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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Oh, come on. That is a load of horseshit. He is a new face to the NHL and that is a world of difference from the AHL when having to deal with personalities alone. The easiest guys to coach are those fresh out of the AHL because they dont want to go back. Usually the main issue is their skillset. I dont give a flyingfuck how many kids on this team he has already seen in Hamilton. He is a brand new face. Have you not thought about the pressures of being a coach for the Habs? Of course you havent. The French media is going to have a field day with this green bastard the first time he makes a mistake.
  2. That move tells me they need some tactical awareness behind the bench. I dont know anything about the Bulldogs coach but why else would Gainey bring him along?
  3. Analyst Normand Flynn of RDS mentioned at 5:40 PM that Hamilton Bulldogs coach Don Lever will be joining Gainey behind the bench.
  4. It's obvious this sign at last night's game told Gainey what to do:
  5. This thread sucks. Mine did not arrive.
  6. ::shocked but not surprised:: Based on the last couple of months it has looked to my eyes that too many players werent skating and would rather coast, hoping the puck would come to them. Is that why he was let go? Perhaps but he has made a number of blunders and his 'prevent-mode' sucked ass. There have been far too many games that the Habs had no reason to be in whatsoever.
  7. ::spits water out of mouth and laughs:: Hahahha, thanks. I needed a good laugh more than I realized.
  8. How am I supposed to know?
  9. Buffalo is the only AFC team that's been around the entire decade and hasn't made the playoffs. So, in summary........I hate the Bills.
  10. So some acne-filled kid on the internet is overly excited about Greg Stewart yet somehow we Hab fans in Rich Stadium are implying everything is "alright"? Wow. Sens fans are much more than just stupid. They are also retarded. Confirmed.
  11. Really eh Dinghy? Sens fans have no reading comprehension skills, thus they are stupid. Confirmed.
  12. I still want to know where Hab fans are making "it sound like everything's ok with Les Brahs." Just go kick another kid off your bus because he is listening to an IPOD.
  13. Really eh Dinghy? Sens fans have no reading comprehension skills, thus they are stupid. Confirmed.
  14. Redknapp was wasted watching his side play and seeing double in the process. DaveyBoy'd past 11pm playing FIFA08. Confirmed.
  15. Its pretty obvious you cant do the short math alright............
  16. Thank you. All that penalty trouble at the end of the first and start of the second scared the bejesus out of me. Fantastic work on the penalty kill. I hope Carey's worst is behind him and it looks, for now, that Guy made the right call. Good job Pricer. Hab fans are breathing a slight sigh of relief.
  17. That's what I called for the comeback show.
  18. Booche


    Thanks Todd. Much appreciated and well written. As always. Just to put into context for you if you dont already realize but Phish restarted YEM at Hampton the last time they came back.
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