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Everything posted by Whitey

  1. Kev, you have had some good luck scoring tickets this year. Nice work.
  2. Agreed. I am looking to upgrade my lawn tickets. Other than the day of the show and dealing with scalpers, any suggestions?
  3. Whitey

    Trey's playing

    Yeah, I am also loving Undermind.
  4. Not so much, but I did enjoy watching them lose in the first round of the playoffs.
  5. What a game last night!!! I am super happy for Cujo. He is probably one of my favourite all time Leafs. It was exciting to see how happy he was and how the rest of his teammates were for him
  6. Freak, how many games do you go to a year?
  7. Yes, it will be good fun. I wonder, could we set up deals such as trading Player A for someone's first round pick in the next's years draft?
  8. Agreed, unless you want to trade your best players to me.
  9. Spac and Darien Lake, fingers crossed.
  10. Yeah, me too. I am not caught up on my gossip, who are they dating?
  11. Ok, so I am not sure how to put pictures on here, so I created an album in Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=110267&id=697645621&saved#/photo.php?pid=2776050&id=697645621
  12. If I remember when I get home, I will take a picture of it for you. Mine is pretty standard, but it lots great.
  13. I have that Cinci print all framed up at my house. It looks sweet. Also, I have been checking Ebay for other prints that I would like to buy, but I can't seem to find the ones I am looking for. Does anyone know of a good site where I might be able to find some prints? eg., SPAC
  14. I absolutely love the house poster. Great design.
  15. I don't really like that print.
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