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Tiger Woods car crash


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Jim Rome's take:

If you’re looking for Tiger Woods to come correct…to just own it and to tell you what really happened when he bounced his car off a fire hydrant and a tree and his wife took a club to his back windshield, you’ll be waiting a helluva long time. Because that is never, going to happen! This guy has never said anything about anything related to golf. You think he’s going to fall on the sword and just start bumping his gums about the biggest controversy of his career?! A guy who named his yacht, “Privacy�! He wouldn’t talk to the Florida Highway Patrol state troopers, so clearly he’s not talking to you or me or anyone else.

Sure, after a couple of days of plotting and strategizing with his team, he finally got around to making a statement on his website. A statement where he says it was his fault and that his wife act courageously. Great! Thanks for that. Why even bother?! He should have just said, “the course looks good…my swing feels good…I like my chancesâ€. I would have gotten more out of that than what he actually posted.

So he’s obviously not going to talk. Never has. Never will. And especially after something as embarrassing and as controversial as this! And, his strategy is pretty clear. They have their story. Their sticking to it! And as long as no neighbors, or witnesses, or disgruntled former Woods’ team members, or TMZ, or the National Enquirer, or anyone else comes forward with any additional info that discredits Woods or his wife, or their story, they’re just going to ride it out.

Look, people are afraid this guy! Those who do know anything about him don’t want to cross him. Because they know what’ll happen if they do! They’ll get fired and cut out of the circle of trust. His neighbor, who made the 911 call, wouldn’t even mention him by name. What, like Tiger could fire you as a neighbor? Like he didn’t know who it was? One of the most famous people in the world lives on your street, but you don’t know who it is.

He and his advisors know, he’s going to take some heat in the short term, but if he says nothing and no new info comes to light…the media will soon move on to the next scandal, and the spotlight will be off him. Then, he’ll get back on the course, rack wins (because you know he’ll have an even bigger chip on his shoulder) he’ll be more closed off than ever before! And once he starts winning, that will fix everything and there will be no long-term damage.

The guy will do what he’s always done…grind it out and will it his way, with attitude, intimidation, work ethic and talent. Take a little heat…because this too shall pass…or at least, that’s what their strategy will be. And it’s a strategy that should work! As long as no else steps forward with any damming info!

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Woods apology has now reached the interwebs.....

I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves.

I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family.

Those feelings should be shared by us alone. Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means.

For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives.

The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious.

Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.

But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy.

I realize there are some who don't share my view on that.

But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family.

Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions.

Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone.

I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it's difficult.

I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology.

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I agree with Tiger. Who the fucks business is it other than his and his family's?

That being said, Im surprised he goes after skanky-ass ho's when he pursues women on the side. As if Tiger Woods can't do better than the Coog in the leopard-patterned dress!

Guess even Tiger has a handicap.

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If nobody gave a fuck about Tiger's business, literally and figuratively, he wouldn't be worth approximately a bazillion dollars, which I'm sure is something he enjoys so I don’t feel all that bad (I do feel bad for his wife however). I do agree with you on his poor choice of side dishes though.

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