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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. BITCHIN'! Finally Umphrey's makes it to the T-Dot for a show of their own! I am all over this!
  2. True. Could be a good role player if he doesn't get too ego-centric in the locker room.
  3. Oh that is good to hear. I know he had to cancel his last show. I may have to head to the hammer for that one too.
  4. Get well soon Jeff. Toronto needs you to keep the blues scene alive!
  5. [color:black]All I can say is WOW............... The administration I'll bring is a group of men and women who are focused on what's best for America, honest men and women, decent men and women, women who will see service to our country as a great privilege and who will not stain the house. --George w. Bush Border relations between Canada and Mexico have never been better. --George w. Bush 09/24/2001 in a press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep on the soil of a friend. --George w. Bush Washington DC 06/29/2005 On the prospect of visiting Denmark America better beware of a candidate who is willing to stretch reality in order to win points. --George w. Bush 09/18/2000 aboard his campaign plane One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures. --George w. Bush 01/03/2000 I think it's very important for the American President to mean what he says. That's why I understand that the enemy could misread what I say. That's why I try to be as clearly I can. --George w. Bush Washington, DC 09/23/2004 More and more of our imports are coming from overseas. --George w. Bush On NPR's Morning Edition 09/26/2005 I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy. --George w. Bush Redwood, CA 09/27/2000 I've always found the best investments are those that you salt away based on economics. --George w. Bush Austin, TX 01/04/2001 We're concerned about AIDS inside our White House -- make no mistake about it. --George w. Bush 02/07/2001
  6. So true Roger Waters is still being an arrogant baby. For the record I'd go see Pink Floyd without Waters again. The '94 Division Bell tour was killer.
  7. [color:blue]Whhada y'all thing good move by the Pistons or a player way past his usefulness? HE is a 5 time allstar.
  8. "I'm Trey Anastasio, I get my beer fed to me!" "Hey who wants to see my sleeping monkey"
  9. Also don't forget to check into Earl China Smith. He also played a lot of Marley's leads. (he's the guy with the telecaster in the photo you posted above) As for Al Anderson he is an American and was brought on in the 70s to toughen up the bands sound with his wailing leads.
  10. I read the other day that they may only do a handful of shows in the UK only! I hope that isn't true. That would blow hard!
  11. Todd Rundgren live in Japan 1990 Nearly Human Tour. Killer stuff!
  12. Mac's certainly have their advantages. But they do not "blow my mind" enough to run out and buy on and toss out my PC. It really boils down to what is easier for the user and what he/she is used to. I really like the ipods but I can't buy one (eventhough I want to) as Apple does not support FLAC (huge problem, for us audio nerds!) and my entire music collection is FLAC. I don't get this as Apple is supposed to be on the cutting edge. Where's my flac support Mr. Jobs!
  13. R.I.P. Michael Brecker you were one of the best!
  14. DJ Food are crazy good and some of the best DJs I'ver ever seen. Especially when Strickly Kev & PC are on 4 decks! I have another funny DJ name: "The soft as fuck Djs" they DJ exclusively soft rock...no lie. They're from Chicago.
  15. When Charlie V and Redd come back with Boykins in the back court they will be a real threat.
  16. Oh I gotta another one I just heard. It's a who guy who Djs dub named Russel and his DJ name is "RUSTAFARI". ouch!
  17. you mean Beck's DJ. I don't think he's doing that now, and you are right he is wild, probably the wildest DJ I ever saw. Yes you are correct. Sorry I dipped into Magnum's PCP stash when he wasn't looking and I got confused.
  18. For the record DJ swamp is and unbelievable good scratch DJ. Mostly he is DJ Swamps' tour DJ.
  19. Yes it seems the funnier the name the worse the DJ. Here's another couple I forgot... Darth Fader. DJ Bagel
  20. I have seen many hilarious DJ names on flyers and at parties in my time so I thought it would be fun to see what some of the most ridiculous names you've ever seen a DJ billed as. they have to be REAL. ----------------------------------- I'll start: Garth Breaks Sir Trance-A-Lot Sir Spinner Fine Vinyl Polish Minor Czechoslovakian Cock Ted Dancin' DJ Crack Owen Sound Deacon Boombasterdizer Miss Thunderpussy
  21. That is a killer name. hahahaha. I once saw a DJ billed as "Sir Trance-A-Lot" no joke. I almost cried I laughed so hard.
