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Everything posted by Booche

  1. How is a two hundred dollar room for under a hundred bucks in any way sucky? And are you talking single rooms or double? Ours are always doubles. What planet are you from? It's downtown MTL!
  2. Did you really just write that? Really? Holy fuck. Take that as my suggestion any way you want.
  3. Not from my vantage point. We got a 90 buck room at the Sheraton in MTL for March 21st.
  4. Booche


    I wonder what Jermaine and Brett and going to think when they see this shit:
  5. Gary Bettman would be happy to sit down with Georges Laraque and talk about fighting. The NHL commissioner thinks he might be able to convince the Montreal Canadiens tough guy that rule changes proposed by general managers this week aren't actually so bad for enforcers. Laraque was quick to criticize the recommendation by GMs that the instigator rule be more stringently applied next season and that a 10-minute misconduct penalty be given out to players who drop the gloves right after a faceoff. Bettman was careful when asked to respond to the comments. "I'd like to talk to George about it 1-on-1," he said Wednesday. "I think with an in-depth discussion, these rules aren't so far off the mark from things that he would be comfortable with." After 16 years as commissioner, debates about fighting are nothing new for Bettman. Laraque's biggest concern is that the proposed changes might end up eliminating the role he has filled for more than 600 NHL games over the last decade. "The GMs need to find ways to make fighting safer instead of taking fighting out of the game," Laraque said Tuesday in Montreal. "With the instigator rule, you have more cheap shots in the game than ever. Having a 10-minute misconduct won't stop that. They should look at helmets or whatever to make it safer, not more penalties." Fighting was the major issue tackled by the GMs over three days of meetings. The final session was held Wednesday morning and included several housekeeping items. Deputy commissioner Bill Daly delivered a presentation about the financial state of the league, but didn't reveal anything new. Essentially, the league still expects the US$56.7-million salary cap to remain fairly stable next season before dropping the following year. It remains to be seen how big of drop that might be. "I think the biggest thing to 2010 to '11 is the uncertainty -- nobody knows," said Bettman. That uncertainty kept at least one proposal from becoming an official recommendation. Toronto Maple Leafs GM Brian Burke has been lobbying to allow teams to retain some salary in trades because he thinks the added flexibility will prompt more movement. The idea was more warmly received this time around than in the past. "I think it's gathering support but at the same time it's a CBA issue," said Detroit Red Wings GM Ken Holland. "There's so much unknown here going forward given the cap. We're going to stay the course for the next little while. "At the appropriate time, it will be re-addressed." Burke indicated that Bettman killed the idea: "The Big Kahuna said it's not going to happen and that I should stop bringing it up." Holland's proposal about tiebreaking rules didn't get very far. He would like to see regulation wins become the first tiebreaker in the standings to reward teams that take care of business before overtime. Several other ideas were kicked around and debated as well. "It's fun to watch the people that love the game like this talking about rule changes, the thought that goes into it," said Burke. "And when you're a rookie GM and you first come in you realize the passion these people have for the game." There was a more relaxed atmosphere around these meetings than in years past. Since the lockout, they've been held a week or so before the trade deadline and included a lot of buzz about potential moves. While the GMs are aware that they've lost some sizzle by moving the meetings to after the deadline, many believe it gave them a better opportunity to focus on rule changes. "I like this much better," said Los Angeles Kings GM Dean Lombardi. "It's impossible to really focus on these issues when you're at the trade deadline." Added Bettman: "We had some very good in-depth important discussions and I thought the focus was really good. I think part of that is because guys weren't out on their phones in the hallway as much as they were before the trading deadline." Even with so much time to focus on tweaks to rules around fighting, there isn't a sense that the topic will stop being debated any time soon. It's something the NHL will always be wrestling with to some degree. "We're always trying to be self-analytical," said Bettman. "We're watching every game, we're looking at trends, we're trying to make sure that we have a sense of what's going on. "Fighting has always been an emotional issue but in terms of any interaction that I've had with hockey executives, coaches, players, fans -- the overwhelming sentiment is that it's part of the game and there's no burning desire (to get rid of it)."
  6. His wisdom never ceases to amaze me. I want this on my gravestone:
  7. Booche


    Kiss? I cant fucking wait!!!
  8. Phish@Hampton aint got nothing on those 2 points.
  9. Whatever Badams. Halak has a GAA of 0.00 tonight. The second intermission is upon us and it's no longer timid, nore are the Habs playing decent in their own end. Thank God for the end of that period because Edmonton began pressing hard.
  10. 2nd period , 13:50 to go, 1 - nil Les Brahs poor Halak. He gets the Molson Player Of The Month prior to the game and has been sitting for the past few. Thank God he is still under contract for another year. Who else would sign in MTL? ::says nothing bad against Price:: Timid game so far. At least there seems to be a difference in the Habs own end.
  11. The fuckinginternets are awesome but before anyone downloads this they would like a full report on what he shot. Thanks Jakis. Do it.
  12. Someone tell Dinghy to save a pay cheque. I think we know who has this one in the bag. BOO-YAH!
  13. You are one tastyassmotherfucker. Happy bday.
  14. Booche


    Thanks again Velvet! If this setlist is right, I am going to assume during Mountain Jam that you saw a tease within a cover within a song. Set 1: Little Martha, Don’t Want You No More, It’s Not My Cross To Bear, I Walk On Guilded Splinters, The Same Thing, New Instrumental, Midnight Rider, Leave My Blues At Home, Leaving Trunk*, .44 Blues*, Statesboro Blues* Set 2: Ophelia$, I Shall Be Released$, The Weight$*, Black Hearted Woman, Stormy Monday, Mountain Jam Encore: Southbound $ - w/ Levon Helm, Brian Mitchell, Larry Campbell & Theresa Williams * - w/ Taj Mahal
  15. That is one wicked avatar.
  16. Whitey, the ushers at SBP try and get us to remain in our seats when we watch the Habs play. They try to stiffle our cheering. Fuckthoselosers. We dont listen to them and pretty much dare them to throw us out. You know why they do that? Sens fans complain. "I cant see the game when the jump out of their seats." No joke. And dont even think I am cheering wildly because I am drunk, because I aint. I am the DD dude. It's embarrassing in there.
  17. Backwards Down the Number Line Happy happy happy.........oh, fuckoff already with that song. But definitely, the number one song they should not bring back is Spread It 'Round. Worst.Song.Ever. I am willing to bet SCI doesnt have something I hate more than that crappola. I will take a 1000 Jennifer Dances before a single Spread It 'Round.
  18. Booing the home player in his own house? And they are the idiots? Were you at the game cheering for Alfie last night Ollie?
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