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In my humble opinion I think that any racial slurs or sexual slurs are all bad...

I mean come on would any of you use the "N" word to discribe something?

I wouldn't.

my brother is gay and I know he takes offense when the term is used in a manner which is negative, such as the above uses.

my opinion

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I'm guilty of saying gay and retarded-I grew up in the eighties when Valley girl talk was everywhere. I have friends in there mid to late 30's that you would swear they were born and raised in the Valley still(but not me, ya right)

I also worked in a hair salon for years and was surrounded by Homosexual men who would openly call themselves gay, queer, queen, queenie, fag...etc, etc, so I am also guilty of using those terms and has got me a look here and there if people don't know my history or personality. I have interacted with homosexuals that you would never know they were gay. Your choice of words should be selective depending on how well you know people AND who the people are in relation to you.

I don't like the term jewed or anything like that, which sucks cause my man's nick name is Jew.

He loves it when you ask him why(NOT).

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There are two important things that are being left out of the conversation here.

The first is that while language does grow and evolve you can't ignore the cultural history of that evolution. If "gay" is changing to become synonymous with "bad" or "undesirable" that makes an incredible statement about how we truly feel about homosexuals. In addition, claiming that one "doesn't mean" homosexual when one calls a stupid thing "gay" is simply overlooking the very obvious (and some might argue cruel) comparison one is making.

The second issue is the concept of context. If I turn to my best friend, who is jewish, and privately make a "jew joke" it in no way means the same thing, or has the same effect, as making that joke in public or to someone who doesn't know that I don't think badly (or really even differently) of jewish people. My friend has that clear context to refract my comment through; that context alters its meaning. Regardless of intent or the good feelings I have in my heart for Jewish people, making such a joke publicly is cruel and, yes, opressive.

Many of us straight, white, males, have a warped sense of the context issue. Having never truely experienced the kind of cruelty we're talking about here we often don't understand the power of this kind of language. We tend to just see it as funny.

"Oh. I can't believe he said that!" and the like.

This is not to say that only us S/W/M's use this language this way...but let's put it this way...

I knew (and so did most of my friends) that I didn't want to be a "faggot" years before I had any idea what it meant.

Is there an answer??

I don't know. We could start by finding different words. Words that mean what we mean without hurting others.


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" Jewed " is a totally offensive term. I'm disappointed in you morons that still use it.

I'm not sure how "Jewed" is any worse than "gay", "retarded" etc.... ??

You're still targeting one group of people

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is it ignorant to loosely throw those words around? I think so. But in the end it's simply a matter of how we digest it. Some people are just trying to ruffle feathers!

"Sticks and stones may brake my bones but names will never hurt me"

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I agree Babsy, but no one challenged the " Jewed " comment up to that point.

Having two retarded first cousins, I don't like it when people use the term in a deriogatory fashion, but I can't see it going away any time soon either.

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i think "gay" has developed a new meaning when used in context like, "SCI are wicked gay" i've never met anyone, hetero or homo, who was offended by use in that manner. now something like "SCI are a bunch of faggots" is different and mildly offensive(not as much as their music)

if calling things "gay" offends someone i would say that person needs to relax and worry about something else.

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yes language has huge impact, but we somehow made it through an era where "nigger" was the kind of the thing people said at the dinner table. i think we'll do ok.

and once again, there are real problems in the world that i think are a little more important than this gay debate.

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Who fuckin' cares they're only words. If you're happy with who you are there is absolutely no reason that derogatory language should be found offensive. If you are offended, you are most likely a manic depressive and have self-esteem issues or quite simply mentally retarded.

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I truly believe it has evolved into a meaning that is distinctive from sexual identities. I suppose when people say 'that's just gay' they mean something is queer about it' date=' or something's off but I tend to interpret it as meaning 'that's just lame' or 'totally unnecessary'. [/quote']

I recently had a friend tell me that he got "totally Jewed" when making a purchase. I couldn't believe my ears, took offence and asked him what he meant by it. He told me that he meant he got ripped off and what was my problem? Like many folks, he didn't make the connection or even realize that his words were not just some commonly acceptable colloquialism.

This sums it up for me.

I can tell you that one of the only times I almost physically attacked a person was when he used the term "Jewish" to refer to being cheap. He said it directly to me.

There is something extremely offensive about a person using a word that accurately characterizes you, to mean something entirely negative and derogatory.

I suspect that in his peer group, the word has "evolved" into meaning something other than being a member of the group who practices Judaism. That doesn't make it acceptable.

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I truly believe it has evolved into a meaning that is distinctive from sexual identities. I suppose when people say 'that's just gay' they mean something is queer about it' date=' or something's off but I tend to interpret it as meaning 'that's just lame' or 'totally unnecessary'. [/quote']

I recently had a friend tell me that he got "totally Jewed" when making a purchase. I couldn't believe my ears, took offence and asked him what he meant by it. He told me that he meant he got ripped off and what was my problem? Like many folks, he didn't make the connection or even realize that his words were not just some commonly acceptable colloquialism.

This sums it up for me.

I can tell you that one of the only times I almost physically attacked a person was when he used the term "Jewish" to refer to being cheap. He said it directly to me.

There is something extremely offensive about a person using a word that accurately characterizes you, to mean something entirely negative and derogatory.

I suspect that in his peer group, the word has "evolved" into meaning something other than being a member of the group who practices Judaism. That doesn't make it acceptable.

it's all about being aware enough to understand the language you use, and the power it has to be enightening or hurtful.

i have met lots of people through work that still use racist slang in conversation. i try hard to see where their choice of decsriptor comes from rather than just leaping on them, but i do call them on it. and for that matter i expect people to call me in it when i cross the line...

the buddhists say that's it's the intentions of your actions that count...i think that inappropriate descriptive language comes out of fear. knowledge beats fear. if people knew that gays or minorities were nice people too and had families and feelings things might be different. certainly seems that people who do understand this use that kind of language a lot less frequently...

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this place needs spell check.
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I'm always amazed when people who are the "majority" (in this case not gay [or jewish?]I suppose)react to having their unfair advantage pointed out to them.

There's always this sort of offended exspression followed by the acusation that the person who brought it up is somehow uptight or radical.

Like people are trying to spoil the party.

It makes people scared.

The myth of the political correct revolution was born out of this.

It's interesting.


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I can't spell properly.
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And remember:

"It has been suggested that the gender-specific term "manhole cover" is not politically correct, but the gender-neutral version "person-hole cover" does not seem to have caught on. Alternative suggestions include "inspection cover" and "access hatch". One proposed name is "Maintenance Hole" or "Maintenance Hatch", which doesn't require changing the acronym and hence many city maps."

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