may happen tomorrow.

Life is precious

Borders and Patriotism are not necessarily good things......a world without borders where everone takes care of each other would make for a more peaceful existence.

George Bush is an egotistical, bullying warmonger who I find, personally, much scarier than the "terrorists".

There is always an upside to tragedy....some people hopefully learn to be kinder, more sensitive and much more open to other people's opinions/cultures/religious beliefs.

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That CNN, Fox, ABC and every other "news station" is guilty of the same things.

I have watched all morning as news casters talked about how to minimize anxiety in their children on the anniversary, all the while clearly displaying Terror Alert: High warnings. Me thinks that might cause some anxiety.

Plus I truly believe the American Terror Alert went to high the day GWB was "elected" (such a farcical use of the word).

I have also learned again, how much I love Canada, and its people. Through all of this Mr Chretien and our government have been extremely diplomatic without falling victim to the hysteria of the war on terrorism.

Does it bother anyone else that the US is using this whole shakeup as another avenue to attack the War on Drugs? Has anyone seen the commercial that would lead you to believe a 14 year old smoking ajoint is supporting terrorists? Ugh.

Everyone should go out and read "Stupid White Men" by Michael Moore. He talks in length about just how screwy the election was and other things Un American.

Oh year and did anyone else hear that Jed Bushs daughter Nicole? was caught with cocaine in her REHAB?!?!?!!? I guess their family supports terrorism too.

I have to stop now, my blood pressure is going through the roof.

And I grew up loving America, and all things American due to my fathers Dual Citizenship.....


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I have learned a lot in the past year.. but one thing that I have learned forsure is that this whole sept 11 shit is really annoying. "THE DAY THE WORLD CHANGED" is an overstatement to say the least. I love the way the Americans think they are the world. What about countries who this happens to every day. I mean.. Yes it is a shocking event..but we have to remember the perspective on the issue. Think of how many people the Airforce has killed in the past year trying to track down Osama Bin Laden. Think of how many times the US has tried to make themselves look benevolent by dropping food kits in Afganistan...

I'm sorry for the rant, but it is just gotten to the point of me puking all over the american flag or something of that nature. I'm glad that many Canadians have stopped and thought about how contradictory George W. Bush and his prorities are... Critical thinking can get you alot further than conformist thinking.. [smile]



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Originally posted by Sarahbelle:

Critical thinking can get you alot further than conformist thinking..

You're awesome, Sarah!

Things I have learned over the past year:

The world is a much smaller place than I could have ever realized in my 28 years.

Violence begets violence (I think I alredy knew that but it has been brought home)

George W. Bush is a puppet not a leader. A bad and stupid man. Hopefully history will record him as being a one-term loser just like Pops.

I have learned that religious extremism of any kind is perhaps the most dangerous thing the world as a whole faces and must be dealt with.

I have learned that I know precious little.

I have learned that border crossings are more awful than ever.

I have learned that the US administartion has no shame.

I will never see a firefighter in the same way.

I have learned that I will probably never forget what it was like for those couple of hours wondering just when this insanity would end.

I have learned that I actually found a bit of respect for the way our government and specifically Jean Chretien handled themselves on our behalf in the days that followed. (Time to review and roll back those anti-terror laws, though!)

I have learned that some people seem to think they are being effective or sympathetic by turning their angst towards Muslims and Arabs, surely the most cowardly response.

And, in the last year, I have discovered all of you beautiful people and I wish each and every one of you and your loved ones peace, happiness, grace and love for the rest of your lives.

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Ms. H, Phred: Your prescriptions for Soma are in the mail.

Rather than be blissfully ignorant, how about being blissfully aware? I saw an interview with the singer from System Of A Down, who was asked about beauty vs. ugliness in the world. "There's an orange tree outside my bedroom window, so when I wake up, I see oranges. That's beautiful."

Yes, there's ugliness (and ignorance, and stupidity, and hatred) in the world, but there is also beauty, and knowledge, and wonder, and love. The good stuff may be hidden (or drowned out) by the bad stuff, but it's still there, you just have to look for it and help create it.

"Blissing out" as a life-policy takes you just that: out. Don't take yourself out of the game, we need you.



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i have learned that you can't trust a girl, no matter how much you love her.

i have learned that too much xtc and acid at the same time makes me delusional.

i have learned that sometimes 2 wrongs do make a right, but for the most part wrongs suck ass.

i have learned that running your own business isn't as easy as it sounds.

i have learned that getting a house is easier than it sounds

i have learned that my friends are the most wonderful friends any guy could ever be lucky enough to have.

i have learned that peace and love is not just idealistic hippy bullshit.

i have learned that ambition is a wonderful thing for me to have.

i have learned that moe. RULES!

i have learned that spite and jealousy are petty, wasted emotions

i have learned that just because it's a role, doesn't make it an act.

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Originally posted by secondtube:

[QB]On Monday I had two seizures and found myself in the hospital; my licence taken away.



Holy shit, Steve! I'm glad to hear you and Mighty T are ok, in light of being behind the wheel and all.

I'll be calling you tonight.

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this was posted on www.greggbraden.net a few days shy of 1 year ago today (he's a pretty sharp dude IMO). if you've never heard of him, some of you might want to check out some of his stuff...i recommend his book: "awaking to zero point", which opened a few avenues of thought for me:

Where Do We Go From Here?

