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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. odrogs here is another link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MR7GL9E3
  2. similar situation with odrogs, people contributed to get him in, and he said he was standing in the sweet spot. i haven't listened yet.
  3. ms zimmy has a secret bacon fetish
  4. phorbesie


    huh...that page is different than the one previously posted (and has all the info). thanks!
  5. phorbesie


    the main page doesn't say where it is or the dates!
  6. Is it fair to compare his last show with the upcoming one? The year is different, the political environment and response is different, the stage set up is different, the costumes are different etc etc That's just a small percentage of the differences. I don't think it's possible to compare the two. j/k i am looking forward to it!
  7. phorbesie


    anyway, on a different topic, if anyone else was wondering about the differences between haiti and the DR that are so pronounced, i found this article informative
  8. phorbesie


    yeah, i had a feeling you'd do that. they are all people suffering, even if the similarities are only a history of poverty and evil governance, exacerbating a huge natural disaster that kills hundreds of thousands. obviously it's easier to get in and help haiti. like i said i have no problem with people helping haiti.
  9. phorbesie


    wow...i can't help but notice how much notice and help haiti is getting compared to when a disaster of similar magnitude hit burma a few years ago. i can't think of any famous people that stepped up on that one. i'm not saying that haiti doesn't need it! i'm just sad that burma constantly gets swept under the rug.
  10. i think Velvet is referring to CBC radio actually
  11. not sure why phishheads are singled out? your list puts pretty much any other band's fans to shame as well!?
  12. now i have the song "when schwa comes to town" (U2) stuck in my head!
  13. when phorbesie's away, schwa and velvet will play sounds like trouble!!
  14. I got a cookbook featuring "Italian Vegetables" which I can't find online, it was one of those bargain bin types. But quite a few things look tasty so I am going to use it!
  15. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY VELVET!! You're the bestest
  16. I am so, so sorry to read this. I never met him, but heard so many great things about him. My deepest sympathies to all family and friends. RIP Boogieknight.
  17. bradm, is the show available online or by PM? i have a looooong ride to florida ahead and funny enough my american friend i'm riding down with is a huge sisters fan! would love to listen to this on our drive if possible
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