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Posts posted by slavetothegroove

  1. Hell yah, can't fucking wait. This trip is going to blow my mind. Late nights will probably be decided soon, or once we get there. They all sound real good, so I guess it depends on which ones are sold out.

    Bring on the sunshine baby!



  2. Yep, your right. And you know it really makes me think. I don't make tips at the job I'm at now, I make more in wages than I did as a server, but still find it harder money wise to survive now than I did when I was a server. Having money in your pocket at the end of each night is damn luxury I have to say. Living from paycheck to paycheck was certainly an adjustment for me, and well it does teach me a thing or two about budgeting and saving....

    As long as I can make a living and afford to keep going to the amount of shows I'm able to now, I'm a happy little bee. I'll take what I can get....

    Life is good.

  3. Also, bar/restaurant owners actually often pay their servers under minimum wage in North America, so all the power to said servers/bartenders with accumulating tips. My wife, who is a bartender/server, has been sick all week and thus hasn't made a nickel and doesn't get sick pay. And like all servers, she doesn't have a medical plan of her own (I do, so she's covered).

    Kudos to that. My first job ever was as a server and I did it for about 5 years. Certainly didn't make the best wages but tips are what I lived off of. Slow night in the restaurant, means pretty much a weaker pay. Tis true, no coverage on anything, no pay when your sick, and you have to be there a damn long time before they give you a raise. The perks to the job though are that on a good night you can make double or triple your salary and be smooth sailing. It's tough because it's give or take every day you go to work.

    It's your choice whether you want to tip, but please consider, a lot of those servers serving you have to make a living off of what you give them.



  4. So trying to change won't help any? We're pretty much in too far. They're saying we will have to adapt to the climate change. Is that a nice way of telling us if we can't learn to adapt then we're fucked? As long as these changes happen somewhat slowly in a drawn out period, I have a bit more faith we'll be okay. If the proccess speeds up, I think plants, animal species, insects will be too confused.

    My two cents


  5. Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I will definitely take them into consideration for future rice making. I ended up just putting basil, chopped dried onion, garlic powder and pepper. It's really all I had sadly, running low on the spice rack. Ended up turning out really good.

    I've heard so much about these rice cookers and Matt really really wants one so it's definitely a future investment.

  6. that is the most contrived thing i've ever read on here. congrats.

    EVERYONE: you live in north america, so YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE UNHAPPY!!! EVER. NO MATTER WHAT. NO COMPLAINING! you should be in a permenant state of happyness mixed with awful guilt that you have so much better than everyone else.

    I'm not saying no one should ever complain, I'm just saying, sometmies people need to learn how to be grateful. Heck I complain all the time, but I'm not going to become depressed over things that aren't majorly life altering.

  7. I hate it when people complain about small meaningless shit that honestly can't be that bad that it affects their daily life THAT much.

    The way I see it, in our society all people do is complain about shit. They're job, the car, they're kids, they're money, the way they look. A huge amount of people in North American don't know how to just suck it up and be glad you even have a job, a house, food on your plate, and don't have to the fear that you may get bombed and lose everything you have. There are a lot of god damn people in this world who would kill to know that they don't have to worry about whether or not them and their family is going to eat, live, or die tonight.

    Sure they're are lots of people here who do appreciate and have the hearts to give, which honestly gives me hope from day to day. There are also people here who are striving, because they may not eat tonight. But the majority of us at least have the opportunity to better ourselves.

    Also being a women, I'm fucking glad of the freedoms I have. I can't even imagine not being able to have freedom of speech, or not being able to leave the house, or even look at another man with the fear my husband will beat me. Violence against women is horrid and I'm so grateful I don't have to live in those sorts of situations.

    I hate people who start violence and promote it.

    I hate it when people don't know how to be grateful.

    That's my rant....

    I love you all. I'm so happy and fortunate to live the life I do.



  8. To be honest with you, I don't really remember Ramble Dove from Moe.down. I think I only saw like half their set.

    Caught they're whole set at Evolve though, and I gotta say for that kind of music at that kind of festival, a lot of people were groovin and into it. I thought they played a wicked fun set, and were a good add to the festival.

  9. Just read this, there's a lot of these sort of things... thought I'd share this one.

    You Know You're a Jamband Fan When...

    ~When you think a 10 min. song is short......

    ~when someone is in your car and asks..."is this the same song?"

    ~If you write out your plans so people know what you are doing and they look like this school > soccer practice > homework > dinner > homework .....

    ~When you think 7 tracks on a CD is alot.....

    ~You purposefully take the long route home so you can listen to the sick Recreational Chemistry jam in its entirety!

    ~You go to a 'regular' concert and mistake the ending for the set break.

    ~You are amazed when other people's cd's have liner notes and cover art.............

    ~when no matter what time of day or night it is, and no matter if you were just there 10 minutes ago, the minute you walk near your computer you either rip to the HD, decompress, or burn a disc.

    ~when your at a show and your shoes start talking.

    ~when you don't recognize any of the songs on the Billboard charts.

    ~when your friends ask you why you have 300 Phish shows and you say, "Man, they've played over 1100, I don't even have half of em yet!!"

    ~when your non-jamfan friends all groan anytime you put on a cd.

    ~when you say "you might dig the newdeal" and your friends say "i don't like that hippie grateful dead type stuff you listen to".

    ~if you can sit in front of your stereo for hours the way one would sit in front of a tv for hours.

    ~when the people at the post office all scramble to go on their break when they see you coming in.

