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thank you nero and thank you tasha and peter


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ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......... cheers to a legendary night of fun! this is the first i've touched a computer since thursday, and even reading all these remarks has gotten me laughing all over again.

tasha & pete, thank you, thank you, thank you for one of the best after parties i think i've ever been to. we left at about 7:30am or so, and things were definitely still raging. you two are an absolutely divine pair of host/hostesses, and i must say you have the coolest collection of action figures i've ever seen. you guys are the greatest! thanks for the party, i had an amazing time... you have a beautiful home, and the fact you so graciously opened it up to us freaks en masse is just awesome. so thanks to you. :)

huge high fives to nero too. one for delivering an absolutely-can't-stand-still, rockin' set (i vote jamalamadingdong!)....couldn't....stop....dancing!...., and two, for being 3 of the fun & funniest people ever. it's always a treat to run into you boys, you always have me laughing. classic moment of the night/morning: chris running pell mell out the door with one shoe untied (TREE?! I'LL CLIMB A TREE! LET'S GO!) at the mere mention of tree climbing -- ah ha ha ha ha -- just as classic, tasha's deft intervention. heehee. ::

last but certainly not least, thanks to all who came out! seemed every time i turned a corner there was another great person to talk to & laugh with. (slothy) dave, sooooo glad you came down, it's nice to see you're in fine form! and i don't know, maybe i just wasn't wearing any shoes, but sans beard you seem much taller. hahaha. jaybone, it is always a pleasure, i was very excited indeed to see you had made the trip. i hope to run into you again sometime soon! kung, you also had me laughing, your hard work & effort into attempting to infuse some ween into the festivities gets props of brownness (hey, we tried mang, we tried... haha). and number 2, 'twas a pleasure, you make me giggle. misspink, giant bearhug to you, one for getting us safely to & from the show & party, and even more so, for being such a great, great, partner in crime. :) mmmwaa!

i'd also like to thank the academy & god & my parents, & hahaha, just kidding. i'm done.

oh, except for a great big WTF, velveeta?!?!?!??!?!?! so sorry you couldn't make it. i even lugged your books out! sheeit. next time for sure. :)

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