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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. phishtaper


    wow, impressive. did you make that? a meager bagel with cream cheese (lite ) here i like this thread.
  2. it's already happened. check out the north of end of guelph. walmart opened last week only a block from home depot which opened earlier this year and its just down from that new turtle jacks which is right beside the cutest little A&W which of course is in the parking lot of the cineplex. :crazy: we lost our big box virginity a couple of years ago, so walmart was more symbolic, i think. but walmart and home depot are only the symptoms of the real problem - forced, and unsupportable, population growth. the Province's Places to Grow plan was supposed to provide a province-wide approach to managed and sustainable growth. problem is, they called for too much growth and now these battles are seen in cities all over the province. cheers to Oakville and all the communities that are managing to hold on to their identities. and for those of you sick of politics in the cavern, come to guelph, see the slip, and see her naked.
  3. she was just on howard stern. was pretty funny.
  4. yes, as much as this is a progressive and insightful organization, they sure did lose credibility as far as being "impartial".
  5. a fair question. what we have seen in Guelph over the past couple of years isnt your run of the mill "development", though. it has drastically increased taxes, overwhelmed and eventually destroyed the ground-breaking wet-dry waste program, virtually drained a local aquifer, obliterated farmland, caused traffic nightmares and brought local highways to a standstill, built thousands of new houses marketed at TO-bound commuters, and has explicitly paid for some city councillors' bids for office. yes, of course, some growth is necessary, otherwise a city would die. but, this growth has been rampant and out of control and has simply not paid for itself - at the expense of a much needed new city hall, new libraries and fire stations. voters simply called for responsible growth.
  6. In what most expected to be a tight race between pro-development incumbent Mayor Kate Quarrie and former mayor Karen Farbridge, Farbridge was swept into power with more than 50% of the vote, compared to 35% for Quarrie. See full results here. Not reaching the lofty goal of 50% voter turn-out so hardly fought for by the Guelph Civic League 40% of voters did turn out (compared to 26% in nearby Cambridge, 29% in Waterloo and 23% in Kitchener) and they spoke loudly. In addition to Quarrie's crushing defeat, also turfed out were virtually all of the pro-development, program-slashing city councillors, making way for a new slate of progressive, environmentally-aware, and responsible-growth councillors. This is a great day for Guelph! Hopefully, the Royal City will once again become the beautiful city it can be.
  7. oh, to see him? i thot you meant to buy him. in which case, yes, i think $29 to buy a dude is quite reasonable, nowadays.
  8. yes, if you have ID that shows that address they will accept that as proof you can vote. or, if you have two pieces of mail with your name and address (phone bill sorta stuff, not porn orders, preferably) that would be good too. but, call the city, or visit that website to locate and make sure you go to the right polling station. cheers.
  9. sweet. this may be the most important city election in Guelph's history, so a big turnout is great. stay the course with high growth under pro-development, and fiscally tight, Quarrie, or return to responsible growth, and community supportive, governance under Farbridge. I really hope it the latter. Cheers, Deeps!
  10. phishtaper

    Go VOTE

    for Mayor, City Council, Trustees, etc. Your city will be a better place because of it.
  11. four words, all ya need to know ... dos cerveses, por favor cheers
  12. you can also call the UoG Off-Campus housing office and they may blacklist him. could help some unsuspecting students.
  13. Set I: 70 minute Tweezer Set II: 90 minute Tweezer Reprise Encore: 30 minute Tweezer
  14. I'll see your Burt and raise you a Kissinger ...
  15. Hey Mr DJ, put a record on. So I can dance with my baby ... sorry, one simply must take every opportunity to reference Madonna. .... back to your talk of a boring old prog-rock band
  16. Yes, in Guelph, that's perfectly legal. But, only if you are actually on the crapper.
  17. This is great news. Yes, PG is an amazing performer. Lets hope he brings that super big ball on tour. Ok, now Im getting excited about this.
  18. This Chris Rea tune is a must have when heading home for the holidays - Driving Home for Christmas
  19. mmmm, banana tempura. two please.
  20. small world, we had that last night. wow, today sounds like a special day. congrats!
  21. hmmm, so now that it looks like the Dems have taken the Senate too, you think they will try to impeach Bush? i mean, taking a nation to war under false pretenses is a little more worthy of impeachment than lieing about a hummer.
  22. hey, this Jerry Garcia fella is pretty good. he in a band or something?
  23. or, maybe the Phoenix? now, THAT was a Dylan show!
  24. family photo is 10/10 on the funny scale. priceless! thanks! and what's with the expression on the boy's face? is Mark Foley standing behind him? pinch, pinch, grab, grab
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