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i had a dill pickle with peanut butter but no bread on the advice of my friend's boyfriend. i honestly thought he was messing with me but of course i had to do it anyways. (i wonder how i always injure myself?) that sh!t is weird and good. mmmmm pickles. mmmmm peanut butter and pickles.

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Pickled artichokes are good but honest to God, I'm still dwelling on the reminder about pickled herring. The stuff is fantastic, with a little cream cheese and onion.

Pita Pit in Guelph had a great trick going too. They used to take all the leftover pickled hot pepper juice and put it in a squirt bottle to use on the grill when frying various items.

As for olives I like the shriveled black ones, but sometimes green has it's place. The best place to buy them is from Lebanese and middle eastern food stores...they seem fresher and you can usually buy a little good feta there too for your greek salad.

I was told that they use Agar to make the pimentos in the green olives stay in place?!

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