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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. I just got back from Negril Jamaica yesterday and hooked up with Jaydawg onthe beach for some shrimp a Red Stripe and some Ganja. Jaydawg made it there safe and sound and I expect he'll be promoting a local reggae band before he gets home. hahaha...
  2. I had no idea these guys made it out of the 90's.
  3. So what's the deal? Is TJ Ford scheduled to play anytime soon? Sam Mitchell keep saying nothing and doing his usual media shrug. I have a nasty feeling he may hang it up given how serious his back/spine injury was and that doctors say if he gets hit like that again he might not walk again... yikes....
  4. Anyone but the harper gov't will do at this point. but I agree the parties are all corrupt basically and far too perverted by the political machine.
  5. Is there more from this genre? Yes Bokonon there is more in the Coffee Table porn genre' date=' for you to decorate your living room with. see... [img']http://www.hooterscard.com/images/items/hooters_mag.jpg and.. and this...
  6. Brutal! but seriously, did anyone ever assume Maxim had any journalistic integrity? They are coffee table porn after all.
  7. Given the Metallica booking I would not be suprised if the booked... Live Creed Poison and perhaps the Darkness... and if he isn't already booked you know Jack Johnson will slide in on his greasy surfboard...
  8. Kae Sun needs to get off the pipe. He doesn't know who booked him? Dude better ask someone... NUFUK fo' Lyfe!!
  9. So he was gonna come back and then pulled a stomach muscle or something...man o man the Raptors have terrible luck. Do y'all think he'll ever play again? Is is time to get a new point guard to back up Calderone?
  10. I have heard of this plan in the works for a long time. I think this makes sense and is the way it will go. The duty to collect and pay for the music we all download will fall on the Isp as they have the ability to track what type of files travel over thier lines. I have no beef with this. I think it is fair and much like the way performance royalties are collected.
  11. Gotta get these ones...look great.. Are they only available on line right now?
  12. So there has been a massive fire on the south side of Queen St. between Bathurst and Augusta. The following business are either totally destroyed or heavily damaged: Suspect video, Dukes Cycle, National Sounds and more... The store I work in "Jupiter" is right there and probably damaged too.... Crazy...check these pics....
  13. I was at the show too and thought it was stellar! One question: "When did the DSO stop doing complete shows in their entirety? That used to be their thing, at least the last time I saw them. Now they seem to be mixing and matching. Killer show either way!
  14. Terrible news. He was a personal friend of the family. Very unexpected.
  15. Whoa! check out this video of Charlie Hunter doing the gospel classic Crazy!
  16. I was at the key shows (both of them) and they did play forever. I also know they did score a tonne of drugs... SO game on....
  17. Where the hell did this festival come from. Killer line-up, I never knew it existed.
  18. Surely you jest good sir! Metallica only ever put out 2 good albums in my mind... and and the drums on the Black album are horrible... Really after the "some kind of monster" debacle they should have all have Blowed up real good..
  19. I think Neil is on the money. Music is a key factor in change, but it is not capable of change on it own. Further it never was...it was on the nievty of times previous that made people believe that. Real change takes many conspiring factors to work.
  20. The first time a jazz record has won for best album in more than 40yrs I believe. Excellent. As for Kanye West...his 15min are so over...brutal performer...
  21. too bad I liked that guy. Great actor. Good in 52 pick up as well. Had no idea he was that old.
  22. Happy B-day from all of us in the Chameleon Project...we couldn't do it without 'cha!
  23. I think you have it right. You buy the pass on line or pay for the show which is $25.00. That's my understanding.
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