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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. Robot Chicken gives me hope in modern television. Brilliant!
  2. What about Dave Brubeck? Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] I thought about Brubeck, but he's even older and doesn't have their chops. I would submit that Randy Weston and Ahmad Jamal are of Oscar's generation and caliber.
  3. Huge loss for Canada and Jazz. Oscar was a true original and a master of the genre. I had the wonderful privelage of attending private workshops and lectures with him in the late 90's when I was studying jazz at York U and he was an adjunct prof. Not only was he a killer player but he was a kind and giving man who believed it was his duty as a jazz elder to pass along the wisdom to the younger generation. I am thrilled to have known him briefly and to have had to opportunity to see him play.
  4. I hear ya. And if Dick doesn't get his way you could get shot in the face on a hunting trip...
  5. Can't wait to for this one. Looking forward to seeing the New Deal again, it's been a while and they always deliver.
  6. I know he reminds me of a villain in a James Bond flick. Like one of Dr. No's henchmen.
  7. SO does Stephen Colbert...
  8. Nice to see Mark back in the fold. He is a great player.
  9. Man I hope he pulls through this... Killer musician.
  10. It's the fact that MP3's are a lossy format. The minute you encode to MP3 you are degrading the sound quality. Other than that they are convenient. FLAC all the way. ..and even though it is 2007 not everyone has nor wants a computer for their home or music listening. I know more than a few people like this.
  11. Bingo. I agree with this too. As someone in a working band I think is a bad thing to assume everyone that is a fan of yours that may want some of your music has a computer, an i-pod or deal with MP3's. If you do this you could cut yourself off from some people that like your music but are not so digitally inclined. I for one (as many here know) detest MP3's. If I had my way any of my music would only ever be offered in lossless format.
  12. Yeah I can see what you mean by that. True enough.
  13. I think it is still important to do both. Digital dsitro is key and essential. However, there is no real substitute for giving people, fans, businesse types, etc.. a physical representation of your work. Something they can hold. It is also key to have merch to sell at gigs and at this point selling downloads at a show is not as effective. Cds are still necessary to be taken seriously in the industry but that will eventually change.
  14. He's a decent guitar player, but his sings are brutal. The limp boy-pop side of his persona is impossible for me to take. As Frank Zappa said; "Shut up and play yer guitar"
  15. This whole thing is brutal but not surprising. I mean when dudes look like football players and are all of a sudden cranking 70+ homers in a season 'cmon. I think that any record or title these juice monkey's received after they were proved to be juicing should be wiped from the record or revoked. This has seriously killer the legacy of baseball. These clowns couldn't hold Ted Williams, Sandy Kofax, or Mickey Mantel's jock strap. Losers!
  16. Hillary looks like the Joker in that pic. Man she's getting more creepy by the second.
  17. Used it yesterday when I locked my keys in the car. They had then out in 25 min. I also get lower car rental and hotel rates as a member. Worth every penny.
  18. I'd like to throw Florida New Years tun 2003. They waited forever during the pause in the tune and played as well as I've ever heard. I do agree the Gorge is tough to beat..
  19. the vocals can get to me sometimes but the hard psychedelia they produce is amazing. I'm a fan .
  20. I will conceed that the song "arrow right through me" from BAck to Egg..i beleive..is smooth genius.
  21. Whaat! This is huge. Honeyboy is from the original gereation of blues men like Robert Johnson and Son House. He was in fact playing on the same bill with Johnson the night he was poisoned. Talk about being there! I saw him at the Chicago Blues fest a few years back and he was stellar. It was like being trasported back in time... I also think he's gotta be pushin' 90 too. Not to be missed!
  22. I agree with you Jamoie especially if these words are said by a gino in a lower civic with neon under his car smokin bad weed and blasting commercial dance music. Runners up: "Tough guy", "Boss", "Top-Notch" "No Kidding", "A-1", "Spec." (the Gino abbreviation for "special".)
  23. Get off the pipe man. Wings have one good album. All you need is "Band on the Run." A good album but hardly a legacy. I dunno either I think sir Paul is out of creative gas as it were. His last album was an embarassment from what I heard.
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