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In the Wake of Disaster.....


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Dec 26th was a dark day for the world. A 9.0 earthquake unleashed devastating tsunami on coastal areas throughout Asia. Shri Lanka and Indonesia have been hit the worst, holding over two thirds of the final death toll that currently exceeds 140,000. While the current state of these nations makes this an immeasurable tragedy; the death toll may double in numbers due to illness, starvation and disease.

In such a bleak time, there is still hope. the Canadian Red Cross supports and manages development and rehabilitation programs, ranging from primary health care to water sanitation. They are providing the vistims of this tragedy with the needs to survive to the best of their abilities. They Need Our Help.

On Saturday January 15th

the grange Entertainment Centre

In Guelph Ontario....

We will continue to help support those who need it most. For me this is vital...the media coverage may become less and less visible, but the suffering and trials of those trying desperately to survive continues, so if you are in the area please attend this event chalked full of bands and dj's from Guelph and toronto....I am honoured to be a part of this bill. If you need more information please visit www.grangeentertainmentcentre.ca

Mike Filipowitsch

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