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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I am trying to look for pics to help out. I thought between MarcO and DogAtTheStation we had it but Basher informed me he tried calling there and it doesnt sound like the same place. I'll post it if I get it.
  2. You should have got a hotel yesterday.
  3. Confirmed DaveyBoy. Confirmed. Les Brahs have my blood pressure soaring.
  4. I am forced to admit that Jakis just brought it home.
  5. Dont fuckingput smiley faces where they dontfucking belong.
  6. Ha, because you couldnt figure out what hotel we stayed at in SPAC last time and by the time you did it was already booked. The point is, stop trying to make it seem like you are in the so-in-the-know. You go to PT. That's it.
  7. What are you bragging about? You probably booked a room in every city pre-announced at PT. Any monkey can do that if they spend all day there. July 24th-25th SPAC'd
  8. Really? Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. I need a drink and the Carbo chants are stupid.
  9. Tonight she's as big as it gets so far this season. Tell-tale sign contest. You heard it hear first.
  10. The Police called. They laughed at your blind audacity. And it doesnt even come close to ending there.
  11. Well, there's the dumbest comment I have read on this board in 2009.
  12. You boosed it up the day after the NHL 09 tourney? Balls like a moose. I had to still get rid of a hangover this morning.
  13. How tired were you when you got up for work this morning?
  14. Think about it this way Deranger. At least it aint Sheryl Crow or Kid Rock. Wait. I take that back. Kid Rock can rock if you get him right.
  15. Wang dang doodle motherfucker.
  16. Hey bouche, the first 'funky chicken' I ever saw was at that show and it was a member from our group. I was on a shitloadofmushrooms for fuck'ssake!
  17. Of course not. You already cheated.
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