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Everything posted by edger

  1. Awww... thanks so much for your support Laurie (and all of you other kind well-wishers)!! The "lovely couple" is looking a little chewie in that picture... How'd that happen?
  2. edger

    Garbage Pickin'

    katlady, your idea reminds me of one garbage-picking, mind altering Earth Day I once had with Wassink Wild Card! and her sister... What a crazy day that was.
  3. It just might. To tell you the truth, I'm not exactly sure how long I will be in Waterloo. My goal was to have my marking done by today. But as of now, mid-afternoon tomorrow is probably looking more likely... (if I'm lucky)... I've got the markin' blues right about now. You figure fourth year students would have a somewhat decent clue as to how to structure a sentence. My brain hurts, and deciphering cryptic, endless misplaced jargon sucks. What time do you think you would be ready by if you were able to leave by three? I could probably hook you up...
  4. Hmmm... are you working tomorrow during the day Evans? I may have to swing into Waterloo to do some work throughout the day. I could possibly swing through Guelph on my way home depending on the timing... (I'll probably try and get home relatively early to rest up a bit before pre-show shennanigans)... Call me tonight, or send me a private message.
  5. edger

    Wedding Plans

    Wow! Congrats to you both. That's exciting news. Hopefully we'll be able to make an appearance. Also looking forward to seeing you guys over the summer (gratefulfest, darien...)
  6. i think i had a pablo sighting... but I believe we have never met.
  7. edger

    I love

    I figured he was lurking all along... butterflies, and zebras, moonbeams...and fairytales
  8. You're right Chameleon, that was pretty sweet!
  9. Wow! That is certainly a heavy dose of great bands for one Canadian city in a short time span!! Good thing you Ottawa folks can handle it!
  10. Hey folks. Good times last night for sure. Nice to see all the familiar, warm faces. A healthy skank representation last night for sure! This was my first UM show. The first set I was a little underwhelmed. A little too much wanky noodling for my tastes. There were some brilliant moments to be had for sure, followed by some prolonged periods of redundancy. BUt again, that is just a reflection of my own personal preferences. There is no doubt that these guys are ultra talented. Just a little too housey sounding at times. Having said that, I thought the second set was great. Some great jams, and yet a little more structure. My highlight of the night was probably Resolution. I loved the ethereal sounding Norwegian Wood tease. I'm not familiar with all of the song names, but if I recall correctly the NW jam lead right into another tune that had a reggae sort of feel/vibe to it. That was easy to move to. I'd go see them again, but I think I'd prefer an outdoor venue (like Gratefulfest for example). Anyhow, I had a great time. Great seeing everyone. Thanks for driving RayRay! Much appreciated!
  11. Thanks for the invite c-towns. RayRay and I will likely just see you all there. Looks like we won't be getting out of the Hammer until after seven at least... Sounds like it's going to be a good crowd tonight!
  12. c-towns, RayRay and I might be looking for some pre-game action... I don't know if we have met before or not... We may be strangers to you, but we're "relatively" stable I suppose...
  13. edger


    Ah, yes. A lovely topic indeed. But one that appears to be becoming an annual one around this household. Two years ago it was fruit flies, last year it was black flies, and this year's flavour appears to be moths. Moths everywhere!! Damn, those little bastards multiply quickly. It started off with a couple in our bathroom. Then one night Todd and I found a bunch in our spare bedroom. Somehow this lead to him prying off our floorboards, and tadaaa, cocoons everywhere... There's something a little creepy about cocoons. And if you burst them prematurely, out pops an angry little larvae. One of the many joys of living in the country I suppose. Our infestations always seem to occur just when the weather is starting to warm up. Luckily they have all been relatively short-lived and we have not had to resort to any extreme measures beyond attacking them fiercely at night... armed with a butter knife (for the floorboards), a vaccuum cleaner, and a fly swatter. Has anyone else had such a privilege?
  14. It's insensitive! That's fair game for being classified as moronic in my book!
  15. Cully, will you be bringing veggie burritos to the Pepperjacks? I'd buy one. It'll go well with my set break munchies...
  16. Will do tree troll! Always love shakin it on down with you in my radar! See you soon!
  17. Yeah, this will be a great show for sure! I love her new album. Thanks to MarcO and Wassink Wild Card! for turning me on to her. I had a bit of a hard time trying to decide which show to hit up tonight. However, UM is cheaper, and I kind of feel like dancin my willies out...
  18. I find Fogerty and Rush to be an odd mix... Will be a good show I'm sure, but still odd.
  19. Count me in too! A good start to a fine week of music!
  20. Alright, me and RayRay are in for sure! Looking forward to seeing everyone, and to taking in Umphrey's for the first time. Cully message sent.
  21. At the very least, perhaps not the most appropriate time to tout that right... you're right Shain, he is a moron!
  22. I don't know the official schedule Marc, but I was talking with Todd along similar lines and I suspect that things will more or less follow the normal time schedule. That is, if you get off at 9:30pm that should be more than enough time to get yourself ready for the show. But, you might not want to rely on my word alone... as I am making some assumptions... Looking forward to meeting your new lady Aaron if she is able to make it down! Good luck on the babysitting factor Nellie. I'm getting excited for this show!!
  23. edger

    Dutch Crunch

    Or some sort of derivative of the dutch oven...
  24. Likewise Babsy... I believe you were one of the crew that received a "shining endorsement" from Mr. Tonin... and his word is as good as gold, so I am looking forward to enjoying this week with some good solid folks!! Are tickets on sale already?
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