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Posts posted by YearsAlongTheSea

  1. Happy New Year ya'll.

    Looking at the description of what makes one a dog, I don't see how Michael Jackson made the list.

    Oh wait: Quote-

    "The Dog's discerning nature make it an excellent business person. In matters of love, Dogs often have a tough time finding the right match. This Sign is happiest when able to be quite physically active -- at home or at work."

    Or at Neverland, even on the balcony of a hotel.

  2. So, I don't play any instruments but I've been tooling around a lot lately on GarageBand with the DJ Jampack and if you've written anything on there with just the pre-recorded loops, you know it tends to get redundant. So I was wondering if anyone could recommend a very simple keyboard that I could run through garageband in order to compose my own beats and samples through it's filters. To make a long story short, I need something without all the bells and whistles as the bells and whistles are already on the computer.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  3. my current 'housemate' just moved back to ontario to my riding and has no ID with her address on it. So I went with her and vouched for her. We each had to swear or affirm a pledge that she was eligible to vote in the election and a resident of the riding, and that was it. No muss no fuss. You can only vouch for one person in each election, and you have to be residents of the same riding. But it worked like it should.

    Any problems at the poll should you decide to take this route just have them call their returning officer.


    When I went to pre-register, there were a few phone calls I overheard about what homeless people can do to vote, and apparently, all they need is someone, a map maker, or anyone in their neighborhood to vouch for them.

    If the liberals took to the streets and handed out bags of crack, they could really turn this thing around. Like Bush did with the Evangelicals.

  4. I moved up here from the States where I haven't ever been able to vote and now that I'm back in Canada, it's the first time I've been able to vote ever, so......

    That being said, do I have to vote for one party in particular? Or can I vote for people on different tiers in an array of parties? I'm pretty sure that you hand your entire vote over to one party. So, in my opinion, it's still somewhat of a gamble, but with good outs. Do you bet on the Race for PM? Or do you bet on principle and making sure your oposition has more voice in the wake of a loss?

    It's a tough one.

  5. I keep thinking green and then I think about all those Ralph Nader votes that kept Gore from Beating Bush. Round two we can thank the evangelicals for. In this case, it's not a wasted vote though.

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