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Everything posted by Booche

  1. All that beer and wine I drank to help get my mind off of last night's game hasnt helped at all. In fact, I think it made things worse come today!!!! This team is officiallyfucked. I really hope they can turn it around but I am now worried.
  2. I dont like the way Carbo utilizes Dandy. There. I said it.
  3. I spy with my little eye a McLovin and also spy Bouche in the front row.
  4. Halak is still questionable for tonight. ::shudders:: And Breezer is going to play in his 1000th game. ::shudders again::
  5. It's hardly funny. In fact, it isnt.
  6. The ole hype machine is already on top of it.
  7. You'ld think so, wouldnt you? I sure did but recent reports are suggesting that kids are turning to 'real' instruments after being introduced to the fake styles of playing from Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I wonder if Velvet has had any of his young students say to him "Yeah, I started out on Rock Band but soon wanted to switch to the harder stuff once I mastered Iron Maiden on the Advanced level." or something along those lines.
  8. How is Brownstein a dick because he stopped caring in 1999? He probably grew up. Seems to me you people are the judgemental pricks in this regard. Now that I got that off my chest........ Set I opener: Wilson Set II closer: Tweeprise
  9. New additions Jokinen/Leopold + an actually number 1 goalie + everything else they already have. Look out. The Red Wings can feel the fear. Iginla actually has a center and based on that first game? Yikes.
  10. Trey running around the stage with his guitar during BBFCFM at the Rochester War Memorial in 1997 with crazy strobe lights messing with our minds. I kept laughing thinking he was quoting Kelsey Grammer from a particular epside of Cheers "I am running with scissors!" That one memory is deliciously weird and always pops up with this type of question.
  11. Why couldnt he have gotten hurt for the rest of the year BEFORE the trade deadline! At least Gainey would have received some much needed cap space to make a move if he wanted. Fuckin' BGL
  12. They cant send him back without requiring him to go through waivers.
  13. Just don't stare directly at the sun. It can be overwhelming. Drink lots of water.
  14. I really hope they send all'y'all to alternate universes.
  15. Gaustad with a dream tip to make it 4-nil. I have wanted one of those for 32 years. That first goal changed the entire momentum. Les Brahs could never get it back. They looked solid for the first time in a long time and completely lost it. I feel bad for Carey, really bad but come on. The Spacek goal? Fuck. That shit is the symptom of a goaler with zero confidence.
  16. All this talk and nothing about my boy Justin?
  17. Leaf fans are morons and cant spell.
  18. The Bruins peaked too early. I have been saying it since November.
  19. Wait. SlaveToTheGroove and KevO are dating the same broad?
  20. He has another year left with about 5.5 million remaining on it.
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