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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. It'll take a hell of a lot more beers than that
  2. Does Jacques even have highschool? I should be in the senate... $125 G's ding ding ding
  3. I actually saw some dude trying to steal some at the superstore the other day... WOW, the clerk laid a smack-down. "UM THOSE COST MONEY NOW!!!" So, where's all the environmentalist hippies with me answer?!?!?!? David Suzuki...I'm sure your out there...
  4. Not that I don't want to use cloth bags...but...biodegradable plastic grocery bags are better then than regular garbage bags, no? So I ask...should I keep paying 5 bones for plastic garbage bags that probably take forever to break down, or just a nickel per biodegradable plastic grocery bags... WHAT'S MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY...ANSWER ME THIS!
  5. Just giving you a hard time phishtaper. I do love smoking though still.
  6. Ok...so here's the thing... Now that the grocery store charges a nickel for plastic bags they've gotten quite a bit larger. I found that they fit my garbage pail perfectly...Some stores (Herb and Spice) offer the bags that are now bio-degradable. So here's the thing....all those arseholes (me included) that use the cloth bags, probably use thick ass non biodegradable garbage bags for their trash. Now...what's better?...using cloth shopping bags and using non bio garbage bags...or just using the "new" plastic bags at the grocery store for shopping AND trash. Who's saving the planet now, Bitches. Or can I by carbon offsets doing this so I can continue throwing cig butts in phishtaper's car?
  7. Don't you need to read to become a senator?
  8. Oh christ. I love the drama in Ottawa...I can't wait to order my Senators Hal Gill jersey.
  9. and I think that's FBN that approves of this message
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! CHRIST...THIS JUST MADE MY DAY! You think this will get stapes out of posting retirement!
  11. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.... Was it NW or KellyKat that caused that! FUCK!
  12. I think I've been retired from the fail club... Sorry Sean
  13. I just right clicked and hit copy image location
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