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ISO (borrow/rent): Fender recording amp (Hot Rod Deluxe, Blues Jr


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So, I'm trying to finish record some parts of my music and since I'm back in my work routine, I only have the weekends to record. Unfortunately these amps keep getting rented out before I can catch them, and I feel if I rent it a day ahead of time its a waste as I only get to record Saturday and Sunday daytime.

So, just a super shot in the dark does anyone have one of these amps that I could rent or just borrow for a weekend??? I'd like to think the few people that know me here in person can attest that I'm a responsible person who can make sure nothing gets damaged.

Just pretty down after making the call to find out Blues Jr, Hot Rod even Twin Reverb all rented out...and well was REALLY looking forward to wrapping up my parts.

Thanks anyway

EDIT: FOUND :content:

Edited by Guest
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