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Bob Newhart


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I saw a documentary about him on PBS a couple of weeks ago (in honour of him getting a Kennedy Center Honour or somesuch), and it brought back to my mind just how funny he is. Does anybody remember the last episode of "Newhart" and the joke that got played on the entire viewing audience?



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I saw a documentary about him on PBS a couple of weeks ago (in honour of him getting a Kennedy Center Honour or somesuch), and it brought back to my mind just how funny he is. Does anybody remember the last episode of "Newhart" and the joke that got played on the entire viewing audience?



The final episode by which all final episodes are measured. Pure genius. I still get a warm and fuzzy feeling just thinking about it.

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I bet this would be a great series to watch from beginning to end. This was a very funny show, and although I remember the ending of the final episode, I didn't remember the actual episode until finding this on Wikipedia.

[spoilerq:1]Obvious Spoiler[/spoilerq]

[spoilera:1]The series had one of the most memorable final episodes in television history. Titled "The Last Newhart," everyone in Stratford, Vermont sells the town to Japanese investors, who plan to turn the hamlet into a huge golf course and recreation resort. Everyone, that is, except for Dick and Joanna, thanks largely to Dick's refusal to play along with what he views as the latest whim of the townspeople. Everyone takes their huge payoffs, says their final good-byes, and leave Dick and Joanna to run the Stratford Inn.

Flash forward to five years later, when everyone decides to pay the Loudens a visit — richer and odder than before. Larry, Darryl and Darryl arrive, each having married gabby, talkative women. When their wives will not shut up, Darryl and Darryl yell out, "QUIET!!!" This is the only time on the show that anyone--except Larry, who always comments how talkative they are--has ever heard them say a word and Dick is astonished.

Michael and Stephanie are the parents of a little girl, whom they have of course have spoiled rotten. And George has opened his new theme park dedicated to handymen. Joanna, meanwhile, has become a geisha girl, and is gladly playing along with the eccentric new owners.

Things quickly become chaotic, and Dick finally vents his frustration at how unmanageable and stupid everything has become. Nobody is interested in Dick's opinion, so he threatens to leave.

Just as he is making good on his promise, a wayward golf ball strikes the temple of Dick's head, causing him to crash to the floor in an unconscious heap. The screen goes blank.

Then, a light is turned on and viewers see Dick in bed... or is that Dick? He tells his wife, "Honey, you won't believe the dream I just had." The other light comes on, and it's not Joanna, but Emily Hartley (Suzanne Pleshette ). It is Bob Hartley, Newhart's character from the 1970s series, The Bob Newhart Show. He explains his dream — no one in the town is normal, the maid is snobbish, her husband speaks in alliteration, the handyman failed to grasp various concepts ... and then there were these three guys, and only one of them did the talking. Emily is irritated at how ridiculous the dream sounds and tells Bob to go back to sleep.[/spoilera]

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