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Everything posted by Baj

  1. wow..this would be amazing... you sure make me jealous here at work ALOT greg...ha enjoy buddy!
  2. check this out then...best show I have heard from them in 2yrs http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/238898/post/last/#LAST
  3. thats a great video... sure blows away other canadian bands for creativity
  4. they let us slide right on through...never saw his hands
  5. Thanks Brad, and GTB I'm really liking this show so far, love hearing some of the old stuff... birth of confusion, leader, and ofcourse street sleeper... liked the sound of 'I Guess Not I Guess' definately seems like things have been ironed out and im liking what im hearing... good job guys!
  6. they killed it st. paddies style lastnight in the hammer pure fresh energy...loved their set
  7. I dont know why...but these drive me NUTS too... hate the look of em...
  8. im way over on page 5 i think... but man do I ever have cool people with me on page 5
  9. then when you get too hot ... simply stroll over to the nice chill water and float around coolin off while still hearing the music on that note... bring a flotation device of some sorts... people were nice enough to lend or leave alot of them on the beach to borrow... or atleast thats how I took it but this year ill be bringin something... man there were all types of floaties it was nuts... along with canoes and kyaks...
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ7WYAdK2vM
  11. wheres my heady double exclamation marks
  12. there is noway these 'popular cartoon characters' would ever appeal to us mature adults the spin they put on this whole thing is way too funny...
  13. yes...and I would love to see you fly in
  14. Tara just reminded me that they may put the rvs in the front by the enterance and may not be tree covered...but you should just call to see if thats what they are doin agian this yr.
  15. awesome! hope you guys make it... the camping area is amazing almost completely canopied over tree cover...with sprawling very tall old trees ... and you camp with your car. This is the ledges busiest fest so the entire camping sites get filled tight and depending on how early you get there the closer and better site you will score...
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