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Ski hill fashion


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Okay kids. I gotta buy some snowpants or somethin', so me bummy doesn't get all wet.

What do I need to know to not look like an idiot from a distance? I think I wanna get the suspenders kind, I wore just the snowpants last time and my belly and waist got all froze.

So, can I just go to Phase 2 and get basic old snowpants, or should I go to a ski shop and get real ones?

Why oh why do I get the feeling that someone is about to do an evil google image search and hijack this thread?

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don't fall in to that trap of trying to look like all the other coolies! who gives a flying fu©k if the fifteen year-olds on the hill think you're a dork? get the size shape and colour you like and that allows you to move and retain heat as you see fit. it's all just a game that marketers invented anyways so that you have to spend more money buying their crap!

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I posted about this once before, and am still of the opinion that the most inexpensive, basic, black snowpants by North Face are the best deal going right now. They are warm, dry and stylish enough (or more of a non-style, really). They are also relatively inexpensive.

That being said, I am sure you would save money going to a used clothing store / used sporting goods store / Salvation Army and expect you can stay warm and dry that way, too.

(I generally avoid Canadian Tire brands for outdoor gear, as they tend to look like the real thing, but deteriorate really quickly.)

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do you plan on using them a lot or just a few times?

want to keep them for years or do you fear you'll outgrow them in a couple?

get somethng you can move in...snowmobile pants are nice and warm but might not be as good as ski suit pants...

I'd suggest kickass longjohns, wetproof undergarments, and good comfy pants to go under the snowpants...

you want to be able to move and not feel all squished in.

don't worry about fashion unless you're really trying to pick up some superficial ski bunny...if your'e looking for that, make sure and have a smart looking sweater for the chalet.

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Get in touch with me. I'll lend you a set (we're about the same size) for the rest of the season.

Make sure you really dig this sport before springing for the clothing. If you're going to do it frequently, its worth spending a bit of money on the clothes that are: comfortable to move in, keep you dry, keep you warm and don't fvcking fall apart.

There are many ways to achieve all the above at various costs. Spend some time learning all your options. Its all trade offs.

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Personally, I've always had a thing for ski bunnies... Not necessarily superficial ones, but something about the snowsuit/skiing ensemble really makes a woman look sexy... Just me?

I never realized that a smart chalet sweater was they key... Thanks for the tip, beats, I'll make sure to employ that technique next time I hit the slopes :)

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