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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. really, whats the point? Starbucks is the only decent coffee out there ...
  2. well, now we know why the rest of us arent winning.
  3. thanks for the heads up, AD. no word on this anywhere else. ive just gotten into these guys. (they've been around since 1993?!) We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank is a great album. really like it. marr's guitar shines thru. has an early 80's feel, very cure-like in spots.
  4. 1. Phish - Down with Disease (the dream took place at a motel which, strangely, had a small amphitheatre) 2. Sound Tribe Sector 9 - Musical Story, Yes (I have re-occuring dreams of me being seriously lost at a STS9 show.. which is a vague memory of it really happening.. And this song (well not really a song but an expert) is always playing.. freaky deaky) 3. Danny Whitten - C'Mon Baby Let's Go Downtown (Had a dream that Zappa was playing it, but someone thought it was Neil, then it was on an album, then it was on the neverending internet list....) 4. Abba - Knowing Me, Knowing You (No explaination needed) 5. Weather Girls - Its Raining Men (I'd rather not elaborate ) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  5. yes, but if you dont do it right, it could end up costing you a lot more than you had to pay. oh, and just to blow your mind some more ... most prices change hourly. bid in the morning, denied. buddy identical bids later that day, accepted. you want easy? go with kayak.
  6. technically, yes. it prevents you from simply starting at 35 cents and repetitively increasing your bid by a dollar until you get a room. realistically however, you can get around it by a) either "adding" new locations, or lowering the quality (star rating) of the hotel you want. to rebid by adding new districts in the area (ie., north end, business district, downtown, whatever), you would additionally select another area that does NOT contain any, for example, 4 star hotels. this will allow you to rebid at a higher price by including new areas (that you know dont contain a hotel you'd want). its essentially a "free rebid". be careful, though, you only get as many of these rebids as there are additonal areas that do not contain a 4 star hotel. additonally, you can rebid just within the same area (ie., not adding suburbs) by now selecting 3 star hotels in addition to your original 4 star request. priceline will allow oyu to rebid, but only if you change your preferences. the trick is to know beforehand what a reasonable starting price is for your hotel and begin there, then use your rather limited "rebids" carefully. check out the better bidding site. it explains it all there; contains various lists of how many 2,3,4 star hotels there are in each area within each city, and; gives listings of recent sucessful bids by others. VERY useful information. as for smoking rooms. i think most rooms you get would be smoking by default, and you'd have to specify with the hotel directly that you'd want a non-smoking either in advance or on check in.
  7. ok, sorry to harp on this, but it just went from tragic to criminal ... Tests of suspect pet food killed 7, FDA says Menu Foods of Streetsville, Ontario intentionally killed 7 animals to test the safety of their food, after concerns were raised. This disgusts me!
  8. mmmm, sounds good. crockpot / stews / etc. are great this time of year. we made guiness stew on sunday. lesson learned: dont assume you can get guiness the day after st. patrick's day. was delicious.
  9. exactly, and really how hard is it to fly up a drum kit and an old guitar. meg can sit on jack's lap in the plane too ... because really , weve never been too sure what's going on with them.
  10. i really really like their new album. i play it a lot.
  11. hey, the Iqaluit Legion Hall is just as good as the Mississauga Hershey Center. why not?
  12. most of the people I see at shows I wouldnt want to hang out with. some, yeah. but most, nah. the term community is a real stretch for 95% of shows.
  13. seems like a lot of cats and dogs in canada are dieing from this, and people are racking up $1000 vet bills. here's another globe article from today. my heart goes out to these folks. the hardest part was wading thru all the confusing info to figure out what was being recalled and whether we had it. the companies should have clearly indicated at the outset that this primarily affected wet foods, not dry food. our stuff was ok, but man, Iams? Eukanuba? these are high priced premium foods. and President's Choice? that's gotta be one of the biggest sellers, I'd guess. and all these 42 brands of cat food and 51 brands of dog food come from one manufacturer? a colleague is a veterinary epidemiologist and she's just shaking her head over how badly this has been handled. it was a disaster in the waiting, and apparently a lot of human food is processed en masse like this too - yikes!
  14. i think the spaceship-shaped church should have been the first clue. this is a photo of the "pastor's" home in King City, a super wealthy northern suburb of Toronto ... i say, if people are stupid enough to give to jokers like this, even after they have been shown evidence of his theft, then they deserve to be fleeced.
  15. is that bjork or brezhnev? and if thats a vomit cup, i stand corrected.
  16. it is, its overloaded and its dog food too, not just cat food.
  17. thanks for posting this, cap'n. its much bigger than just the iams and eukanuba lines and includes various foods from dozens of different lines. the complete sets of affected foods can be found here at http://menufoods.com/recall/ ... really user-unfriendly site, tho'. this is one of the biggest pet food recalls, ever. it's actually a canadian company in mississauga thats responsible. ... "blame canada?" everyone with a pet should check this out.
  18. that how i read it, ollie. he's been charged simply because the safety was not on while riding inside the vehicle, and the gun went off accidentally. charges? possibly yes. others in similar situations have been charged in the past with simple or criminal negligence. but manslaugher? wow. thats outrageous. really sorry to hear this, misterh. this must tear you up inside to see our government do this to your friend.
  19. wow. i just had a look at various news articles, and the Forces' insistence on charging Fraser with manslaugher seems so very wrong. there does not seem to be a single person who supports these outrageous charges, including Walsh's family and various senior retired miliary officials. a horrible tragic accident indeed, but this witch hunt is wrong.
  20. Theme: Songs that Frank Zappa has covered 1. Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze 2. Allmans - Whippin' Post 3. Cash - Don't Take Your Guns to Town 4. Police - Murder by Numbers 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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