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No snoe.down in Lake Placid this year


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A bummer, but not at all surprising given the backlash in the community after last year.


what backlash?

BTW, this quote is GOLD!

“I know that I like hippies way more than Ironmen and rugby players, and all three annoy me,” Ashley Dale said in a letter to the editor printed in the Enterprise in April. “The crowd that snoe.down brings in is generally very peaceful when compared to the lacrosse and rugby players that the other events attract.”
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A bummer' date=' but not at all surprising given the backlash in the community after last year.


what backlash?

Sorry, I should have expanded on that. After the event last year, a lot of crochety elitist locals did a lot of belly aching about the partying, specifically the amount of drugs that were found. There were also a couple of sketchy things that happened that got way too much attention amongst bored locals.

The thing is, if law enforcement would pay as much attention to other groups that come into Lake Placid (specifically the massive rugby and lacrosse tournaments that are in town each summer) they would find just as much to get worked up about, yet they don't pay those groups the mind that they do the moe.rons.

I should also say that part of my frustration lies with some of the festival attendees. Some people don't seem to realize that being in a small town where families live isn't like being inside the gates of a festy, where anything goes.

But that's enough out of me.

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After the event last year, a lot of crochety elitist locals did a lot of belly aching about the partying, specifically the amount of drugs that were found.

they should have belly-ached about the amount of drugs that weren't found.

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Ahhh....I thought you meant the moe./jamband community.

Maybe it's time for festival goers to learn how to have fun without massive quantities of crazy chemicals. LSD...what is this, the 60's? They've invented POMTINI's! Why hasn't the world caught on to sugary girly drinks with antioxidents yet?

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