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Everything posted by Booche

  1. 3 months off and on for me, no joke. Same with my boy. Never experienced anything like it. Dry/sore throat and nasal passageway (if it isnt constantly plugged or dripping), very phlegmy.....bwoof.
  2. It's as heartwrenching as it gets for me. I cant even begin to imagine to the point I have to shut myself off from it.
  3. I can offer this FBN.....I had never heard the Tea Party and Jaimoe threatened me into hating them before I heard a note.
  4. While a nice shot by Cammy, I am from the school of thought that an NHL goalie needs to make that save. That was my initial reacion anyways. If Carey had let that in I probably would be emailing Mr Big Time this morning and bitching about it but to be fair I could probably use another viewing of it while wearing a better pair of analytical glasses because I was into the PBR's last night. I liked Subban's shot in OT. Seriously though, did anyone else see the stripper dancing behind the Flames bench prior to OT? I almost fell off my couch laughing.
  5. Alex 'here is another rebound' Auld. Fuuuuuuuck. I wanted Jack to pull him before the Flames scored one let alone fucking 4 to tie the game.
  6. Yes but in your context Jaimoe would actually have to have the ability to form his own opinions.
  7. Had it for the 2nd or 3rd time this past Saturday. Loooooooooove their baconcheeseburger and o-rings. After seeing Holly get a pogo I figure I might have to get one of those next time.
  8. That Ravens-Steelers game was so fuckinggood goddammit. I feel envious of anyone who smoked dope and watched that game from start to finish. I didnt see a complete live play of the GB-ATL game. The game was flipped to a few times but a soon as I saw the first score I was done. It never got better. Anyways.....I didnt offer todays choices on time because I was sans internet once I realized I hadnt but they were: Baltimore Atlanta My next two are: NYJ CHI
  9. Brett tried to call and warn her but it was intercepted. (not my own)
  10. How does the salary cap come into play? Either that's fucked up or Roller fucked up.
  11. It's a character watching MTV in the mid-80's. Jesusfuck. Next thing you know they are going to complain about the use of the term "yo-yo's". I say GFY to the CBSC.
  12. Grats on your first goal Desharnais.
  13. Dig this Sloth: The circle is complete.
  14. They are true fans Sean and deserve respect for seeing things through. Whitey'd
  15. This is going to be one sickass motherfucking show.
  16. Dingdalalingdongdingdalalingdongdingdalalingdongding. (psst, that's Happy Birthday in nerospeak for those of you who cant decifer)
  17. I know exactly what the Sens need and a high draft pick in a weak draft year aint it: Alex Fucking Auld GAA - 1.74 PCT - .941
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