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Everything posted by timouse

  1. what he said that was a fabulous party you guys put on. you continue to rock. happy anniversary to you both!!!!
  2. much to the dismay of both The Band and Bob Dylan, I told Henry.
  3. refused to turn up my radio. van morrison still doesn't return my calls.
  4. but i have a really nice monitor. it has better resolution than outside.
  5. [as posted to GoodWork http://www.GoodWorkCanada.ca ] EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Position: Dreamweaver Expert Organization: Appleseed Organic Lawn Care http://www.appleseedlawn.com Location: Ottawa, Ontario Expert in Dreamweaver needed to train administrative staff which manages several websites. We are planning to do web management in house and need basic training to start the process of self-reliance. Email resume to: suzanne@appleseedlawn.com or call 613-224-7336 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This message will also be posted at one or more of: GoodWork Canada http://www.GoodWorkCanada.ca Planet Volunteer http://www.PlanetVolunteer.net The Calendar http://Planetfriendly.net/calendar/ Any changes or corrections will appear there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POST AN ECO-JOB OR OTHER LISTING: Post it with GoodWork: http://GoodWorkCanada.ca Post it with PlanetVolunteer: http://PlanetVolunteer.net Post it on the Calendar: http://Planetfriendly.net/calendar/ Contact us: http://Planetfriendly.net/inquiry.html SUBSCRIBE to GoodWork at: http://www.GoodWorkCanada.ca or e-mail to: goodworkcanada-subscribe@yahoogroups.com UN-SUBSCRIBE: the unsubscribe address is found at the very bottom of this message, and here: http://www.planetfriendly.net/goodworkunsubscribe.html GOODWORK RELIES ON your payments and contributions. Please make your cheque payable to: People and Planet, PO Box 21006, RPO Ottawa South, Ottawa ON, Canada K1S 5N1. Or donate online: http://Planetfriendly.net/donate.html Pay online: http://Planetfriendly.net/goodworkpmt.html (Not tax-deductible. If you want a receipt, please indicate so, and include your e-mail address so we can send you one.) DISCLAIMER: GoodWork/People & Planet does not verify the accuracy of the messages and listings we distribute. We also do not screen or endorse the organizations or individuals involved. It is the responsibility of the reader to confirm important details with the other party/organization, and to take any suitable precautions before accepting employment, a contract or any other arrangement. -- GoodWork Canada http://www.GoodWorkCanada.ca PlanetVolunteer http://www.PlanetVolunteer.net People & Planet http://www.Planetfriendly.net ~ it takes *people* to build a healthier world ~ . Listing ID: 4992
  6. yep. meatspace schwa is every bit as cool as cyberschwa. i have not touched his hair though. sounds like i've missed out.
  7. {{{{{{{{{{{ mooooooose }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  8. Student’s program sends PR chaos in Wiki-scandal Thu, 16 August 2007 The Malta Star One American student sent major corporations, governments and even the Vatican on the defensive after coming up with Wikipedia Scanner, a software program that reveals who changed Wikipedia entries. Wikipedia.com is an online encyclopedia edited by general users, who write articles on every imaginable subject. Since it is written by users, anyone can edit, delete and arrange the articles on Wikipedia. What Virgil Griffith did was come up with a program that reveals who edits these articles, via a system where it scans the I.P address and cross-references it with the I.P. directory. As soon as the software was launched on the internet, chaos erupted. Among many revelations, Wikipedia Scanner reported that: - Microsoft tried to cover up the XBOX 360 failure rate - Apple edit Microsoft entries, adding more negative comments about its rival - Bill Gates revenge? Microsoft edits Apple entries, adding more negative comments about its rival - The Vatican edits Irish Catholic politician Gerry Adams page - In the 9/11 Wikipedia article, the NRA added that “Iraq was involved in 9/11†- Exxon Mobil edits spillages and eco-system destruction from oil spillages article - FBI edits Guantanamo Bay, removing numerous pictures - Oil company ChevronTexaco removes informative biodiesel article and deletes a paragraph regarding fines against the company - Scientology removes criticism and negatives article from Scientology page - Al Jazeera TV station adds that the foundation of Iraq was just as bad as the Holocaust - Amnesty International removes negative comments - Dell Computers deletes negative