  22. The Denver Nuggets need some breathing space from luxury-tax territory. The Milwaukee Bucks need backcourt scoring to counter their injury crisis. That's why the teams combined on a trade featuring Earl Boykins on Thursday. Now 10 games into the Allen Iverson Era, Denver has agreed to send Boykins, little-used guard Julius Hodge and cash to the Bucks for guard Steve Blake. Elias Says Earl Boykins Boykins Denver traded Earl Boykins to Milwaukee on Thursday. Boykins averaged 10.9 points per game this season (in 20 games) prior to the suspensions resulting from the Knicks-Nuggets brawl. But since the suspensions went into effect, Boykins has averaged 23.2 points per game (in 11 games), the 15th-highest average in the league over that span (Dec. 18 to Jan. 10), and 10th-highest among guards. • Read more Elias Says. The surging Boykins has scored 20 points or more in eight of his 10 games alongside Iverson, but his shots and minutes were certain to dwindle when Carmelo Anthony returns from suspension on Jan. 22. Denver couldn't resist the opportunity to trade him now given that Boykins will soon be its odd man out and more so because this move ensures that the Nuggets will not be paying luxury tax at season's end. The Nuggets, sources say, had hoped to keep Boykins for a few more games while Anthony completes his 15-game ban. But they had to make the trade immediately because Milwaukee's $4.3 million injury exception created by Bobby Simmons' season-ending ankle and foot surgeries -- its only mechanism for taking back Boykins' contract in this exchange -- expires Friday. Blake averaged 3.6 points and 2.5 assists in 33 games for the Bucks this season. "We're getting a classic point guard," Nuggets vice president of basketball operations Mark Warkentien told The Associated Press. "He's an outstanding shooter and solid floor leader." Boykins' arrival will be a welcome boost to the Bucks, who have lost leading scorers Michael Redd (knee) and Mo Williams (shoulder) to injuries in the past week. Redd is expected to miss at least a month, with Williams sidelined 2-3 weeks. Charlie Villanueva (shoulder) is also out indefinitely and Simmons didn't play a single game this season before it was determined that he'd need two operations. The Bucks are hoping Boykins' scoring can help keep them in the playoff hunt until Redd and Williams return. The 5-foot-5 dynamo makes $2.95 million this season and is scheduled to earn $3 million next season but has the right to decline his player option and become a free agent July 1. Milwaukee, sources said, also managed to extract an estimated $700,000 from the Nuggets to pay the remainder of Hodge's $1.2 million salary. Blake, meanwhile, will get an opportunity to win some back-up minutes in Denver's backcourt, with the Nuggets admittedly looking for pass-first facilitators who can play with Iverson, Anthony and swingman J.R. Smith. The Nuggets also created a $2.95 million trade exception through this transaction because, with Blake being swapped for Hodge, Denver sent out more salary than it received in the trade. The trade exception is good for one year. -------------------------------- The Bucks really scored on this trade Boykins is awesome.
