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dimafleck: the living legend.

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Everything posted by dimafleck: the living legend.

  1. hahahaahahaha paisley, best post i've seen in ages. you sir are a wise man. and i will definitely be crapping my pants... girls make me nervous.
  2. they are playing this saturday...yay or nay? she's into dmb, steely dan, and jazz...cool girl, knows her stuff. is it good music? or will i look like a dumbass bring her to a dead show?
  3. this has been an intresting and pretty damn funny thread. i love you all. SPREAD THE POSITIVE VIBRATIONS AND THE MOTHER GOODESS WILL GRANT YOU ALL OF EARTHS GLORY. PIP PIP.
  4. they definitely a very fun band to see live. i've seen them a few times at a few festivals....they probably throw an awsome bar show.
  5. the real secret.... PLASTIC! assholes!!! George Carlin On Saving the Planet
  6. obviously. thats why i start my day with a nice organic strawberry bannana smoothie... then i smoke a bunch of DMT.
  7. ofcourse...we aren't talking about magic here. but its also cyincal to totally disregard the power of energy.... i think most of us on this board know the "IT" factor....and i think the same positive energy that creates that thick energy in a live show where everything comes together, is also energy you can use in your day to day life..... escapism is for pussies... its all about enhance-ism. and i really think all of you are missing the big picture here.... i got to touch a boobie.
  8. woah waoh... i got confidence to approach ladies from THE GAME and other PUA liturature....and constant approach...some success, many failures.... the point is the secret helped me improve my state of mind to approach her effectively... the skills and confidence i had already instilled in me from other experiences helped me seal the deal. hense APPLIED SKILL + POSITIVE THINKING = RESULTS. but if you want to know THE REAL SECRET..... i scream booche's name when i masturbate.
  9. she's has cute little handfuls and perfect nipples. almost as good as your man breasts.
  10. i'm not passing this off as some mystical universal thing.... i understand its all coincidence...but what "the secret" did do...is it put me in the proper mind set to introduce myself to this girl... had i just continued feeling shitty... i would just felt shitty...and then i would have felt shittier for not talking to that girl....
  11. the movie and the way its presented and the claims that they make are very hokey and cheeseball.... and i don't believe that thinking about a parking space will get you one...or getting a millioin dollars in the mail. i just think that conciously making an attempt to not let the negative bog you down will do nothing but improve your existance... what blew my mind however, is everything I thought about actually came true that one time... I might as well go into a bit of detail. I was having a really crappy day at school, one o those days you don't feel like getting out of bed, and you keep that attitude the whole day. came in late to my first lecture, spent the day alone...etc. anyway, while i was waiting for my 4:30 class, this girl came and sat in the hallway a little away from me, and I haven't been that captivated by a girl (especially at stupid ass YORK) in a while... she was just freakin perfect looking in every way, and she gave off an incredible presence.. i was in no mood to be social, so i didn't even bother thinking about approaching her. but, not even thinking about "the secret" ... i just started thinking about how great it would be to approach her, pick her up, go have coffee, and find out she had the same intrests as me. these thoughts became more and more vivid....for two reasons: 1) i was sitting alone with my headphones on with nothing but HOT CHIP and my thoughts to keep me company 2) i was pretty baked. after about 20 minutes of just thinking positively...my mood totally changed...but i was still not in a very social mood... i did however, feel much more apt in my pick up skills. so i sit with the same people in the same spot in lecture, and this chick has never , ever sat infront of me...infact, this is the fist time i even noticed her in class....so she sits beside me. at this point, i'm so game....but now i start thinking about "the secret" (the movie i watched just a few days ago) at one point, i accidently drop my pen down to her level, and she picks it up, hand its to me with a huge smile. i accidently dropped my pen 2 more times..i didn't do it on purpose at all...although i'm going to start doin that. anyway... she left the lecture 20 minute early, and i was like "FUCK! oppurtunity lost" but, i conciously blocked that idea out of my head, and started thinking of running into her, and having coffee, and us having an incredible connection....i had to pay attention to my lecture...so these "thoughts" sorta became "feelings" (somthing the secret tells you to do) anyway... after class....we totally bump into each other, i spark up a conversation, and without either of us saying anything about coffee....we float to the second cup...and have coffee....and it turns out, she has a very similar taste in music and is all about the bonnaroo. its probably a strange coincidence that everything I imagined ended up happening....but had i not used the thought excersies, i would have never taken advantage of a good situation...and would have probably never spoken a word to that girl.... its not as romantic as how me and booche first met... (we both wanted to puke in the same portopotti at IT) but its close.
  12. i won't get into details.... but I thought about very specific, random things..... and they all happened...in one big go. like to the TEE. and i didn't just think about them... i used the "technique" offered up in the secret... and everything I thought about (many things) ....came into reality...it blew my mind.
  13. anyone else on here catch wind of this phenomenon and shell out 5 bucks to watch it? its totally worth one watch... in the very least, it will make you a more positive thinker, and help you eleminate negative thoughts throughout your day. i was a skeptic...but today, i used their "secret" and it totally worked... my mind is blown.... shocking coincedence? perhaps. eitherway, i will continue to implement it, and see where it goes.....
  14. not bad. Beasties, and Bjork are both acts that should get some roo love. fuckin widespread panic.
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/Jerry-Garcia-Rock-Head-Rare-Grateful-Dead-Art_W0QQitemZ330090356417QQihZ014QQcategoryZ29920QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. i already ordered the dvds... but knowing there won't be anymore new episodes till Attenborough presents another genius mini series is really troubling. nature docs are my favorite thing to watch on tv... and PLANET EARTH and pretty much everything attenborough puts out is brilliance. Life of Mammals is my favorite as far as knowledge and understanding...but planet earth was just such a pleasure visually, sonically, and just totally captivating... for the last Six parts, i had the big HD plasma screen... and it was awe inspiring.
  17. http://www.sendspace.com/file/27sy0m i am a fucking asset to this peice of shit board.
  18. Gal Costa: Tuareg http://www.sendspace.com/file/tix3q6
  19. i'm down. fuckin opera house...why is this whole year forcing me to go to that peice of shit venue.
  20. what a great album. it took like a good 6 full listens to get to me though... i knew there was somthing there, but i just couldn't really "enjoy" it... it finally hit me today at work... wow... its like Air, but poppier and more "swedish". i'll SS for anyone that wants it
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