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Posts posted by gentlemonkey

  1. you'll have limited choices.. get there early and set up a table w/mics next to the sound board.

    there is a sweet pocket there.. the only spot in the room where the bass sounds right.

    and you'll get to hang out with the sound guy 'Gary' i think. check out the drum monitors he's constructed if you get a chance. shocked.gif" border="0

  2. get him to try and get himself as their introducer at the show! They pick one person every show to come out and be like " blah blah balh couldn't be here.. but heres tenacious mutha fuckin D!!"

    now THAT would be cool. Your bro should hook up a post party with KG, JB and BB.

    wink.gif" border="0

  3. if the bass player was a skinnyish guy, black- but not too dark, with huge dreads.. his name is nick and he plays in a bunch of groups. one is called Faces of many Races. i was trying to hook you guys up at beau Dixon, but the drinks and taters made me forget everything.. he's around a lot, i'll set you up with him, they have a decent following and would be good additions to our bud-friendly scene.

  4. Surprised there are no responses here.

    The Show was great.. Packed house.. (400+)

    There was Dj spinning after chameleonic, and the new deal jammed out of whatever he was playing.. to the pleasant surprise of many people..

    They hit up a lot of the familiar riffs and accents that define them. but took it to some really fast places. All in all, moreso than anything they are now doing ambient/house style music. I miss the breaks and jazzier stuff they were doing a couple of years ago, but they are so tight it's just as good to watch dance too.

    I think thats the thing with NewDeal, you gotta be moving to them.. just watching them wouldn't be as fun. The drummer is such a machine eh? and the bass player totally has the right feel for every part.

    They played two sets. The house was rocking well into the night. Nice to see a huge band on the Babylon stage.

    fun night.

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