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Everything posted by edger

  1. Just grabbed a ticket for myself too! It's official. I'll be in desperate need of some unwinding by the time this festival rolls around. Can't wait! By the way, for anyone who has already purchased a ticket (or who is planning on grabbing one in advance) the secure mail option is not available to Canadians. You have to choose the will call option. Even if you previously successfully purchased tickets using the secure mail option it appears as though they will be crediting your account for that charge and switching your status to will call (without notification). So... consider this a heads up...
  2. Happy birthday Hal! All the best.
  3. Yeah that's one of Todd's (my Todd's) worst nightmares. I hope that somehow your friend is reunited with his guitars. Brutal.
  4. I'm sorry to be missing out on this. I know y'all will have a great, messy time. I was already committed to a grand night out with my ladies (which will also be a great, messy time). Enjoy!
  5. Best wishes! Thanks for continuing to share some of your awesome photos!!
  6. If you have access to compasses (and know how to use one) you could have some sort of navigational/scavenger challenge. Congrats on the cool job Sarah!
  7. Yeah, I got a laugh out of that too. I've been saying for years now that I need to shake my diet coke addiction. Bad company to be supporting, and there can't be anything beneficial about its consumption. I started drinking about a can a day around the same time that I quite smoking. I guess I like to rotate my addictions... I wonder what qualifies as drinking "large amounts". I figure a daily dosage is probably considered chronic exposure eh?
  8. Good advice popo... I'll try to keep that in mind Thanks for the suggestions folks. Long overdue for an extended visit up that way.
  9. Just grabbed a pair of tickets for the 27th!! Should definitely be a summer highlight.
  10. Well, I suppose you don't have to be from Ottawa to help me out here, but TOdd and I are trying to figure out what to do for our honeymoon. We had thought about going south somewhere, but something tells me that we're likely not the resort type. I'm not really into sitting around a pool for days on end, and we don't really have the funds or time to research a more enjoyable and ethical option. Anyhow we're thinking of driving up through the Laurentian Mountains instead, and doing some camping. Maybe spend a couple of nights in Quebec City or something. I don't know where to begin in terms of finding the best places to go. Any suggestions? We love the outdoors. Particularly hiking, and canoing/kyaking. We'll likely camp most of the time, but would probably want to spend the first couple of nights at a coole lodge or B&B or something (where we have a relative degree of privacy). Any help you can give me would be immensely appreciated!! Cheers, sara
  11. Yup, Kanada Kev's suggestion of the Bruce Trail is a good one. Particularly if you're into spectacular hiking. Cypress Lake is nice and has access to some beautiful amenities, but it gets pretty busy. Cape Croker Native Reserve is a better choice if you're looking for something relatively more quiet. It is located just north of Wiarton. If you're interested in this PM me, and I can give you details as well as recommendations of sites, hiking trails and eats to check out. If you're into scuba diving the Bruce Peninsula is the place to be (particularly Tobermory). They also have boat rentals, fishing charters, etc, etc. Ontario is full of gems. Even within a relatively short distance drive. We're quite fortunate actually. Kilbear is also a nice park. Awenda is nice. All of these parks including Killarny surround GEorgian Bay. Further south, the Long Point area is absolutely beautiful as well. But it can get busy.
  12. Hope you enjoyed your day! Happy birthday.
  13. I'd love to hit this up too. Oh to have neverending funds. I may engage in some self-inflicted arm twisting.
  14. Woohooo!! Great news! I too was just wondering today whether your little one arrived "on time" or not. Glad to know that she has not kept you waiting. Can't wait to meet her! Warm hugs to all three of you!
  15. Real sorry to hear this George.
  16. Agreed. Horseshoe bleh. I'd love to catch these guys though
  17. I'm a little late for this thread... but you know where I was all weekend MarcO!! Glad we were able to celebrate with you right. Queen Victoria would be very proud.
  18. Happy belated Andre! Hope whatever you ended up doing this long weekend that you enjoyed yourself. Wait a second... MarcO and Booche's birthday on the same weekend? Yeesh...
  19. Wow! Looks like a beautiful score! Are you going to want any skank visitors in your future?? (hehe) Congrats to you and Jennifer. This looks like a great new chapter to start in your lives!!
  20. Damn... I have a ballgame that night. Normally I'd skip out on it in a second but between weddings and shows and other obligations I'm already missing a bunch of games... Hell, what's one more eh? I don't think I can miss this show... What time do you think they'll actually start Bri?
  21. Man... with a little more notice I would have definitely taken this ticket! For some stupid reason I was not anticipating this show to sell out, and when I tried getting tickets last week I was definitely dissapointed. Had a friend in town from Van, and we were going to hit it up. I'd take your extra, but I really need two... and it's already 6:00pm and I'm in Hamilton...sooo...not in the cards for me...BOOOO!
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