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Everything posted by edger

  1. In most places it would cost you $25 just to camp (with no entertainment on top of that). Come Together is obviously not your typical "camping experience", and obviously one is not there for the sole purpose of taking in the tranquility of the great outdoors (although there is some of that to be found around Ghostown too, if one bothers to look). I get what you're saying Swifty, and it's something for the organizers to consider. But I still think $40 isn't too unreasonable.
  2. I can sympathize when people are on a tight budget, and I also understand that in the summer there is so much going on that we are forced to pick and choose, and therefore can't do it all or throw our money at anything and everything. Having said that I don't think $40 for one night is that unreasonable for a night of camping, in an anything goes environment (you don't get much more freedom than the Ghostown, whether you like that freedom or not), some great bands, good people, safe environment, etc, etc, and "supporting the scene" (dare I say it). I could be wrong, but something tells me this isn't exactly a huge money making venture for those running the show. But it's nice to be able to cover the costs of putting this on. I'm looking forward to a weekend up at the cottage, but I am also anticipating the end of year shakedown at Ghostown on Labour Day. There are few things that I would rather be doing to close down my summer.
  3. I hope all of you heading up have a good time. I know you will! Looks like the weather is promising... We're shakin' it up a bit and taking a pass on this one, but totally looking forward to catching up on Labour Day!
  4. And we call it democracy
  5. Oh, I think I get it now...
  6. Is this the band that opened for the Fat Cats at the Lanc back in February? If so, yes, I enjoyed them as well. Fun band.
  7. Can't help you out unfortunately, however myself and a couple of school chums are going to hit the Hamilton show. I'm not exactly sure whether/how much I will enjoy this one. Something different for me for a change, which I am looking forward to. I used to listen to Tool all of the time, but it has been a while.
  8. Great gig! Unfortunately a monday night in Toronto does not work for me, but I hope it goes well for you! Nice seeing you at Deeps/Evans stag & doe last night.
  9. Oooohh, enjoy! I'd love to catch her live. She's a beauty, with an even more beautiful voice! I'd love to see her in a piano bar...
  10. Wish we had been able to make this one... I'm sure y'all did it up right! Cheers, sara
  11. I'm a little late, but best wishes nonetheless! Hope you had a great night rockin to the C-Jam!
  12. I think you may actually be addressing AdamH's post. If you re-read the thread you will see that I had argued along similar lines to yourself here. Anyhow, I wish this fellow well (and anyone else who is struggling for survival, or on the road to getting their life back together)
  13. Good luck to you!! I'd love to hear about any tips/advice that you gather from this experience... Have faith in yourself, I imagine that you've come this far for a reason.
  14. Is it just me, or does this lad somewhat resemble Joel Stouffer (Fatties old drummer) from a few years back? Big City Litty!!
  15. Ahhh.... butterflies, zebras, daisychains and mashed potatoes... The sun is shining once again. Or maybe is was the plushy...
  16. Jesus... that seems a little over the top! Gotta love that "fetal twins" gem that they dropped in there (purple font intended)... Sounds like she's hoping the Govenator is going to bail her out of this one...
  17. I actually agree with a lot of what you have said here. I also recently lost an aunt to pancreatic cancer, and I agree that it is one of the more painful, fatal cancers. I by no means intended to come across as "cold". I think you may be focusing on a word or two that I used, as opposed to my overarching message. I sympathize with the unecessary pain that this man has endured. And I would like to think that there are supports available that could be put into place that can help him through his transition. I honestly don't know diddly about pancreatitis, so I admit to being ignorant in that regard. My response was simply to the fact that I know many that would give anything to be given a second chance at life. Sure, one needs to have the resources in place to secure the fundamental necesseties. But I stick to my original message that there are better ways to make use of any remaining life experiences. Some of the best things in life are free, and if I almost lost my life, that is one lesson that I hope would be driven home. I'd like to think that I would be focused on indulging in those types of moments that you can't put a price on. Brian, thanks for the comic relief in this downer of a thread!! (not that the demise of that poor dancing warrier is funny... but it's certainly one way of going out with a bang). Something tells me that it's time for me to take my exit on this one... too close to home.
  18. You should hop on the Canadian convoy that's heading down to Grateful Fest. You should be able to get your fill there! All aboard!
  19. I agree with Phorbesie. There's no way the two compare. Obviously it is different for everyone, but in my family's experience, even when preparing for death you are still holding out hope that somehow, some way this will all just go away. I agree that he went through undue anguish and suffering. And I suppose that you could argue that he deserves to be compensated for this (but even highly qualified medical experts make mistakes)... but I would like to think that if I was put in the same situation, I'd concentrate my efforts on something more positive than a lengthy litigation process. Many people don't get the luxury of spending their life fortune on things that they enjoy. Many people lose everything when they channel all of their resources into treatment, recovery, experimental procedures that are unlikely to work in the first place... only to lose the "battle" in the end anyways. I figure that being financially destroyed is better than being financially destroyed and dead (or in the case of family, financially destroyed and left alone to pick up any remaining pieces)
  20. Ahh..Ollie, always using that noggin of yours. Sounds like a fair ultimatum to me.
  21. Yeah... hard to feel sorry for this guy. I mean no one should ideally have to live with the agony of knowing they are going to die soon, if that isn't the case. But medical diagnoses are far from perfect. For example, my step-mom was informed that she had no blood relatives that were a suitable match for a bone marrow transplant. We were informed months later that an error had been made, and in fact her brother would be a match. By that time she was in no shape to be able to survive a transplant...this was extremely difficult to accept. Herself, my family, (along with a hell of a lot of other people who are in similar situations I suspect) would be elated, and sooo thankful to hear that their worst nightmare had only been just that... just one big, bad dream.
  22. Now that is one tempting invite... maybe towards the end of the summer if I have any money left (which is doubtful), and after the thesis defense is out of the way. I would love to decompress out there!!
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