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Not saying the "D" word.


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Every now again, in an effort to keep this 33 year old body looking like a teenager (yeah right), I do the ol' watch-what-I-eat and exercise like a mad woman.

For me, the hardest things to give up are my after work cheese with crackers and wine with dinner.

Instead of the cheese, I grab for fruit after work, and instead of the wine I either go with water or sugar-fee soda.

What is difficult for you to give up and what would you replace it with?

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Other than beer, which was a real bitch of a time, certainly cheese for me as well. Not that I need to lose any weight or anything (!), but it just doesn't really agree with my constitution. Goat/sheep cheese seems ok for the occasional treat in light doses, as it is the casein that seems to cause me the most problems.

Giving up bread and gluten-containing pastas and such was surprisingly easy, besides the needing to educate myself on proper choices. So long as I don't try to eat out anywhere. Almost impossible.

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As you know, I gave up alcohol (which wasn't really that difficult) and I replaced it diet pepsi.

is that the new term for weeed?

full fat cheese and other dairy products are very hard to lose. booze is an obvious target, and while one loses weight, they gain in finance. that is win/win fer sure. i love working with ground pork in the kitchen, so I always miss that, but ground turkey makes up for it, seasoned properly.

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I always felt that instead of using low fat cheese (blech) I would rather just eat less of full fat, local and organic, buy higher quality, eat less.

Brie is something I have a hard time giving up....so I don't. I also eat avocado everyday...yikes.

I try to eat the bad carbs and fats earlier in the day, lighter meals at the end of the day.

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