comments on customer services and removes a passage how the company outsources work to third world countries - MySpace removes paragraph when their website was hacked - EA Games deletes whole paragraphs of criticism about employment practices and business methods - Dog breeding association deletes whole paragraphs about fatal attacks by dogs on humans - US Republican Party changes the "Post-Saddam" section of the Baath Party article to a different account of the war, changing the language from "US-led occupation" to "US-led liberation" - Fox News removes all controversial topics against the network from the Fox News page - News of the World deletes a number of criticism against the paper - Nestle removes negative comments on its business practices from its page - UN address calls journalist Oriana Fallaci a racist ‘prostitute’ - Portuguese government removes entries about Prime Minister’s scandals - DieBold, the company that controversially supplied computerised polling stations in the US elections, removes numerous paragraphs with negative comments - Walmart removes criticism of outsourcing work. The retailer also changes negative paragraphs of underpaid workforce - Sony removes harmful paragraphs against blu-ray systems - Someone at Reuters calls Bush “a mass murderer†- Coca Cola removes negative content about its effects - British Conservative Party removes negative references of its MPs and deletes paragraph of the party’s old policies - US University adds the “prestigious†adjective to its page - Boeing edits from “Boeing is a leading American aircraft and aerospace manufacturer†to “Boeing is the leading American aircraft and aerospace manufacturer†- MSN Search is “a major competitor to Googleâ€. That’s what MSN added to their page - BBC changes Blair's drink from coffee to vodka and his workout from the gym to the bedroom. Someone from the BBC also changes Bush’s page, changing the name from â€George Walker Bush†to “George Wan*** Bush†- Someone from The Guardian edits the Wikipedia page of rival newspaper The Times. Originally in the article it is said that The Times sells more than The Guardian. After the edit, The Guardian sells more. Griffith created the tool to "create minor public relations disasters for companies and organizations I dislike," he said on his web site. He admitted that it's impossible to be sure if the edits were made by someone working at one of the organizations, although the I.P. address reveals that they were made by someone with access to their network, he says. Griffith came up with the idea when he "heard about Congressmen being caught for white-washing their Wikipedia pages," he said. "If the edit occurred during working hours, then we can reasonably assume that the person is either an agent of that company or a guest that was allowed access to their network," he wrote.He said he believes that anonymous speech is important for open projects like Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia works fine today for "noncontroversial topics," he said, but tools like Wikipedia Scanner can help make the site more reliable for controversial topics, he said.
  9. On a piece of paper, make a tick mark for each question you answer "yes" to. To calculate your score, see the table below. Section 1 - Methods 1) Have you ever smoked marijuana? 2) Have you ever smoked marijuana from a pipe? 3) Have you ever smoked marijuana from a joint? 4) Have you ever smoked marijuana from a bong? 5) Have you ever hot-knifed? 6) Have you ever smoked marijuana from a piece of food? (apples, etc) 7) Have you ever smoked marijuana from any other devices? 8) Have you ever smoked tobacco and marijuana together in a joint? 9) Have you ever eaten marijuana? 10) Have you ever cooked with marijuana? 11) Have you ever made/eaten Alice B. Toklas cookies/brownies? 12) Have you ever gotten a contact high? 13) Have you ever given a shotgun? (blowing your smoke into another's mouth) 14) Have you ever received a shotgun? 15) Can you blow smoke rings with pot? 16) Have you ever smoked out of a bong more than two feet tall? 17) Have you ever made your own pipe? Section 2 - Places 1) Have you ever smoked marijuana in a public place? 2) Have you ever smoked marijuana in plain sight of non-smokers? 3) Have you ever smoked marijuana in plain sight of non-smokers who may care? 4) Have you ever smoked marijuana on the clock at work? 5) Have you ever smoked marijuana in the janitor's closet? 6) Have you ever smoked marijuana in a vehicle? 7) Have you ever smoked marijuana in a moving vehicle? 8) Have you ever smoked marijuana while driving a moving vehicle? 9) Have you ever lit a smoking device for a driving guy? 10) Have you ever smoked marijuana in a government vehicle? 