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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Who is more of a douche? The douche or the douche who defends said douche?
  2. Come on over. It's always in my cabinet. Best.Trek.Ever. Funny enough, I am not that big of a Trekkie. I like what I like but there was a ton of boring garbage I couldnt get past. Most of the films are total crap which is why I am very excited with this early buzz.
  3. Diora Baird plays an Orion green babe who has sex with Tiberius Kirk. I mean, come'on.......
  4. I dont think I have agreed more with anything on this board in 2009.
  5. Keep in mind I havent met him personally, these tales were from a decade ago/longer (generally involving the opposite sex) and based on what was said to me he shouldnt be categorized with any of the douche's on this list. Let's keep things contextualized. If Schwa were a Rock Star he would be a douche too.
  6. The thing I am finding hilariously ironic in all of this is that people are thinking he is the drummer in this band, which is not the case. He got behind the kit for all of 2-3 minutes during the start of the second last number for a pedestrian take on what drummers actually do for a living.
  7. I certainly would hope so. Just so you know, I wasnt trying to attack you. I simply was hoping for a link to previous BBT blowups to kill out the rest of my afternoon.
  8. Booche

    Corel word...

    I'm simply trying to develop a baseline here Velvet.
  9. Booche

    Corel word...

    Allow me to clarify. Did you type those quotes out when you posted them in this thread?
  10. CAC MTL takes the cake followed by triangled 'Nucks.
  11. Booche

    Corel word...

    Did you cut'n'paste those quotes or did you type them out?
  12. Way to go Barrett!!!!! ::slaps Daveyboy on the back::
  13. Booche


    Kenny Powers at the Masters???
  14. Well, as it stands his music aint gonna put butts in the seats or people on their feets.........
  15. Yeah, let's rag on people for having a vocabulary. The stupidfucks.
  16. Fuckthatselfrighteouscuntface (not you YATS, I mean BBT). I saw his set in Kingston. It sucked balls. No wonder people were dead but at least they were attentive. I went so far as to tell others to skip it in Toronto.
  17. Hey Punk, he's on the ice/ His shoulder is going to have one BIG target on it tonight if he dresses.
  18. This isnt from last night, but hotdamn if I didnt laugh. Sean: You know, she looks like my mom. Tommy: What did you say? Sean: That lady, she, she reminds me of my mom. Tommy: Shit. Jerry: Your mom is that hot? Sean: Oh yeah, oh yeah. I mean, hotter. Franco: Really? Your mom has that kind of face? Those lips? That kind of rack? Sean: Yeah, well, my mom's rack is a little bigger actually. Tommy: Where do you come off mentioning your mom and the word 'rack' in the same sentence? Sean: I'm just saying, my mom she's, she's got like a large set of... of uh, you know, she's really... Tommy: Enough! Jesus Christ! Sean: What? Tommy: Goddamnit... I was, I was gonna go over and talk to that chick! Let me correctify that. She's not a chick. In a room full of self-involved, young titless little chicks, she's a woman, okay? A real woman. Probably a very witty and wonderful woman... Franco: With a great rack. Tommy: The rack was secondary, okay? It doesn't matter now. But the point being, I can't go over there and talk to her now. Sean: But why, why not? Tommy: Because even if I went over to talk to her and got her to come home with me somehow, and got her to reveal the afore-mentioned great rack, all I would be thinking about is your mom's rack, and how great your mom's rack is. Not that I ever thought of your mom's rack before, but that's all I can think of now! Your mom's rack! Sean: Hey, woah. You know what, my mom's married pal, okay? (Jerry laughs, and Tommy leaves) Sean: What? Franco: Forbidden fruit, ball face. Sean: You mean, like, melons?
  19. Hey Punk, Schneider's equipment was shipped to Boston this morning.
  20. Gavin's "We're all Bootsy" rant was hilarious and very reminiscent of Leary's standup routine.
  21. Count me and DaveyBoy in provided we go to the IMAX in Orleans.
  22. As Blane would say, enough of this amateur hour. You totally want to hit Brian's Record Option on Princess Street. It's right downtown near Division.
  23. He told you not to miss the glorious singing of 83 year old Ray Price but also said to skip his own band. Billy Bob's set runs 30 minutes. Ray Price was probably out there 10-15 minutes after they were done.
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