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Everything posted by timouse

  1. wicked, you are now "clever!!" now this gets fun
  2. okay ladies and gentlemen, i am happy to report that hal and katlady are indeed going to adopt our surplus cat. that moves corey's cat in to pole position as the Jambands Cat of The Week. bump now and bump often, with pictures if you can get them. and three cheers for hal and katlady!
  3. q: "Is there anything that Focus on the Family should do more of?" a: " yes. focus on YOUR OWN DAMN FAMILY!" thanks dave. this made me feel very good.
  4. kitkat, um, no but he is very cool, and i'd really like to see him adopted. deb, i don't think we can make it this weekend, but if you guys are serious, we may be able to work something out. katlady? any word from halbert?
  5. I'd be guessing 'Dead covers. yup.
  6. yay! passing through guelph a few weeks ago, i caught my first glimpse of the Sprawl Mart...it looks for all the world like a castle sitting up on the hill overlooking guelph. boo-urns! let's hope that the progressive folk elected yesterday do their thing.
  7. http://www.archive.org/details/etree more free live music than you will be able to listen to in several lifetimes.
  8. bump. here's hoping tht hal and kat lady are the cat's new home. he's really sweet and we will help have him fixed if you can offer him a good home. and no willy, your barbeque is not a good home.
  9. rocket surgery, water under the dam...priceless.
  10. yay neil! way to find your way out. happy birthday!
  11. he's probably less than a year old, has no problem with our cats. we are already full (five cats...yes i know, please don't start...) he is very friendly and docile and takes to new people. don't know about kids but he seems generally well disposed to bipeds.
  12. if you want to eat him, you'll have to come get him yourself
  13. timouse

    Go VOTE

    municipal election turnout is generally even lamer than provincial or federal...that shouldn't be. this is where the decisions that affect your quality of life are made. go and vote!!!
  14. so niffermouse has rescued another stray cat from our neighbourhood. he's extremely friendly, and we are trying to find him a home before it gets cold out. free delivery to most anywhere in SoOn, he is not yet neutered but will be (pay what you can if you can, if you cannot i will).
  15. timouse

    IPOD help

    hey SG, that's very interesting. i've been very curious about rockbox due to its' ability to deal with FLAC (hello? apple? open source lossless compression?) and you can access the ipod as a drive and drag/drop files? hmmmm...maybe i do need to think more aboot this. cheers
  16. timouse

    IPOD help

    or you could find an apple service depot and talk to them about it. at very least they should be able to whack it & reformat it for you. failing that, there's open source software called rockbox that will run on an ipod. i've been contemplating it, but have not yet tried it for fear of messing something up. but if you're already at that stage, maybe you have less to lose
  17. from an old enron stock certificate...
  18. del, that is the best weirdest avatar i've ever seen on here. you have brightened up a drizzly saturday. oh yeah, and the band. come check out ned wreckmouse in cambridge on the 17th! can't beat the cover (none) and del will be there inhaling squirrels that he caught in the park at set break.
  19. i agreee that impaired is impaired...whether it's a cellphone, 4 beers, or a big fatty. i think what makes me nervous is how exactly the "evaluation" works, and whether or not this will give a roadside cops further license to make someone's like more difficult...the "grey area" you speak of is exactly what worries me, and anything that "worked well in the states" frankly gives me the heebie jeebies.
  20. hidely ho, homo-reenos! the moment i saw the byline of the article (denver - shudder- ) i thought of all the "focus on the family" folk in colorado springs. i wonder if they're helping?
  21. Weird moment time. I just put down my guitar after having played that song and pulled up this thread. No shit. cue twilight zone theme - excellent. getting ready for tomorrow night's open mic?
  22. i would also nominate the k.d. lang version.
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