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Whacko chronic-detoxing dreams....


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So every once in a while, I detox my system of this bad chronic habit of mine ;) And though I love the 'fresh feeling', one thing that I cannot tolerate is how crazy whacked out my dreams are when I don't smoke. Has anyone else experienced this?! Are my dreams more crazy than normal, or is it the fact that I am not used to dreaming (or at least remembering them) for all these years?!

Frankly, I am a still a bit disturbed by last nights episodes. I think I need a bowl ;o)

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Same thing happens to me, when i detox! I've got myself convinced it's because i'm not used to remebering what i dream, and once i stop gettin "lifted" for a while and can remeber they are just super intense and lucid! I kinda like it though, italmost like being right high, without actually being right high!!

Anyways Your not alone in ur non smokin, crazy whacked out dreams

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I hear ya Jason! I ran out of the black goodness a few days ago and figured I'd take a break for the next 2 weeks (well, until BNB at least). ;) Last night I had the FREAKIEST dream. It wasn't even quite a dream. As soon as I'd start to nod off I'd hear this creepy, growling monster voice start talking to me. It sounded like it was right beside my head. I kept telling myself to wake up (I could even hear the TV in the background), but it was so hard.

This has happened before when I've been getting kind of down and taken a break from such "uplifting" substances. It lasts a few days and is gone. Scary sh!t none the less though. I've never found out how nightmarish it would be should I not be able to wake myself up. It also doesn't help that I'm staying in this freaky house in the country all alone and my cat's possessed. Eek!

I think one reason you usually don't remember your dreams could be that you are so...um, relaxed. ;)

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when me and a buddy moved to Toronto around when I was 20 we swore off the chronic to try to mix it up a bit, live a little different... that and any time I've quit I've experienced crazy dreams for at least 3 weeks... seems like you don't dream as vividly when you're chronic so its a noticable change when you stop

keep a notepad by the bed and have fun, try lucid dreaming

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Once I went almost 3 days without smoking (not by choice mind you)and I had this dream that I was drowning over and over and over again. When I finally got the green goodness in me the dream changed. Now I was drowning people. I slept like a baby that night.

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Dude tottally...its been quite awhile for me now with the occasional exception. My dreams are SO vivid. Some are pretty cool, some freak me out!

My memory is ridiculously accurate and honestly I pick up new skills way better. Breaks are goooood for my brain :)

Though breaking from breaks is good for the brain too ::

Heady-any chance you watched a program on gas attacks-terrorism in NYC before your crazy dreams? My dreams after that had me spinning under my sheets...bowl may have been nice but I'd been too afraid to go outside!...haha.

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and honestly I pick up new skills way better.

skills are good

everything you change in your ways teaches you something new (even if its just that you don't much care for that particular something new)

whatever your vocations/hobbys/addictions its good to mix it up sometimes so you don't become [color:"blue"]boring.

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Hmmm... its seems as though my dreams definitely have something to do with what I am thinking or watching before going to bed. My detox was rather shortlived... so I don't remember what I did last night before sleeping.

Dammit. What did I do two nights ago that had me freakin'!!? All I remember is waking up yesterday morning and thinking it was ALL REAL (that I actually was an accomplice to a murder..yikes!). Yeah, that was definitely scary enough to warrant a break from that break.

Detox...day one..again ;o)

Oh and one more thing about learning/dreaming. I have often come up with brilliant ideas in my dreams too. But I think the best life skill I ever picked up in my dreams was how to tie my shoe laces. I didn't learn the correct way, but it works. I make two loops, and tie them together.... but I'll never forget!

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I just had a thought... You know how memory isn't exactly real great when you smoke regularly? Well one of the main hypothesized purposes of sleep and especially dreaming involves memory consolidation. One of the theories is that while you sleep and dream, your brain processes everything that happened that day, and creates memories. This could be part of the reason why people often dream about events that occured during that day. So... If notice that you dream more and have more vivid dreams while on a break, it could all tie in. No herb -> better sleep/dreams -> better memory... Just a thought...

Also regarding cheese... I remember back in highschool a friend used to say that eating cheese before bed gave her weird dreams!

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For a freaky (and disturbing) take on dreams and memories, track down a copy of Angry Candy by Harlan Ellison. In the story, "The Function Of Dream Sleep" (written after events depicted in the story started happening to Ellison himself, as detailed in the book's introduction, which is also well worth reading), the main character, who is repeatedly awakened by extremely disturbing dreams, pretty much has to force himself to endure the nightmare(s) to rid himself of the lingering legacy of personal tragedy.

The story is not an easy one to read, but is well worth it, IMHO.



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i went through about 5 1\2 months of detoxing. no substances!! and yes, did i ever have some weird ones!!! and scary ones. i had one where all my ex-girlies were chasing me. i couldnt sleep that night i tell ya!!! and then my first day back on the ganj was bob weir at massey hall. i think i had too much that night. no more dreams since then!! oh well.

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i went through about 5 1\2 months of detoxing. no substances!! and yes, did i ever have some weird ones!!! and scary ones. i had one where all my ex-girlies were chasing me.

Wow! Two Ellison references in one topic; must be my lucky day. :)

If you can, track down Ellison's collection, "Shatterday", and read the story, "All The Birds Come Home To Roost". At one point in Ellison's life, he noticed that women he had had relationships with started coming back into his life. He attributed this to how people's lives run: relationships end, people move off, get into new relationships, which often end, causing people to move into new, or back into old, territory, and on and on.

But Ellison made the creative leap of imagining a man whose life was being run backwards, but only in terms of the women he had known, which means there had to be something to be reckoned with at the end of the chain...

The introduction to the story, in which Ellison recounts how he mined his own life for material, and had an almost transcendent experience with a magazine editor over the story, is worth reading on its own, almost.



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Unfortunatley,I don't need to detox to have strange disturbing dreams.I've had nightmares ever since I was a child,usually nightly unless I am drinking then I just dont remember them period.

Its more rare for me to have a pleasent dream then to have nightmares,never been able to figure out why this is,but I know I really like it when I dont remember them.

Its not unusal for me to awake two or three times a night from my dreams...sorta has conditioned me,I don't sleep anymore then four or five hours anymore,while working or not.

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