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Everything posted by Baj

  1. the Hammer has a great 'scene' of people if you ask me
  2. Baj

    doc watson

    I love the tune Diesel Dog covers in their acoustic sets... go Doc
  3. thanks Ken, I have not heard them, but am gonna give em a listen when i get home and can access myspace...im hating our new filters here at work...but thankful I can still get to good ol jambands halaluyah
  4. coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  5. YAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  6. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo whoooooooooo
  7. Well folks im very excited and happy to say Captainsunshine and I will be going to snoe.down after all Also very excited about the fact that Kindness won over money this time around.. F U money HA in yo face... First we had to cancel our Jam in the Dam trip due to lack of funds... then we were doin the same for our back up plan snoe.down... TILL MS_Zimmy / This Site / and Karma came to our rescue I was online when MS_Zimmy first posted that she couldn't go, she said I was the first to contact her and after much thought decided to give them to the first person that contacted her. SHE ROCKS people and so does this site We are so out of control excited and so grateful THANKYOU and see you skanks that are goin in lake acid
  8. http://theband.hiof.no/albums/jericho.html
  9. woooo I think this is a good prescrition Dr. time to look up the song list
  10. Tooly and Alabama Man both raise points that I have been thinking about along with other thoughts that actually freak me out These so called FREE fun sites seem so harmless and fun, but when you stop and think about the negative things that could happen from these sites its scary, to me atleast. Maybe I have watched to many sci-fi or conspiracy movies but it seems like this is right out of one of them. I mean these sites are free to us, but those sites need money to run, I know alot of money can be generated from the ads on the site.. but buisness is greedy, our information can be woth ALOT to people we have no idea they are handing it over too. Not only that, but if someone wanted to steal your identify or really fuck with your life all the info they need along with pictures and everything is right there for the picking...that we have voluntarilly handed over for anyone to see. I've always been kinda paranoid by nature but I just feel we are all being watched to a degree and we just keep handed them the info....
  11. its gratefulfest tradition he lights himself on fire over on the little island dances around then jumps in the water
  12. me either i have way to much of this shit goin on as it is.... ha
  13. its a big message i see that says "Oooooppss! the images you are looking for are not here go to: http://knuttz.net browse the net or use the search tool" am i the only one that sees these?
  14. sweet Rich went last yr and plans to again this yr. I told him you were almost 100% and he was pumped.
  15. Kev, not sure if its just me here at work that sees this or everyone...but for me this comes up when you post during the day...im assuming from work... anyone else see this too?
  16. so are you guys in fosure kev?
  17. HA I had one of those yesterday ewwwwwww
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