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Israel has 8 days to strike Iran


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Former US envoy to the UN John Bolton said Monday that if Israel wants to prevent Iran from acquiring a working nuclear plant, then a military strike must be launched against the Bushehr nuclear power facility within the next eight days. The comments were made in an interview with the Fox Business Network.
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Curious how every 'nefarious' (crazy dictatorial regime) country that seeks to get off petroleum and strengthen its defenses are rarely portrayed as being dependant on the world oil system for its own infrastructure.

Good luck, Iran. Don't fuck this up for everybody. You're so very close.

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their proxies (i.e. hezballah) have attacked Israel on numerous ocassions.

Why not go after Hezballah then? Isn't that like saying that the USA attacked Iran by proxy when Iraq invaded Iran in 1980, therefore giving Iran full right to attack the US?

Not saying there's a clear answer or an easy right or wrong. I just think that the threatening talk about an air strike in Iran (by Israel, or a coerced USA) will do nothing to further any sort of peace in the region. The reasoning is weak and veiling it as preemptive just doesn't hold water.

No winners :(

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Precisely, Kev. That's why I think it's really on Iran to make sure they don't let themselves get caught up in all of the whispers and name-calling.

It's up to Iran to not fuck this up because everybody's just WAITING for them to make the first move.

I bet we could use some cheap stolen oil and natural gas to fuel our subsequent invasion of Russia and China.

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I was just sayin.....

Therein lies what is believed to be problem ... Ahmadinejad. Fuckup, setup, coverup, whatever, these are tense times.

exactly. the dude is a madman, or pereceived as one anyway and has made some crazy comments.

i'm not saying that Israel should strike Iran - not sure how that makes things better, but living within range of a crazy guy with nukes would be challenging to say the least.

Why Not to Bomb Iran

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i'm not saying that Israel should strike Iran - not sure how that makes things better, but living within range of a crazy guy with nukes would be challenging to say the least.

Why Not to Bomb Iran

Wild. I had come across that opinion piece last night when reading this thread. Good article with some fine points as to the possible outcomes of the situation.

The thing that concerns me is that the Israeli decision makers will "force the hand of the US" by a bombing raid into Iran if the US doesn't act the way they want them to. It's always about who makes the first move (or who is perceived to depending on the spin).

Let's hope cooler heads will prevail and that things settle down.

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Shutting it all down now?

That's part of getting caught up in it all.

The only way this will truly settle own is if Iran doesn't weaponize its nukes from the get-go.

Biological and chemical warfare are easier and more effective ways to strike terror anyway - much harder to track than a missile.

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The average Iranian has as little to do with all this BS as the average ____an; I'm not sure where that whole point leads.

After having learned about the caprice - thank God - of how the Cuban missile crisis played out (the right guy failed to push the button he'd been told to push), that's where I'd put my money: the one individual in the cluster who resisted the pressure to do what he/she was told. I'd like to think that those people are evenly distributed throughout the world, and experience has so far proven kind.

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The average Iranian has as little to do with all this BS as the average ____an; I'm not sure where that whole point leads.

After having learned about the caprice - thank God - of how the Cuban missile crisis played out (the right guy failed to push the button he'd been told to push), that's where I'd put my money: the one individual in the cluster who resisted the pressure to do what he/she was told. I'd like to think that those people are evenly distributed throughout the world, and experience has so far proven kind.

Agreed. I'm not pointing a finger at the people of Iran anymore then I would point a finger at an American for Bush's actions. But, publicly (worldwide) calling your new unmanned missile carrier the "ambassador of death" especially during these times speaks volumes to me about Ahmadinejad's mindset and given his past comments/threats/taunts I don't believe his intentions to be anything near good.

I also thought it a creepy coincidence that this "8 days to attack Iran" situation came right around the same time the USA announced they would be pulling out of Iraq, which for the most part took just about a week to start happening.

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Esau, it's more the case of saying different things

I'm not trying to suggest that Iran's level-headed about all of this but probably isn't much different than many other parties.

Building a stronger military doesn't mean they will or won't be an aggressor, but with the USA pulling out of Iraq and Canada being closer to being out of Afghanistan means that Iran should probably start building up their defenses.

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Well, the eight days have passed. Did I miss the attack?

Pfft ...

The "Ambassador of Death"? It's almost laughable. Itty bitty Ahmadinejad standing beside his flying "Penis of Death" missile thing is no different than the douche cruising the club district in a Hummer with spinny hubcaps. Bunch of needle-dick poseurs.



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