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Everything posted by can-o-phish

  1. OIART eh? Give Bob, Lee, Chris, Christopher and Mark a big Hello from me...I taught the ProTools course there a few years ago...glad to hear the Sisters content is still alive and being used... I'm in T-Dot now engineering at Optix ...haven't taught since OIART but miss it...not the drive though...that was killer... Spend every moment you have at the school 'cause it's a sweet place to be... Cheers, eh!
  2. When the Coalition was formed one of my posts said something along the lines that Layton had nothing to lose but I was wrong as he has definitely lost the respect of many people and voters...what power he would have gained if a coalition would have succeeded would have been little as Dion would have been the leader...no way in hell could a coalition work with three captains at the helm all trying to steer the ship...at the time I thought that maybe a coalition might've been an alternative but if what we're seeing at this moment is how Layton operates when he doesn't get his way then thank gawd the coalition didn't happen... Layton...what a schmuck :crazy:
  3. Budget is exactly what the press has stated...a red/liberal budget dressed in conservative blue...almost every sector is promised some sort of monetary relief...instead of pushing a few buttons the Cons have pushed all the buttons hoping that they won't lose power...kind of like Homer playing "ini mini miney moe" at the power plant A few good things are that the Liberals are actually being a strong, focussed opposition and holding the government accountable...they actually are running the country...it's a Liberal Budget and they're controlling the Conservatives...the Liberals are calling the shots and it isn't a Con/Liberal coalition as Layton claims...what an arse I've heard several people say that they don't even recognize Harper or the party they voted for as he's done a HUGE 180 flip flop to hang onto his position...pathetic...who wants a PM who sells his soul so quickly to keep his weak clutch on a crumbling party... Layton and Duceppe are no better, condemning the budget BEFORE it was presented?!?! So glad that a coalition wasn't formed with those twits... It'll be the next few generations that will feel the effects of what is taking place at the moment...
  4. Maybe it's too soon to tell but we may actually have a true leader at the head of one of our parties...
  5. So you're saying neither side has people with principles? That's a pretty harsh, bleak, negative outlook on both the York administration and union... It always makes me shake my head when "job security" is an issue with today's fluctuating economies and drastically changing markets...
  6. It seems absurd that the government should have to step in and try to resolve this issue... Both sides willing to negotiate and reach an amicable agreement would seem to be something that adults could do :crazy:
  7. Oh Ned, you so crazy :crazy:
  8. it's an 87 strat. I typed that wrong. Oh, it's an '87...Well, in that case what could be wrong is that you're wiggling and smacking your Strat...
  9. According to the Fender manual that's exactly the proper method to fix a USA '97 Strat...
  10. Hard to believe that both the OC & York strikes are still unresolved. What are the major issues that seem to be impossible for either side to negotiate on? Scheduling seems to be one of the main ones. What are the other main issues? I have no compassion for the striking TAs at York. They've used their own students as "hostages" and if it is not resolved soon they've destroyed a year of studies for many and that's just the immediate impact...long term will follow and leads to more problems...
  11. good-gawd-kee-rist-almigh-tee that was dead awful :crazy:
  12. Can't wait for Monday when the soap opera "Life On The Hill" returns to our somewhat regularily scheduled programming... Next Episode: L'il Stevie Harper has nowhere to run if his budget is voted down; Iggy carefully weighs his options while Jackie Layton unveils his new plot to take his party on a coalition cruise...
  13. can-o-phish


    A GREAT collection of yesterday's historic moment in time... Inauguration Photos
  14. I still ponder about this topic...as some of you know I was, at one time, a Deadfreak of an almost bouche proportion...I was lucky to see "The Grateful Dead", as in with Jerry, several times as well as The Jerry Garcia Band, with Jerry... After Jerry died I did see "The Other Ones" and also JGB but for me it was not the same...I still love the music and have great memories but thanks to seeing The Grateful Dead I don't pass up the chance to try to hear new music and artists who are putting out amazing music in their own styles, some who are most definitely inspired by TGD, The Beatles, The Stones, etc and I'm not just talkin' jambands... Would I pay what "The Dead" are asking??? Not bloody likely but that's just me...I'm lucky to live in a city that has world class musicians and amazing artists that roll through on a regular basis and much happier to support them and their music...
  15. Yah, good fuggin' riddance...unfortunately Bush & Cheney had the time of their lives at the expense of America and it's people... Give Obama positive vibes 'cause he's gonna need all the strength he can find to start to fix the mess he's been given... We all watched the inauguration today at work and somebody commented how well Obama will sleep tonight after the 10 Balls he's attending today to which I replied, "he won't sleep for at least the next four years"...
  16. Thats the scary part. ARE YOU FUGGIN' SERIOUS??? YOU'D RATHER HAVE McCAIN??? What Obama has and is doing is inspiring his country and the world...this is a massive victory in so many ways... As for previous presidents not being "up to the task" I have no idea what you base your views on...Reagan, Clinton were both strong presidents...and Carter came into his own, albeit afterwards, with his humanitarian causes...IMO if he won his second term he would have left with a more favourable public view and opinion...if you remember, he basically lost the election for fumbling the American Hostages in Iran situation... Bush handed Obama a country that he, his daddy and their friends turned into a puddle of economic and social turmoil...if anyone is up to the challenge to start to rebuild America it is the man who took hold of the reigns today...couldn't come a moment sooner... Just my opinion and I'm sure that you think I'm as crazy as I think you are...
  17. Sounds like a great evening of music. Have fun!!! :content:
  18. Ignatieff & the Libs are taking a stand on proposed tax cuts that might be part of the "new & improved Con-budget"... Their stance...No Frickin' Way... Liberals won't back tax cuts Polls, for what they're worth, are showing that the Libs have almost caught up to the Cons since Iggy has taken the helm... Looking forward to Jan 26th and all the fun that follows
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