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funniest thing ever! read!


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Here goes, at 9pm tonight, tuesday, i was coming home along the queen streetcar in Toronto. Having just failed an exam (i think.know??) i was looking for something to cheer me up and volia! So I live in an interesting area along queen east, half the residents are 'white trash' and the rest are 'yuppies' (gentrification does have it's humurous sides). There is a small coin-op wash place near me. As i rode past it i saw the FUNNIEST THING EVER! A man was sitting inside, obviously waiting for his clothes to wash/dry. Judging by the massive mullet he had, id say he fell into the 'white trash' category. ANyway, what make sthis so funny is the fact he had pratically nothing ON!!! SERIOUSLY! THIS GUY HAD A PAIR OF BOXERS ON! Thin ones at best! Not even socks or shoes! He was washing every single piece of clothing he had! Guess you had to be there, considering this isnt reading like anything funny anymore. Oh well. Maybe one of you will crack a smile! Word out.

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haha, nice!

The funniest thing that's happened to me lately, happened a few weeks ago. I was coming home from highway freeker/Days of You, I got within a block of where I live (front and sherbourne) and this dude goes by on his bike, by the sounds of it he's the same dude that was doing his washing. Anyway, as he went by he says, "I'll let ya stand on my head for a buck!". Maybe you had to be there but I thought it was halarious, in retrospect I should have taken him up on it.

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the funniest thing ever was the first time I met ROBBAE at a Halifax Dalhousie Freshman bar after he spotted my Gamehenge shirt. To make a long story short, we're coming home from Phish Phall '99 tour and Rob finally confesses to me in the heat of an argument at a McDonald's in the middle of New Hampshire that I'm worthless and only good for my car. That's when I tossed his bags out and left him stranded at McDick's. (I didn't actually leave him, but if I did, that would of been priceless, looking back and all, wouldn't you say so Roggae).

reeeee I'm Bouncin'.....

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