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Bizarre moment of the day....


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while i find the content of this thread to be pretty disturbing, i have just experienced a bizarre moment, so here i am...

i've been up at school working all night, got a first draft of my paper finished so i decided to pack it in just before 3.

got home and there was a cop car idling out front of my place, and the cop was wandering around like he's waiting on something. now i live right downtown, so a cop car isn't an unusual sight, but his wandering is kinda weird. i pass him and say good evening, and he kinda nods. go inside and start climbing the stairs when i hear what sounds like someones alarm going off. i'm thinkin that sucks to have to wake up so early... i keep climbing and it's getting louder.... by the time i'm at the top of the stairs i realise this is way too loud to be someones alarm clock, and i'm the only fool out at 3am, so it must be coming from my place :: ::

what the heck !?!??! ...i run around the corner open my door and my apartment is freezing cold and the smoke detector is going off. i go in and shut down the power (the only way to stop the alarm). turn it on again a minute later and the cop is peeling away (hehehe ::)... within minutes though the alarm's going off again.

so i don't know if my apartment is filled with odourless gas and i'm about to sink into a neverending sleep or if my alarm and gas fireplace are both fu©ked up. i know the fireplace recently started acting up, but what's with the alarm?!?!?! ::

on that note, i'm going to head to bed. if no one hears from me tomorrow, or if you read about an apartment blowing up in peterborough, well... it's been good knowing y'all. keep on a rockin.

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Moose -- I hope that all gets sorted out soon -- did you hve heat last night or does that go with the power too?

My oldest neice is 13 now, and I am so afraid for her. She's pretty and has some older friends. I try to talk to her, but by gawd she talks fast...I can hardly understand anything she says. Is it morally wrong to create an alias on msn and find out if she'll chat with a stranger/what she'll chat about?

Douglas -- my advice is to tackle the issue full on with your niece. Take some down-time, just the 2 of you if possible, and ask her if she has any questions about giving blow-jobs, or sex in general. Yes, that's right. Ask outright and provide honest answers. Sometimes kids/youth think they know what's going on, but they're often misinformed and don't have all the answers, although they posture that they do! The bottom line should always be giving our kids the info they need to make the right choices for themselves. I tell my students: "why do it if it doesn't make you feel good? Who cares what someone wants you to do. You have to live with those feelings, so if you're doing something that doesn't feel okay, just cause you want to impress someone, then that sucks, having to live with those feelings." or something like that.

Let her know that it's okay to do what feels "okay" to her, and that things that don't feel okay are not worth it, then hopefully she can set her own healthy boundaries about what she will and won't do. I mean, teen years are the years of learning about and exploring sex, right? and sex is about feeling good, right? So if it doesn't feel good, it's not good. A simplification perhaps, but enlightening for some when you put it that way.

I spent a few years as a planned parenthood sexuality counsellor and I met so many young women who were having sex but didn't really want to be -- they had no idea what pleasure was or how to negotiate for their wants.

And I used the term blow-job to be titilating, of course. You could start with simpler questions. And you both may feel more comfortable in a darkened room under the illusion you're watching a movie together. But depending on whether her parents are giving her this info, you could be a real support for her!

good luck with "the talk" ;)

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doesn't ANYONE watch degrassi?

they already covered the sex bracelet thing.

I think that what's goin on is retarded, kids shouldn't be involved in such things, but when little girls grow boobies earlier each generation what can you expect? you can't have someone getting tits at age 8 and pubes at age 9 and a period at age 10 and not think that they're not going to be sexual a few years later, being 12-13ish. and boys will just take advantage no matter how old they are, that's just what boys do.

with parents not talkin about doin it with their kids this is bound to happen. why the crap is everyone so embarrassed about humping? everyone does it.

that being said, i proudly wear my own sex bracelets (thanks Sari!). They were in my xmas stocking cause sari and i think it's a really funny phenomenon phase type thing. And they make for a hilarious story and ensuing conversation, and well, they're red, and sparkly and look really cool.

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boys will just take advantage no matter how old they are, that's just what boys do.

i would definatly be up for some $5 dollar hummers. They cost 10 times that in the white house. damn clinton, he ruined it for everyone.

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