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Everything posted by Booche

  1. So the carpet matches the drapes, eh?
  2. Oh yeah BWM. Today's 3D movies are immersive asallfuck! I dont think Wolverine is being shown in IMAX theaters but the new Star Trek and Transformers movies are.
  3. That irony was in my mouth before it was in my hands.
  4. Here's the translation from this morning's La Presse piece on the unfolding story. The Hockey Hall Of Fame and NHL officials are currently investigating the possibility of awarding the 1919 Stanley Cup to the Montreal Canadiens. That season's final, the lone NHL season barring the 2004 lockout in which a Stanley Cup winner was not awarded, was cancelled 90 years ago on April 1, 1919. Game six of the series was to be played that evening. At the time of cancellation, the series between Montreal and the Seattle Metropolitans was deadlocked, with each club having won two games, and the fourth contest of five having ended in a scoreless tie. Recently unearthed documents certified to be from the estate of former NHL president Frank Calder, claim that the final, which was cancelled due to an influenza epidemic in April of that year, should not have been declared a draw between the Canadiens and the challenging Seattle hockey team. Records from the day, and in Calder's possession, originally assumed that the Seattle club accepted the Canadiens forfeiture of the series based on the fact that the Montreal team were not able to dress enough healthy bodies to compete in the final contest. According to Calder's notes, he later learned that the Metropolitans club were also unable to dress seven healthy players, but he decided after some reflection, to leave well enough alone. Stating in his diary notes that he feared the NHL would suffer court proceedings either way, he allowed the "no decision" ruling on the Stanley Cup to stand. Calder later stated in his notes that he never chose to revisit the issue for fear that it would taint his legacy as NHL president. According to HHOF sources who have seen Calder's notes, the Seattle club, by mutual agreement, chose not to pursue a claim on the Cup when Calder learned of the hospitalized Metropolitans players. As it was that the Canadiens forfeited first, the Cup would have automatically fallen into Seattle hands, but in what was termed as a sportsmanlike agreement for the day, the Seattle chose to not lay claim to Lord Stanley's mug. What Calder later agonized over in his notes, was a discrepancy between National Hockey League bylaws, and those of the Pacific Coast Hockey Association in regards to the Challenge Cup rules. While the basic agreement sets out such standard rules as alternating seven man and six man games, nowhere does detail the winner in the event of a double forfeiture. The gist of the question sits therein, as then Canadiens owner George Kendall, at the time hospitalized along with two of his players, was nowhere to be found to accept the Seattle forfeiture. PCHA regulations had no precursor for a double forfeiture, whereas the NHL terminology decreed that the winner of the final series game played, be declared the Cup winner. In that such scenario, the Canadiens as Game 5 winners, would have, and should have, been declared Stanley Cup champions as victors of the last game. The Hockey Hall Of Fame and the NHL have gone over the Calder diary details, and are expected to make a pronouncement soon. The Calder notes were recently made public, and of court record, due to a divorce procedure involving an estate holder who is the great grandson of the former NHL president. Calder served as NHL president from 1917 to 1943. The Calder Trophy, awarded to the NHL's best rookie, is named after him. Shortly after the cancellation of the 1919 final, Canadiens defenseman Joe Hall perished from the effects of the influenza epidemic. Team owner George Kendall battled with the virus for two years, finally succumbing in 1921. For more on the story, and the 1919 season, click these links.
  5. I would pour a scotch right now if I wasnt in my office. Heeeeeell, I would pour a scotch right now if I had a bottle in my desk.
  6. Booche


    You can add The Dude Of Life, fools.
  7. In 1995, the death of Jerry Garcia created a ripple that sent shock waves through its extended music community. To this day you won’t find a group of fans still reeling from the effects. Since the turn of the century a movie about his life has been in the works but it is finally about to see the light of day. Phillip Seymour Hoffman has signed on to play the enigmatic guitar hero, will center on the final 5 years of his life which were filled with far more turmoil than publicly told before. Garcia began to live a solitary existence. Few knew he was on the verge of leaving the Grateful Dead because of the combined pressure of the public eye and his addiction to heroin. Many fans will see a portrait painted of a man they felt they had come to know personally but will more than likely walk away shocked at how depraved and selfish his life had become to those closest to him. Slated to begin shooting this fall, it has a tentative release date for January of 2011 in time for Oscar season.
  8. MoMack, I wasnt at said show but that 2nd set is beautiful to look at......all things considered. Let thosefuckers ride it! The only appropriate encore was that encore.
  9. Seeing how things played out, that was a must-win tonight. Well done Brahs. Watching the Habs get the first goal give Carey all the confidence in the world made my night. It feels so rare to see MTL score first. Price became outstanding. I miss those days.
  10. Stumbleweed That's such a great band name. Good Rev'd.
  11. That reminded me of what we saw in MTL. After the warmup, CuJo heads to the dressing room and gives his stick to one of the young kids wearing a Leafs jersey. He turns and leaves and then turns around and motions to the kid to come back and give the stick to him. Obviously the kid must have been thinking "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I just thought I scored a stick from CuJo!" Well, what CuJo wanted to do was sign it for him which he promptly did. The kid headed up the stairs with his dad as happy as a kid getting a used stick from CuJo. Signed. Total class.
  12. Who's got my heady popcorn?
  13. You're so stoked you are talking to yourself.
  14. ........while completely sucking ass on the ice. Seriously, sit the fugger until Bouillon is ready. I cant handle watching him back there anymore. Put Dandy in his spot for Christ's sake! I applaud Breezer's career with Les Brahs but enough is enough. It's hova.
  15. I paid way more for the Police than I thought I ever would and am strongly considering it for a MTL U2 show.......provided I also can hold up the following sign for the entire show: New Rider can kiss my flat/white ass!
  16. Oooooh, you dirtycunt wavinginthewind..........
  17. There is no greater joy in this world than wooks taking Trey literally.
  18. That was fantastic. We used to joke about that back in the day. "Poor Eddie. He has to kiss Carla." Hahahahaha.
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