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Everything posted by nibbler

  1. Hacked emails = dog wags tail? tale wags dog. Nigel and Bjorn carried the Climategate idea into the debate like a jack in the box, and so effective was its delivery that the crowd spent a lot of time 'watching the skeptic argument clowns bob back and forth on a spring" -debaters arguing about the concensus on climate science, without the moderator once reminding them that this debate was framed around the premise that the science has been settled. As you pointed out- after the debate finished- climategate became the focus of discussion. Our political leaders obsfucators would look like real assholes if they went into the Copenhagen summit empty-handed only to be shown up by China's recent commitment to 40-45 percent CO2 reductions by 2025. I expect Copenhagen will play out in a similar fashion to the debate- rather than working with the premise of forging an international agreement based on sound science - Harper and other oil-industry puppet state heads will be armed with the climategate wedges- jamming them in here and there just enough to screw any potential consensus and action. By the time real investigative journalists sift through the emails and report on climategate, Copenhagen will have come and gone.
  2. When it comes to cel phones- its the EMF they generate and how the brain is used as an amplifier for the signal that I'd be paranoid about. The fine print which ships with phones tells you in legalese that even if future studies conclude that EMF fields from the phones are dangerous, cause cancer etc- you have no legal recourse with the makers of the technology or the carriers of the signals. One of those sneaky contracts you "sign" by buying the product. Of course, if you live in a highly urbanized area- don't worry about wether or not you use a cel phone- unless you're well underground, you're swimming in cellular EMF fields.
  3. Congratulations! and welcome to the boards Nathan!
  4. And all along we thought it was windmills killing the birds!
  5. nibbler


    Best burger I've ever had was at a place called Silver Spurs- in NYC, somewhere on Broadway, near 10th if I remember right. Check em out next time youre in NYC and get fat!
  6. Schwa - the whole 2 hour debate is found at the URL provided by Ms. Zimmy at the top of her first post. When the conversation broke down- as it did at times- I thought Monbiot did a good job at reigning in the circus, by dispelling myth, providing facts and building coherence. This ^ was a repeated pattern in the debate- the right would make a vague unsubstantiated claim which the left would rebuke solidly but defensively, but then once holding the high ground- they would back down and let the right draw them into another defensive argument. For example, about an hour in- Elizabeth addresses the other side's argument that AIDS is a more pressing cause in Africa than climate change. (one of the more energized moments) She tries to explain climate change's effect on exacerbating the AIDS crisis in Africa, which is then passed onto George and his reference to Oxfam's data on Aids in Malawi and wham- they combo crushed Bjorn and Nigel's argument that AIDS needs to be addressed before Climate Change. Did they then take that high ground opportunity to lead the debate? Nada. Best one-liner point made in the debate was by Elizabeth May: "the stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones- it ended because we found something better"... not her own words- she was quoting... Most important point made- George Monbiot: green power needs to replace the old power, not to supplement it. This is the bottom line as pertains to energy issues related to climate change. Best moment of serpent-eats-tail political rhetoric was owned by Lawson in his closing statements: "they (May/Monbiot) have the best of the rhetoric... I've been in politics for a very long time... from time to time there is somehow a gap between politicians rhetoric and reality..." Blah blah- spoken like a true politician who upon realizing he is intellectually outgunned onstage by another politicain, concludes that what he really wants to do is throw a final jab and then get the hell out of there to hit the pub for a couple of pints. All in all, I was amused but not impressed with the debate- IMO, the debaters failed to bring new information to the table, and they failed at shedding light on the still shrouded angles of the subject. When climate debates cross these taboo lines- i.e. the endless cloudy skies, the geoengineering already in practice, the patent holders of the geoengineering technologies, the liability lawsuits which would come with full disclosure etc. thats when the climate debate gets interesting. Short of that- I can't help but wonder if the debate is merely being sponsored by skeptic movement to obfuscate the subject further.
  7. I quit the cel phone a few years ago. Disgusting habit.
  8. nibbler

