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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. me too! when i ate the donair i said to velvet that it reminded me of poppy seed dressing.
  2. hehe that's a cute shirt fairysari, and thanks for the links!
  3. i didn't mean to piss on your pigs hamster cages will get stinky too for sure if you don't care for them. what i meant, i guess, was that guinea pigs are way bigger which means more piss to clean up more often! i saw the cutest cutest guinea pig in the pet store awhile back but managed to resist.
  4. i work on various energy efficiency projects for a consulting company. like fleet management and energy retrofits. i love my job! my boss rules and so does our company and lifestyle.
  5. i had hamsters when i was young and they were all sweet and lovable. i guess i'll have to take my chances! guinea pigs are cute but i'd heard they are really stinky and messy and piss all over the place. i guess cuz they are so much bigger. still hoping for a hamster....
  6. i can't imagine putting eggs in chicken salad. i'm gonna say no. i like chicken salad on a toasted poppy bagel from kettleman's
  7. i got to try that place and i had 3 of those ^^^^ last weekend on our trip to NB. my first one ever: yummy but way too saucy second one: i asked for less sauce, got basically no sauce though, so not as good. still tasty. third one: nasty. it was cold by the time i ate it in the car.
  8. i would like to adopt a hamster (the fluffy teddy bear kind) but the humane society doesn't have any right now and i can't find any on craigslist either. if anyone keeps hamsters, let me know if you get any babies you don't want! any info on where else i could look for one, also appreciated! thanks
  9. i'd buy a hybrid. yeah there's the battery issue but the fuel efficiency is more important i think. the battery technology will improve in time.
  10. i like creamy danish havarti, french camembert, and baldersons 3 yr old cheddar best
  11. *sniff* *sniffle* *sob* i'm out of town this weekend, sigh. waah! have fun y'all
  12. they only have a slim majority which would make that hard, you really need 60 to pass anything really controversial
  13. it's too sloppy and wet from all the toppings. tasty though. ahem...cough.
  14. i appreciate birdy. she fights with hux so we don't have to
  15. i think it's just the same thread over and over again...lol (best donair in ottawa)
  16. someone just raised the point, what if Bush appoints Lieberman Sec of Defense, then the Gov of CT appoints a Republican Senator to replace him, thus shifting power in the Senate back to the Repubs (assuming MT and VA go Democratic when all's said and done)...sneaky. though they are reporting former CIA director robert gates will take over...
  17. press conference to start now-ish
  18. i was just thinking about that yesterday. maybe switchin to jack & apple HOWEVER...i been drinkin j&c for countless years and never put on any weight before. ottawa winter=lots of hot coffee and snacks during work and stuff, bad!
  19. whenever i'm at my sis's house she orders fida's pizza. it's crazy how much topping is on it! i love the green olives. but it's too sloppy and wet from all the toppings. tasty though.
  20. that reminds me...does anyone have any suggestions for people who DON'T want to 'pack it on' for the winter? (i still haven't gotten rid of what i packed on last winter!)
  21. fucking character zero. my set-closer and encore hopes were dashed dozens of times by this one.
  22. yes birdy i know what you meant, which is what i quoted and responded to. you don't have to repeat yourself again and again.
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