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dimafleck: the living legend.

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Everything posted by dimafleck: the living legend.

  1. point taken....i agree. (((((((internet hugs!!!))))))))))
  2. and one last point while i have your attention... now that this is a GLOBAL campaign thats getting huge recognition.... its loses even more credibility for the reasons mentioned above.
  3. the focus is not me here. i'm pretty full of it myself...but at least i have a sense of humour about it.
  4. and if i ever see a guy holding a "free hug" sign i'm going to stand next to him with a "HAS BIRD FLU ----> " sign and see how nice this guy really is.
  5. right.... first off, thats bullsiht. people are friendly and kind to their neighbors...people truley enjoy helping people out when needed...toronto drivers are usually kind and let you squeeze in if you have to...and when i hold doors for some one, they say thank you and i say no problem. and this is the real world. this false concept of "THEY" has you wanna be hippies delusional. "THEY" are all robots..."THEY" don't like saying hello..."THEY" need hugs. fack aff. people are geniunely nice. KEY WORD... geniune. if a guy with a strange accent started walking around a crowded subway trying to kiss people and hug them like BORAT, i would totally we weirded out and move away. If a random weirdo wanted to introduce himself to me and started hugging me, he would be invading my personal space. its not because i'm some sort urban cybor with no emotions....its because thats NOT normal....and living in a city with a large homeless population thats mentally unstable...i'm allowed to feel that way. standing with a SIGN and giving free hugs is pretty egocentric... its serving little to no purpose... like those clowns at places like Phish festivals and stuff that stand on a busy lane of traffic and offer free hugs. are they doing this because thats what they truley want to do and its important to the "vibe" or are they just doing it because they saw some other douche doing it and watched a documentary about the DEAd and saw it there too. and the douches that hug them ...are pretty much in the same boat.... both people are just fulfilling self fullfiling ideals in their own mind...they are not REALLY connecting... it doesn't work like that poeple. and booche can vouche for my hot date.....right boochey?
  6. ever think about this.... how about all the people that walk buy them that need hugs but are too shy to give them one. they're just rubbing it in.
  7. i am a Student at SENECA@YORK and York University getting a BA in Communications Tech and a diploma from Seneca in creative advertising. i hope to be livingstoned one day or Donny Deutch...he's cool..i bet he has sex with really high end prostitutes. i work part time at a small grocery store managing all their grocery inventory
  8. r u guys freakin kidding me? FREE HUGS serve no purpose but some lame self righteous agenda....
  9. bee boop. bee boop bip. bee boop bip bip. bee boop bip bip boop. bee boop bip bip boop boop. bee boop bip bip boop boop boo. bee boop bip bip boop boop boo bee. bee boop bip bip boop boop boo bee bee.
  10. its like a game of simon at some points. remember simon? i love simon.
  11. i've actually played rodeo poker before in calgary when i was 19. its normally played with a very small bull the ones you see the light weight spanish bull fighters fighting.... that was the biggest bull i've ever seen.,
  12. i go the jewish community centre near my house....which is like the YMCA but full of old ladies wearing vacation shirts....
  13. people that reek at the gym. There is no fucking excuse. I understand that after a hard work out, some may get a bit musky...no prob here... or after a jog especially. but when you smell like a hockey bag that has been sitting in a wet attic for most of the spring its time to change the same "FLAMIGO HOTEL, LAS VEGAS" t-shirt you've been wearing for the past 2 years i've been working out in the same gym as you. you stinky old man i fucking hate you. not only did u steal my ab machine and then i had to use it after you while it still stank...but then you had to change in the locker next to mine and be naked for way more time than nessessary. and is there really a need to wear your stinky ass shin gards in the gym after your Squash game?
  14. that test is bullshit. its more about memory than anything. also, i found when i would stare at the DIFFERENT button while listening, i would think it was different...and when i would stare at the SAME button i would think it was the same. that said, i scored 82% suckas.
  15. actually, the producer was fired because of her reaction to her own mistake, not because she let borat on the show.
  16. that was one part of the movie where i actually felt uncomfortable. those guys are such morons.
  17. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-617919123983277583 no matter what....watch it till the bitter end.
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