The tragedy that has fallen upon our nation has placed world leaders, and individuals alike, into the uneasy position of uncharted territory. There are no models, strategies or manuals, no one to turn to with detailed procedures as to where we go from here. How are we to respond to such an unconscionable act carried out by faceless perpetrators resulting in unimaginable losses? How do our leaders balance the anger of a nation with the most sophisticated arsenal of military power that the world has ever known? History has shown us that there are no "pat", predetermined answers to these questions. There are only our choices that result from what we know and believe to be true, information that changes by the hour.

In the aftermath of the last hours and days, the magnitude of what has happened is surpassed only by the uncertainty of what comes next. This, by far, is the greatest fear that I have heard expressed. The events that have unfolded leave us at a particularly perilous crossroads teetering between our emotions of outrage and the need for retribution and a longing for reason. What are we to "do" next?

What we must bear in mind is that the choices made in the next hours and days will set the course of human history for generations to come.

The magnitude of the events within the last days has opened a deep wound in the consciousness of our nation and the civilized world; a void that seeks to be filled quickly, to balance the emptiness. Whatever rushes in to fill the void of our nation's loss will set the stage for events of lasting consequences and irreversible effects. Do we fill the void with an overwhelming display of force and power to quell the pain of a grieving nation, or do we fill the void with the measured response of a nation demonstrating to the world that we have truly entered an unprecedented era of dealing with conflict through new and innovative ways?

Albert Einstein stated that the problems of our world cannot be solved with the same thinking that created the problems to begin with. The events of September 11, 2001 may well represent the first opportunity in the new millennium for the most powerful nation in the history of the earth to demonstrate to the world that there is another way to deal with those who oppose our ideals of peace and freedom. The choices that we make as a people will define us as a nation and lay the foundation of global policies for generations to come.

What Do We Do?

Clearly, there is nothing that can justify the unthinkable acts of tragedy and pre-meditated attacks that have resulted in the loss of so many lives. Just as clearly, there is nothing that we can do to any individual or any nation to bring back the immeasurable number of lives that have been lost.

Our office has been flooded with telephone calls and email messages asking a simple question: "What do we do?"

I will be the first to state clearly that I do not have "the answer" to this question. Each individual must find a way to reconcile the events of the last days in their minds and in their hearts. Sometimes it helps to break the big problems into manageable pieces. I offer the following as guidelines only, in an effort to serve those who have asked for recommendations and guidance.

With these ideas in mind, our first actions must be near-term:

1. To care for our own.

*To search for survivors.

*To support our rescue and recovery teams, our governmental and organizational leaders.

Clearly our nation has been attacked. We must demonstrate that not only has the attack failed to fragment our country, it has melded our nation into a unified force of support and solidarity.

*To take the necessary precautions to secure our nation in the presence of the very real threat of additional attacks.

2. To choose our response wisely and responsibly

*To understand that the policies of "globalization" have melded us into a global family. The choices made over the next days and weeks will affect all people of all nations and have the potential of lasting consequences for the quality of life and the future of our world.

*To invoke our power of prayer, a very real power that quantum science now defines as our ability to participate in a unified web of energy that links all of creation.

*Through our prayers, empower our leaders to choose wisely, with the guidance of our creator, for the good of all people with the long-term vision of a global peace rather than a short-term goal of balancing an act of terror.

3. Ultimately, to realize that there is no "them" and "us."

We share the same world and there is a "we" - different aspects of the same conscious body. When the dust has settled, ultimately, we must look deep within ourselves to know what it is within ourselves that is mirrored by increasingly greater acts of terror and destruction. From dysfunctional families, to school shootings, to acts of terror against the United States on foreign soil, to the attacks upon our own soil, we are witnessing a pattern of increasingly greater acts of anger and lack of respect for human life directed toward Americans. Imposing a military action on the "outside" does not change the thinking that led to the acts to begin with. If we have the wisdom to recognize the language of "mirrors," we will have witnessed an obvious indication of the need for change.

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wow secondtube??

that sucks. hope evrything is ok and "falling" will not be a common thing in your life? hopefully a note from the family doctor can settle that licence issue...an ex-girlfriend had a similar situation, and her doctor vouched for her and she got her licence back (or not completely taken away) pretty easily.

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apparently the minimum i'm out is 90 days, but i'm hoping to get it back for may 24 frontier town next year.

things should work out. i'm on dilantin, which is a common seizure medicatio. Not allowed to drink liquor anymore. beer is ok, not in quantity. no more drugs, though i only ever did mushrooms. weed is still ok!

Things will work out. I'm just glad i didn't kill myself or anyone else (especially little T.)

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Hey Second Tube, I am so sorry to hear about your incident. It is my understanding that people must be seizure free for a one year period before a license is reinstated after a seizure. Definitely look into this as I don't want your hopes to be crushed after the 90 days you mentioned.

Also, Dilanton is a very popular drug for the treatment of seizures and it works, however watch for headaches. If you experience them, write it down and keep track of them. Armed with that detailed information you can go to your doctor and ask for an alternative treatment such as Tegretol or others.

Best of luck, be safe and well.

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