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Everything posted by timouse

  1. if anyone needs me i'll be on the roof signalling passing flying saucers.
  2. but the flipside of that coin is the possibilty that the greens or the ndp who score a good chunk of the popular vote but few or no seats now have a very real chance to broaden the agenda of the ruling party. the german green party example gets tossed around a lot as an example of this system working. see this link for a thumbnail sketch. it seems as though green party members in germany who were elected based on popular vote had a tremendous influence on the coalition government that they were part of. as far as corporate imnterests controlling the shots, look at the guys in charge at the moment. how much worse could things get?
  3. "We would have been happy to sell out, but nobody was buying." -Jerry Garcia
  4. nuts. this is going to be a busy week at wherever all these people go after here. RIP Joe.
  5. happy birthday mickey! i love and respect you as a drummer, i'm a little concerned about where your head was at during the recent archive.org fiasco... "you say it's a living, we all gotta eat..."
  6. I just got this from Daveymouse....
  7. very sorry to hear this, dave. he sounds like a stellar sort of guy, you're not one for unwarranted praise... RIP Doug.
  8. the saddest hing about this was that peter had had a couple of instances of remarkable drops in his PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels that coincided with the arrivel of "kindness" from friends. there was one point where it was bad enough that his doctor told him to clean out his closets and get his stuff in order, and at his next visit his PSA level was an order of magnitude lower. medical marijuana lost a good friend this weekend....as did the mice. thank you all for your kind thoughts, and if you go in for that sort of thing, some kind thoughts for marcel's mom & dad would be cool. mr and mrs g were close to peter as well, and marcel's 41st birthday is was is this time of year...this is a doubly hard time for them. {{{{{{{{{{{marcel's folks}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  9. Peter Owens, a very dear friend of the mouse family, passed away on Saturday from complications arising from a fall he took the previous evening. Peter had been battling prostate cancer for some time, and had been undergoing chemotherapy. Peter's daily regimen of pills included some pretty hardcore pain medication, and he had been having balance problems intermittently as dosages were adjusted. Peter was a close frend of Marcel Guderian, and for years was a fecipient of Marcel's "west coast compassion." After Marcel's passing last Christmas, the mice had tried keep up Marcel's legacy. RIP Peter. You get to hang with Marcel again... edit to add...if any of the mice have pictures of Peter, please post them, or send them to me and nif...
  10. 274. Songs about cowboys (but the word "cowboy" or any part thereof cannot appear in the song title) 1. George Strait - I Can Still Make Cheyenne 2. Lyle Lovett - Don't Touch My Hat 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  11. congratulations! here's to a coming generation of kind souls!
  12. indeed. that's very sad news. i love panzerotti. RIP Luciano.
  13. happy birthday corey! looks like you got a baby for your birthday!
  14. hey everyone! thanks for the kind words. i just got back from the weekend away...niffermouse gave me a trip to a retreat centre in the hockley valley for my birthday, and it was amazing. excellent vegetarian food, meditation, hikes through the forest. it was very cool. best. 40th birthday. ever. (i think.)
  15. congratulations, corey! looks very text-bookish.
  16. congratulations jay and family!
  17. oh yeah. good steady hand vibes, tooly
  18. #260 Songs Involving Psychological Conditions: 1. King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man 2. Black Sabbath - Paranoid 3. The Disco Biscuits - Voices Insane 4. The Rolling Stones - 19th Nervous Breakdown 5. Queen - I'm Going Slightly Mad 6. Police - Voices Inside My Head 7. Radiohead - Paranoid Android 8. Jimi Hendrix - Manic Depression 9. Patsy Cline - Crazy 10. 11. 12.
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