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Everything posted by Booche

  1. You're all a bunch of Negative Nancies. Yes, yes, yes. I know. The irony is side-splitting.
  2. That was an ill-called rant the other day on my part and for that I am sorry. If it werent for you others on this site would not have known about the Red Rocks tickets and I echo Jakis's comment following my anger. Keep up the good work but I still got my eye on you. And fuck off the rest of you. So what if I am lovey right now? Dont judge me.
  3. Well, I didnt mean to imply you. By the looks of this thread you had your head on straight the entire time.
  4. Well, you got something for nothing.......aside from the fall from grace of course.
  5. Nice offer but I think I might give up too many points in the goalie category the rest of the way. Osgood (theoretically) should be getting the bulk of the starts into the playoffs.
  6. Dont make me get angry. I'm going to tonight's game and Saturdays. Watch for me and I'll moon ya Punk. Actually, my posts are going to be vastly different when I get home tonight....depending on the outcome. No matter what though, I will be liquored.
  7. Get back in your hole. You can try all you want.
  8. Kev, I cant believe you are even asking those questions. Play fair and dont buddy-up with anyone. We are all gentlemen here.
  9. Back to normal for me, for the time being.
  10. This isfucking brutal.
  11. 50,000? Wow. I dont remember it being nearly that big.
  12. They need points and I dont want to see this go to a shootout. Price is terrible on breakaways. Confirmed.
  13. Agreed = no It's not like the Sens are fighting for the playoffs.
  14. Invite the Guitarzan onstage MarcO. He'll play in a heartbeat no matter what.
  15. I'll give you $50 for it and sell it to bouche for $75. Speaking of your lost crazytime, were you not with MattyC? I have 2 small regrets from that weekend. Getting as lost as you fucks and not following Mung around. Everything else was the best.
  16. What the hell does one say to that? I dont know if I am angry or giving high-fives!
  17. I think you would have been in complete shock.
  18. It was off route 9........from what I remember. Gotta be it? I'll have more respect for you if you got that sans PT. Haha.
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