11) Have you ever smoked marijuana in a tree? 12) Have you ever smoked marijuana in a government building? 13) Have you ever smoked marijuana in a concert venue? 14) Have you ever smoked marijuana by yourself? 15) Have you ever smoked marijuana in the bathroom? 16) Have you ever smoked marijuana inside your parents house? 17) Have you ever smoked marijuana in your dorm room? 18) Have you ever used a dorm buddy? 19) Have you ever hotboxed a small enclosed area? Section 3 - After smoking 1) Have you ever smoked marijuana before going somewhere because you didn't think you would enjoy your activities otherwise? 2) Have you ever gone to classes while high? 3) Have you ever gone to work while high? 4) Have you ever written a paper while high? 5) Have you ever failed to write a paper because you were high? 6) Have you ever smoked pot before drinking to avoid a hangover? 7) Have you ever smoked pot as a motivator? 8) Did it work? 9) Have you ever driven while high? 10) Have you ever gotten into a car accident while high? 11) Have you ever committed a felony while high? 12) Have you ever been convicted of a felony committed while high? 13) Have you ever been convicted of any drug-related misdemeanors? 14) Have you ever been convicted of any drug-related felonies? 15) Have you ever woken up in the morning still high? Section 4 - Other activities 1) Have you ever grown your own pot? 2) Have you ever been a middleman in a marijuana deal? 3) Have you ever sold marijuana for a profit? 4) Have you ever flunked a drug test? 5) Have you ever been fired from a job because of marijuana? 6) Have you ever alienated friends because of marijuana usage? 7) Have you ever bought a cd merely because you thought it would be fun to listen to while high? 8) What is the most number of times you've ever smoked out in one day? (Give yourself one point for every time) 9) What is the most consecutive days you've gone smoking? (one point for every day) 10) Have you ever written a test to determine if you were a pothead? 11) Have you ever watched Wizard of Oz and Dark Side of the Moon simultaneously while high? 12) Do you have a collection of "stoned music"? 13) Have you ever "found God" while high? 14) Where was he? (1 point if you can remember) 15) Have you ever spent important money, like rent money, on pot? 16) Have you ever had your eye twitch continuously as a result of smoking pot? 17) Have you ever gotten a case of the "stupids"? 18) Do you have a web page devoted to pot? 19) Have you ever smoked an eighth in one night? 20) Have you ever been stopped by the border patrol and searched for drugs? 21) Did they find any? Section 5 - Love and Pot 1) Have you ever had sex while high? 2) Have you ever had sex just because you were high? 3) Have you ever entered into a relationship while high? 4) Have you ever placed yourself in a sexually compromising position when you were high? 5) Have you ever had a relationship that was based solely on marijuana usage? 6) Do you love pot? 7) Has pot ever come between you and your significant other? 8) Has lust for a friend come to the surface while you were high? 9) Do you find sex more enjoyable when you're high? 10) Do you ever call smoking a joint giving a blow job? 11) Do you own a phallic smoking device? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 points - Idiot Why are you taking this test? Why are you on this page? Go back to Disneyland. 1-20 points - Pot-weanie You need to smoke more. Maybe you know this. If so, I feel for you. 21-40 points - Casual smoker You probably usually just smoke at parties or something like that. This is probably good. Moderation is good. But excess is fun. 41-60 points - Pothead in training You're getting there. Try a little harder and you'll make it, if you want. 61+ points - Chronic pothead You make Bob Marley look straight. Be careful though. Have fun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i think i scored 73 but i have short term memory problems and can't remember back to the start of the quiz.
  10. "have a drink on me" by AC/DC how about: May you never lay your head down without a hand to hold. May you never make your bed out in the cold.
  11. i heard rave reviews of this show from mr tonin and my vancouverite brother. bring 'em!
  12. happy birthday davey boy. you consistently crack me up. thank you!
  13. did you see the SOuth Park where the town was overrun with hippies and cartman saved the town from destruction by tunnelling through the crowd in a giant drill car and putting the above album on the sound system? hilarious.
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