  23. Guantanamo stirs protests In Cuba, Europe and the U.S., activists decry detentions at the camp, where terror suspects first arrived 5 years ago. By Carol J. Williams, Times Staff Writer January 12, 2007 MIAMI — Protesters from Kuwait to the Cuban countryside to the Miami military headquarters that commands Guantanamo Bay denounced Thursday the Pentagon's indefinite detention of terrorism suspects at the offshore prison, which opened five years ago. Hooded protesters in orange jumpsuits demonstrated outside U.S. embassies throughout Europe, and rights activists marked the date with demands for the release or trial of the remaining 395 men at the prison in southern Cuba. Activist Cindy Sheehan led a dozen protesters on a march from the city of Guantanamo to the locked back gates of the naval base, where they chanted for an end to the detention of so-called enemy combatants. "Gitmo prison is a source of shame; no more torture in our name!" shouted Sheehan and the others allowed into Cuba for a rarely permitted visit to the remote base. Among those who made their way to the little-used northeast gate was Taher Deghayes, who held a photograph of his detainee-brother, Omar Deghayes. Deghayes' mother, Zohra Zewawi, accompanied Sheehan's group to Cuba and told news agencies that her son had been tortured and blinded in one eye since being imprisoned in September 2002. Also with the protesters was 25-year-old British citizen Asif Iqbal, whose three years in U.S. custody and subsequent release without charges was the subject of the 2006 documentary film "The Road to Guantanamo." Base authorities said they had no contact with protesters. "Today is a typical workday here at GTMO. We have no purview or interaction with protesters. Wherever they are protesting in Cuba, it's not near us," said Army Col. Lora Tucker, spokeswoman for the Joint Task Force operating the prisons. In Washington, more than 100 protesters were arrested after they entered a federal courthouse wearing T-shirts with slogans such as "Stop Torture" and "Shut Down Guantanamo." Their permit authorized an outdoor protest. Dozens of demonstrators dressed like Guantanamo prisoners also turned out at U.S. embassies in Greece, Denmark, Britain, Hungary, Germany, Turkey and Italy. The American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International and the Center for Constitutional Rights all appealed for restoration of the prisoners' right to habeas corpus — the ability to challenge their detention in U.S. courts that was stripped from them by the Military Commissions Act passed by Congress in September. "The idea that you can indefinitely detain people, give them no access to their families or initially lawyers, never charge them and torture them in an offshore penal colony, should be absolute anathema to any civilized country in the world," said Michael Ratner of the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights. Amnesty International USA Executive Director Larry Cox condemned Guantanamo as "a symbol around the world for human rights abuse and for wrongheaded policies enacted in the name of the war on terror." Pentagon officials have said only 60 to 80 Guantanamo prisoners are likely to be tried in the military tribunals being set up at the base. Khalid al-Odah, whose 29-year-old son Fawzi has been a prisoner at Guantanamo since Feb. 16, 2002, said: "The American administration should just put our boys in an independent court, try them if they have any charges, otherwise set them free. This is the simple demand from me as a father." A retired Kuwaiti air force pilot, the elder al-Odah said in a telephone interview from his homeland that his son had been doing relief work in Pakistan near the Afghanistan border when Pakistani bounty hunters captured him and handed him over to U.S. troops in Kandahar for reward money offered for suspected Taliban or Al Qaeda figures. David Cynamon, a Washington attorney representing al-Odah and three other Kuwaiti prisoners at Guantanamo, believes mounting international condemnation has U.S. authorities scrambling to reduce the detainee population. About 100 Guantanamo prisoners were sent home last year, and at least 80 still in custody have been cleared by annual reviews for release or transfer. In the five years since the first 20 men were escorted off a military cargo plane, Guantanamo has become a source of foreign policy discord for Washington. Newly elected U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday added his voice to appeals for an end to what critics consider flagrant human rights abuses. "I understand that today is the fifth anniversary of Guantanamo's prison," Ban said at a news conference in New York. "Like my predecessor, I believe that prison at Guantanamo should be closed." ----------------------------------- 5yrs later almost no one had been charged and no trials underway. An absolute travesty, especially considering it is the Americans that run it and espouse freedom and due process as value the hold dear. Hypocrites!
  24. I collect lots of rare jazz, old funk etc. and I find many commerical/pay sites simply don't have that stuff. iTunes will have the big titles but not the more niche stuff. I have had excellent success with soulseek. I have never got a virus form it in the 4yrs I've used it and I find there are many collector types and jazz heads on their where you can find the "older gems". You may need to give him a brief turtorial on it as it is more of searching site, as opposed to a commercial site. For streaming get him on Sugarmegs.org. I got there everyday and they have lots of old blues, rock, jazz and beyond. They have lots of stuff from you Dad's generation and beyond.
  25. WOW Keith looks like he is made out of stone in that photo. That orange stuff is his signature cocktail "orange minutemaid and vodka". Appratently he lives on that and 3 paper blunts at all times. that other photo makes him look actually good. They must have used a million filters to minimize the crevasses in his face.
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