    The McNuggetini

    A McDonald’s chocolate milkshake with vanilla vodka, rimmed with BBQ sauce and garnished with a chicken McNugget.
  9. Even before 9/11 many cel phones were gps enabled. After 9/11, laws were passed in the US and the rest of the world soon after to make all new cel phones manufactured gps enabled; the phone's batteries were to be designed to maintain enough charge to the gps chip so that it was active regardless if the battery was "dead". Today's phone's chips allow real time 3 dimensional locating with amazing accuracy, can even show which floor of a building you're on- works pretty much anywhere there is either cel phone reception or satellite line of sight. For more info- look into venture capital investments post 911 Only took until 2009 for the wireless providers to offer this gps service for public use eh?
  10. Same barrel- different shit. The 'new' shit they want to spray is presently landfilled or incinerated because its too toxic to add to compost. The easing of regulations in this case as it pertains to Ontario is in response to Detroit area landfills no longer accepting this ingredient.
  11. My report could be a bit outdated, but I have been a bunch of times over the years, and I'm enjoying the nostalgia trip so I will share some: The festival formerly known as Winterhawk is my personal b;uegrass favorite. (though I havent made it to Telluride or Strawberry Festival yet) The location is amazing- Beautiful area- venue is on the top of a mountain facing west as you sit and look at the main stage- where you watch the sun go down behind the stage and over countless Adirondack peaks. Words dont do it justice- the nicest bluegrass festival site and layout that Ive experienced. Fun fact- they hold Best campsite awards- I remember this one site- top of the hill where these maniacs had built a large screened in room, with a carefully levelled full size pool table! Couches and houseplants are common sights at the campsites. Great lineups every year- great workshop tents and sidestages. Top quality campsite jams- high instrument:attendee ratio. You can park your cooler in front of the stage and drink there all day- at night- the party crowd kicks it up on the top of the hill. Used to be that ticket sales were capped so that it wouldnt become too overpacked. Even so- die-hards are known to park the RVs and tents as much as 3-4 weeks before the gates open to get the best camping spots. For example, you can setup your campsite with a choice view of the stage if you get there say a couple days before the gates open!! Its a totally family friendly festival- not full out bag searches which you can count on at a no-booze festival like Merlefest- There seem to be families with kids staying in both the quiet camping and the rowdy areas- kids running around all day having watergun battles in a carefree way that Im not used to seeing in the States so much- even at a bluegrass festival. The security I think is handled by the Fire Department- No Cops. Security is more as a first aid on hand if needed kind of presence. The family camping areas are the flattest areas to camp, though I recommend bringing some gear that lets you level out your tent/RV etc to compensate with the hill. If you go- be prepared for scorching heat- shade canopy is likely necessary- and also be prepared for wicked mountaintop storms. Wicked storms! Really friendly town too- fans of the high lonesome sound should try to make it to this festival at least once!
  12. Greetings fellow Big House pilgrim. A Macon Georgia newscast about the museum opening this weekend:
  13. Peterborough/Lindsay area envelope 3 show please!
  14. Ontario is on the cusp of changing the defined boundaries of "organic compost"; looking to approve the addition of highly toxic "sewage sludge" to the mix, (the dried up leftovers found at the bottom of the tanks at sewage treatment plants ) which could then be sprayed onto crop fields as "organic fertilizer". This convoluted wordplay and resulting toxic food production process is already in use south of the border. Fuck the Codex- Plant a little garden- build your own compost pile- save your seeds!
  15. Glad to hear the project's done- Still, adding these twangy and worthy mentionables to the list: White Freightliner Blues - New Grass Revival Nothin Like a Hundred Miles - James Taylor
  16. I visited Kirk and Kirsten with friends at the big house some 15 years ago and we ended up staying a week. Lotsa tales from that visit that wont be shared online What I should share is that not just the house- but the town of Macon is an important landmark for the Allmans history. Amongst other things, the intersection where Duane was killed on his motorcycle is just blocks away from the mansion. If and when you visit them- bring a mushroom themed gift for your hosts and be on their good sides forever! Check out the Big House Facebook page
  17. petr[color:red]O Canada we stand on guard for theeeee
  18. The BBC published the Colvin story on November 19th... This story makes me sick- the torture of the guilty is almost as inexcusable as the torture of innocents.
  19. nibbler


    WTF moments: John Tory made a recent stab at candidacy in my home riding of HKLB. He infamously showed up hours late to one of his outreach meetings here and he blamed his tardiness on his GPS: He claimed the GPS "told him to turn down a snowmobile trail" and so he did- turned off the paved road, and onto a dirt path- which he drove down for several kilometers before he got stuck. He had to call for a tow. Needless to say, he got smoked in the election
  20. Anyone from So On heading up to O-town for the show via Haliburton by any chance?
  21. nibbler


    Check out radioworld.ca. They have a huge selection of GPS units, plus genuinely knowledgeable staff who answer all questions. Prices are competitive. You'll need one with a high sensitivity receiver if you want to use it hiking in the woods.
  22. no kidding- Horowitz' video pwnz *Jaydawgging* Thanks to the collective skanks who bumped us onto the twelfth page- you only have to watch it if you want to now.
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