    ~if you consider a concert that's two and a half hours away to be a "local" show.

    ~instead of describing something as good or bad, it's "dank" or "schwag".

    ~when you're surprised that your friends that own cd burners have never heard of shn or eac.

    ~when you think it's pathetic that someone would download a bunch of mp3's and burn them on "pny" disks.

    ~when going to two concerts in one month is withdrawal.

    ~when you use your book money at the beginning of the semester to attend a festival.

    ~when you own 600 cds of one band but none of them are official releases.

    ~your entire closet full of t-shirts are band tour tees.

    ~you've ever flown to see your favorite band.

    ~you have a pet named after a song by your favorite band.

    ~you have a vanity lisence plate with a reference that only another fan of your favorite band would understand.

    ~just because you'll only get three hours sleep after driving home from a show before you have to go to work isn't a good enough reason to miss a show.

    ~study for finals or hit the last leg of fall tour?

    ~you know what this means:

    Neumann km140 (split 25', clamped to loge railing) > Apogee Mini-Me (+5dB, 16bit, 44.1kHz) > Digigram VX Pocket V2 > Sony Vaio Picturebook C1MW > n-Track Studio > CDWav > SHN

    ~if you'll let someone you met on the internet crash at your house after a show and don't think anything of it.

    ~when you read all the way down to here

    ~when the only reason you have cable tv is because you can't get a cable modem without it.

    ~when you spend more time on a message board/listserv than you do talking to your real-life friends.

    ~When you tell your friends to name a date, and from that date you can name 2 or more setlists in their entirety of your favorite band.

    ~If you know what a ganja-gooball is

    ~You can't remember the last time you listened to the radio

    ~when you have a shoebox full of ticket stubs

    ~when you start dancing in your chair in the middle of class

    You don't think 69 is a sexual postion but rather a good year for Dead bootlegs.

    ~When you wonder how uncanny it is that you glance at your watch at exactly 4:20 about every other day.

    ~...when you buy overpriced food from a dirty stranger in a freakin' parking lot.

    ~...when your beer is darker than 98% of your friends.

    .~..when you look for a song title in every shirt you see.

    ~...when someone starts a sentence with 'veggie' you actually listen to the rest of it.

    ~...when MTV is skipped on your TV.

    ~...when your kids get soap in their mouths when they say mp3.

    ~When you could go for about a month straight without sleeping and never listen to the same show twice

    ~When you are more excited by the 35 minute Darkstar you just listened to than your own birthday

    ~When someone says anything, you can reference it to a Phish song

    ~when you know what 6up means.

    ~when you've helped out a brother by yelling 6up.

    ~when you know to look out for the middle aged white guys with a clean hair cut wearing a brand new tie-dye who say "i'm an old deadhead, know where i can get any dope?"

    ~When your listening to a show and could have sworn you heard that jam from someone else.

    ~When your favorite songs are always changing because the decision is based upon wether they jammed it out or not.

    ~When You have 1200+ hours of music

    ~When you are driving in your car listening to a show you just got in the mail with no idea what the setlist is and you basically pretend you are at the show and start yelling "whoo hoo a Cities"--hey i got a cities

    when you won't listen to any band that doesn't allow taping.

    ~your feet have tanlines from your birkinstocks.

    ~you think people are crazy when thet dont know who UM,KDTU,SCI,GD,WP are.

    ~you have dreadlocks, yet you laugh at people with mullets.

    ~you do your back-to-school clothes shopping in the parking lot of deer creek.

    ~you won't wear deodorant, yet you'll wear patchouli.

    ~...when you give people poo for buying a cd for $14.99, when you can get 50 for that same price

    ~you dream about being on tour.

    ~april 20th, october 31st, and december 31st are bigger holidays than christmas, easter, and thanksgiving.

    ~you take more time organizing your shows than your apartment

    ~you take more care in organizing your shows than your laundry

    ~you laugh at people who don't know what pro-sleeves are

    ~when people ask you for a 'bootleg', you just hang your head in despair

    ~when you grade the phriendliness of cities by the attittude of the local cops at the shows

    ~when you spell anything with an 'f' with a 'ph'

    ~when you see a 'L@@K rare show' on ebay you think of how you would like to kill the seller and all seller's like him

  10. Hey Tim, We do have a few pair of size 12 boots, but I didn't come across any size 13 unfortunately, they're hard to keep in stock and we only get a few. There might be a few XL jackets but again, they're hard to keep in stock because a lot of guys are size XL.

    And Phorbesie, We've got some nice boarding pants, and some gloves but we don't actually sell ski's or ski boots, more just the outerwear.

  11. Saw them this past fall at Nectars in VT. Definately dig they're groove. They're one of those hidden gems that can totally blow your mind and make you get down. Hope to see them come up here sometime for sure.



  12. Hey all. I work at the Expedition Shoppe here in Westboro (accross from MEC). Behind our store is a huge garage filled with clearance stuff, everything is 40- 70% off. We carry high quality brands like Marmot, Patagonia, North Face, Columbia, Salomon, and others. My owner doesn't beleive in advertising, so needless to say, not many people know we're back here.

    So if your into outdoor gear and haven't checked this place out, come visit me!! There's lots of brand new kick ass stuff for cheap. We carry mostly outerwear, leisurewear, packs, shoes, sleeping bags and such. A lot of the sizes for women are M and for men L, just because they're mostly samples.

    We're located at 369 Richmond Rd and the Garage is behind at 376 Madison Ave.



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