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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Fack with the Leaves in there, we might as well include all the teams with a better record. I vote aye.
  2. Yeah it should be an interesting dynamic with out the Heater in the line up... he seemed to carry the team last year when we had 6 regulars out of the line up. Can Spezza step up and do the same thing? Maybe... I saw him throw a pretty solid body check on Thursday night to start the game. It would be fucking sweet if he and Vermette could form some chemistry imo. Should be fun tonight. And yeah, it's far better it happens now than in May... Sutter has the Devils playing some great hockey right now... I'm a little concerned, but we should persevere.
  3. Solid win for the boys tonight... Fuggin refs though. It's been a good day for the Shred-head... hope Jax and NY can finish it off tomorrow!
  4. [color:green]42-20 GREEN Bay wins. If that doesn't make me want to smoke a joint... I don't know what ever will.
  5. Some serious run game from the Pack too today... Kerney will be lucky if he can round a street corner, let alone the Packs Defensive linemen in the 4th quarter... What a great game to watch... my only little wish is I had it in HD! Or I was there!
  6. I like to think I don't like to over-state things... but that play by Farve with 1:06 left in the 1st half is probably the play of his career... CLASSIC... Grant walks it in for the 4th score of the half. Ommmmmm.
  7. Ryan Grant set his Alarm clock for 10 minutes into the first quarter... thankfully he woke up. Nice swing and a miss Trufant.
  8. Fack... that's more like it... stuff em' on defence, and walk down and score again and I'll lower my blood pressure by a factor of 2. Nice game to watch though... "The Frozen Tundra of Lambeau Field."
  9. Holy shitballs. Who invited Ryan Grant?
  10. Green Bay wins the whole thing. Enjoy your proline picks you heathens.
  11. So a couple of weeks ago it was anybodys guess who would make the playoffs with only a few points separating 3 place and 15th in both conferences... now it seems there's a little bit of separation and some pretenders are starting to slide... Who of the teams currentley not in a playoff position... do you think has the most legitimate chance of making the playoffs? I'm going to go out on a limb and say the Capitals... who are going to rally behind Ovechkin, who's going to be lights out the rest of the way, and who's improved team is going to mold and gel at the right time to climb into a playoff position... And in the west... the Phoenix Coyotes... who played impressive hockey on their east coast swing, and may of finally found an identity that Gretzky can work with... I'm probably way off, but I don't start too many discussions, and don't really care if I'm wrong... Go Sens!
  12. The return of the Dave Semenko era is just around the corner imo... just gotta get rid of the instigator. If only to protect these long term prospects... and to make the game hell more fun to watch. Otherwise knee's will be popping like orville reddenbacker in a few years. Nice to be back at the computer... I like bands that jam. :content:
  13. I'm going to get a Laffs jersey with Oveckin on the back... just to be clever. 2020... I'll probably be dead by then. Fucking Berezin.
  14. Hey folks! Been missing round these parts for a while. Looks like the Sens have a pretty good team eh? Looks like Patty Eaves will be back soon too. Good News.
  15. That was a fun show! I thought Chameleon Projects set was solid. I really like the new tunes, and the way the older tunes have evolved with new Bass tones, solid jam parts. The boys looked like they were having lots of fun up there!
  16. Happy birthday Paisley, Shine on you crazy diamond!
  17. Ratz... tough game against the Hawks. Gotta be tough though when the Refs clearly have a mandate to "Keep the game close"... especially during these 'highly' viewed holiday games. Let hope this doesn't go for another 7 gamer!
  18. I think he'll be done with the Islanders... it would be embarassing for a player to stick up for him now when he clearly went psychopathic by using his skate as a weapon. If it was me, and I was on the Islanders, I think I'd rather not have a guy like that around. But who knows where he'll end up... it's not like he's going to jail or anything. Maybe he should though. What an ugly play.
  19. Romo's going to choke. Maybe the Pack will get Jessica Simpson to sing at half time.
  20. Brett Farve breaks another record... I guess another week just passed in the 07-08 season. I think the Pack have a legitimate shot at beating the AFC champion if they manage to get there... With the emergence of a run game, and solid kick and punt returns, as well as their 5 wide formation, the Pack have quality and depth at every position on the team. This looks eerily like John Elways swan song year.
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