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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Barack and the Fauxbamas Outstanding.
  2. It makes me think of the Kingston Township Voyageurs which isnt such a bad thing. Hopefully I get to a game this summer. I love drinking beer in that park on a sunny day, especially if DaveyBoy is there and loaded.
  3. Kovalev emailed Dregger and told him he hasnt said anything, in fact he is planning to return to Les Brahs. Everything else is bs. I wish journalists would be held accountable for this shite. I am still trying to pick up my jaw from Oveckin's first period goal. JEBAS! Entertaining game thus far but I have to hit the bed thanks to a cold. My eyes are having a helluva time trying to focus. Sucks to be me.
  4. (I like what the Lions In Winter dude has to say. It's amazing how often I find myself in agreement with his takes) As someone who hasn't had a knife out for Kovalev this season, I think my take on the Bob Gainey move and subsequent press conference may be different to certain others: The truth will always be that one hears what he wants to hear. Some people went to watch that interview hoping to hear that Kovalev would be traded. They found the quotes they needed to reinforce their stories. I went in (and we've never apologised for being the steadfast Kovalev support since the outset - pre-bandwagon 07) hoping that the news would be lighter and positive for Alex and the Canadiens' union. I certainly heard some things I thought would suit my story. I can't tell you what the other guys think, I sent you their links. I can only tell you my read: Gainey respects Kovalev The element that came through with the greatest clarity for me in this whole affair is that Gainey benched Kovalev. In doing so, he circumvented the coach (deliberately) to show his respect for the player. He was wise to do so given Carbonneau's history and still terribly abrasive persona. The other thing I noted was the length that Kovalev was discussed. This was not a: "He's benched, there will be no further comment" situation. Gainey went to great lengths to explain to the media wolves in his second language that this was a special move. He spoke of Kovalev and Carbonneau not being on the same page; but he spoke of how the losses and burden of the centennial was weighing on Alex (not Carbo, I should note). At the same time, he was firm. He asserted that the current Kovalev is not someone that the team needs now or in the future. What Bob Gainey also knows and expresses is that Alex Kovalev is irreplaceable as an entity. And while he knows Kovalev functioning at his best is irreplaceable, he seems to recognise that Kovalev searching for his desire and methods might not be the best thing for the team right now. Watching Bob Gainey's interview in French (where he does an admirable job, completely wading through the intricate questions), I have no reason to do anything other than take what he said at face value. When he says he asked Alex to have a rest. I believe he asked Alex. When he said he will speak to Alex over the next two days, I believe him. When he says he will re-evaluate the situation prior to Saturday's game, i have no reason to doubt that he is being forthright. If there is one topic to be discussed over the next two days it is not the no-trade clause that some would desperately hope it to be. I think it will be how Kovalev should perhaps submit to Carbonneau's plan from here until some future point when he is consulted about how to get out of a jam - how he needs to work through the channels on the team and not take the plight of everyone into his own private world to come up with a solution. Kovalev trade Gainey did address the topic on everyones' minds - the possibility of a trade with Alex's involvement. As any good GM would note, he said that he must be open to all possibilities (marks for that, trading Price - I thought you said all?), but he also hinted that no one was exactly burning up the lines to acquire Kovalev in his "off" year. In saying that, he alludes to the fact that trading Kovalev to a team at his request would be a position of weakness. I don't read Boone's "addition by subtraction" in the comment, but then I'm biased the other way... I think Gainey would prefer a useful Kovalev to a draft pick. I think he feels he would not be able to get fair value at this point and he'd rather make the best of this asset he has. This is man management.
  5. Booche


    Sens fans are stupid. Confirmed.
  6. I still don't believe you. That article looks Greek to me.
  7. Heady 401 meetup for your bday? IN!
  8. Getting back to an earlier conversation, I am far more afraid now following the Kovalev move especially because everyone knew Les Brahs were never going to resign him. Including his agent. Tough love. Gainey Stamp'd.
  9. Kev, you are one of my most favoritist bumpers on this site.
  10. Now that is my kind of girl! Happy bday.
  11. ::waits for Roller and MrBigTime to recalculate the Habs available salary cap space now that Kovalev is staying home::
  12. Wow. That's a bombshell alright! Either it smartens his ass up or there is something in the works. Color me completely shocked. Maybe Gainey will get rid of him for next to nothing if he is that cancerous right now. Then again, it wouldnt surprise me because the In Gainey I Trust mantra isnt floated as much as it used to be. Further strengthing my position. Thank you. Further strengthing my position. Thank you.
  13. Markov and Hammer are both signed into next season, as is Price. Its mainly the top 6 forwards which are going to be a major concern but when you look at a team like the Rangers you cant help but think Les Brahs are in a much better position. At least Komisaurus is playing himself into a cheaper contract compared to what he was probably offered late last summer and turned down. Koivu probably comes back cheaper or at the same rate but as for top line guys.........well, its not like they have any to begin with.
  14. The plot thickens if you want it to. Liltits has been shipped to Hamilton.
  15. First off, I am not going to start spouting bullshit like you do when it comes to the cap. You dont even know the damn cap rules regarding IR as evidenced above! Not to mention never answering my question........ Secondly, I dont have the numbers in front of me and I am not going to look for them but I do have common sense and knowing the Habs have been close to the max all season and are replacing Lang's salary with Schneider's tells me one thing. The Habs have almost zero wiggle room. It doesnt take an executive mba to figure that out and there is no pretense in my analysis. Unlike sooooooooome of us. ::points directly at Low Roller for all to see::
  16. The Habs have almost zero wiggle room.
  17. The math aint hard Roller provided you understand some of the simple rules.
  18. I'm am going back to work child. This is too frustrating. I ask a simple question which you grotesquely ignore. Then I point out how irregular it is for you to actually post something from which we could learn. Instead you give us this:
  19. The only person I am piling shit on is you for stating falsities regarding the salary cap while everyone else is still waiting the day you post something that is actually correct.
  20. [color:purple]You're just full of information today.
  21. How is he saving money and what did you look into? You dont get a salary cap rebate because a player is on the IR. You might want to think twice about writing that accounting exam.
  22. Unless you know something the rest of us dont, you are making an assumption that Gainey didnt put Tanguay's salary on long-term IR. If he did, he will have to fit it in once Alex gets back. So which is it Accounting Boy?
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